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Topic: Compliment the Next Person - part 2
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Tue 01/17/17 04:01 PM
Sharp dressed man

jarviep's photo
Tue 01/17/17 04:07 PM

Sharp dressed man

I can dress sharp. I can dress like a man. I can not be a man lol

The next person is inspirational to family and friends

no photo
Tue 01/17/17 04:09 PM
Good humour

no photo
Tue 01/17/17 05:39 PM
Thank you!

Next person has empathy for another...

no photo
Tue 01/17/17 05:47 PM
Always. Hi beautiful woman!❤:blush:

The next person is stuck with me for life! Goodness Gracious lu_rosemary!

BossTarusKen's photo
Tue 01/17/17 06:11 PM
You have a beautiful smile

no photo
Tue 01/17/17 06:21 PM
Thank you very much.

Welcome to mingle2.

no photo
Wed 01/18/17 10:05 AM
Very kind hearted :heart:

jarviep's photo
Wed 01/18/17 10:22 AM
Likes to laugh

inni_dreamz's photo
Wed 01/18/17 10:24 AM
Very true!

Generous to those less fortunant

no photo
Fri 09/22/17 11:40 PM

The next person is full of empathy for others...

Stu's photo
Fri 09/22/17 11:56 PM
Thanks, I try to..

Next person is most talented

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 02:50 AM
Thanks, not so sure about that though.

The next person has a great sense of humor

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 03:38 AM
It can get me into trouble as well... Thank you!

The next person has manners...

Stu's photo
Sat 09/23/17 03:43 AM
Edited by Stu on Sat 09/23/17 03:43 AM
Yes ma'am, how we raise em in the south, it gets me in trouble nowadays sometimes.

Next person is generous

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 04:45 AM
Thank you, I try to be.

The next person is confident and speaks their mind in a healthy and caring way.

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 08:04 AM

The next person is the life and soul of the party.

soufiehere's photo
Sat 09/23/17 10:25 AM

The next person has wonderful smelling breath!

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 11:04 AM
quick where's my mouth wash?

is an artful poster

no photo
Sat 09/23/17 01:24 PM
The NexT person is a Happy soul

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