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Topic: Life is BEAUTIFUL!
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Sun 11/11/07 09:10 PM
Yes it is. I am going to share an experience with you all who may have unanswered questions regarding your own love life or solitude. Okay so my ex and I were friends. She decided to give into her limits that she set for herself and end up dating this guy I know. I, as well as everyone else had tried to warn her not to date this guy. She couldn't resist. So guess what? I let her go as a friend. I told her that I cannot protect her from everything and I need to live my own life. Because I simply couldn't be in hers without allowing her to make mistakes and learning from them. I tried to warn her about this guy one last time, it seems I have failed. So we mutually accepted to part our ways with respect for one another. Since then, I have been going out, making more friends and life is beautiful.

If you are in between wanting to date and uncertain about your future. I suggest just making more friends and going out. You will see what kind of different people there are out there. Besides, there is not harm in making out from time to time with a few people. LOL Don't need to have sex. Seriously! And I am running out of things to say because I haven't seen Silver Bullet since 1989 and it is on right now. Sorry. LOL


no photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:45 PM
laugh Random!

I'm glad you're feeling good about yourself and where you are going! Keep on keeping on!

Cheers to you! drinker


no photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:48 PM
((((Faustino)))))flowerforyou always a pleasure to see you and read your thoughts

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 01:14 PM
Thanks, but I noticed a lot of people read this and didn't say anything. So either they don't care (which is what I am hoping, because I had when people are like "OH I am so proud of myself" in stupid threads) or it made the rest of them feel like crap because they haven't gotten past the solitude. Yeah, I am going to say all that. We need some action in here. Anyways, I just hope that this did help someone. That's all.

bluebell's photo
Mon 11/12/07 02:01 PM
i agree with u random stranger life is to short to sit back and wait, and making out is fun as well, have fun and dont look back is what i say happy

andreajayne's photo
Mon 11/12/07 02:04 PM
life really is beautiful and until you are willing to open up and really see it, you miss out!

thanks for posting!

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 02:09 PM
So what happened with your ex and the guy that you warned her about??? Are they still together......? And why were you worried for her....he apparantly had some character flaws that you did not care for.....:wink:

Do tell ....laugh:wink:

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 02:32 PM
If you must know, this guy has a circumstance that is life-threatening in my opinion. I don't want to say too much, but I wish to say enough so you get the point. Um.... Fine, I shall say it. This guy has an STD and she is willing to still be with this guy. I never thought she could be that simple minded, although he supposedly treats her better than anyone has. He just has a bad rep is all. I just pray to God for her sake, she is smart enough to cash out before it's too late.

So yes, they to my knowledge are still together and that's it. I stepped back and living my life now. Again, I didn't post this for a pat on the back or anything. I just wanted to share this so that if anyone has, is, or going to encounter such a situation. Just know there are billions of people in this world, and you never have to settle for anything less. Be careful with what you choose do with your life.

I understand that good things can turn to bad, as even the bad things can also be a blessing in disguise. However, you should never put yourself in a situation where you feel uncomfortable, or have to use your thoughts to manipulate things in order to justify them in a way that is harmful to you. You must be smarter than that. That's all I want to say regarding the purpose of this post.

Thanks for reading

texasrose9's photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:00 PM
Always enjoy your posts Random......

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:17 PM
Very well thought out!!flowerforyou

mbcasey's photo
Mon 11/12/07 03:48 PM
Hey Faustino...hope all is well my friend.

Sounds like you still have some feelings for her other than a friendly relationship. If not, then it was wise to let her go despite the warning you gave her about her current love interest. Only she can control her own life and happiness. Glad you have taken control of yours!!


no photo
Mon 11/12/07 04:33 PM
Thanks everyone. Did I mention that I love you guys? And I also love the fact that you all contribute to the happiness and friendship here. You are all special, like pieces of a puzzle. Without you, the picture wouldn't be as beautiful, and would eventually fall apart. Thanks again for being here and "Just saying Hi!". For I have come to know some of the most interesting of people.

luv2knowya's photo
Mon 11/12/07 04:41 PM
^^^Now there's two sweet guys I've missedbigsmile

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 05:16 PM
:heart: bigsmile

make friends

make out

thumbs up

mbcasey's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:40 PM
Hi Peggy...back at ya!!

dhutch9's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:44 PM
Knowing when to let go is a beautiful,self-affirming thing. Good for you.Random. Hi mb-how's it going?

HillFolk's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:45 PM
Some are sicker than others and I am living proof. Life is beautiful.flowerforyou

mbcasey's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:46 PM
Hi dHutch!! Hope you are well!!

TwilightsTwin's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:48 PM
Just the thing a needed to hear at the moment, and in such a great prospective. Thanks.

eileena9's photo
Mon 11/12/07 07:50 PM
Faust...drinker flowerforyou

Was wondering how you were doing with this situation.....glad to see you let things go and have moved on!!

Don't be such a stranger, Stranger!laugh bigsmile

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