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Topic: Greatest adventure/adventures of your life
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Tue 08/16/16 04:19 PM

I spend 2 1/2 years in a remote southern China village, building a factory. No one ( other then my translator) spoke English and I didn't speak Chinese. There were no Westerners for 100 miles. I was handed a set of blueprints ( in Chinese ) from our U.S. office and told.. see ya later

I had a hard time with the language, culture, food, weather, transportation, environment, ect.. But looking back on it, it was a adventure of a lifetime. I just didn't know it when I was living it Lol

I learned a lot and made some good friends over there. Certainly a once in a lifetime experience.

Thats a huuuuuge adventure Greeneyes. I would have been a hot mess for the whole two years. You are a brave man!

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Tue 08/16/16 04:55 PM
Before retiring, my job was an adventure....worked for a local fire dept and you never knew what you'd be doing. I liked that.
Otherwise, as a teenager, a friends father would drop us off at the old Mississippi river channel and we would boat across to property they leased there. My friend and I would stay several days...fishing, exploring, etc.
The land was at one time part of Jefferson Davis' Brierfield Plantation and there were always interesting things to see...the old homesite, slave levees, etc....
Great memories.... Kinda like a cpl of modern day Tom Sawyers.

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Tue 08/16/16 05:22 PM

Before retiring, my job was an adventure....worked for a local fire dept and you never knew what you'd be doing. I liked that.
Otherwise, as a teenager, a friends father would drop us off at the old Mississippi river channel and we would boat across to property they leased there. My friend and I would stay several days...fishing, exploring, etc.
The land was at one time part of Jefferson Davis' Brierfield Plantation and there were always interesting things to see...the old homesite, slave levees, etc....
Great memories.... Kinda like a cpl of modern day Tom Sawyers.

I love that description of the modern day Tom Sawyers. Exploration is one of life's greatest adventures! You are lucky to have had a job that excited you by the way. So many people complain that they feel dead in their career.

tmh1063's photo
Tue 08/16/16 10:45 PM
Definitely scuba diving. The diving here in Florida is great, we have reefs and wrecks to explore in the oceans and diving in the springs is gorgeous as well. I haven't done it in years but those were the greatest adventures. More recently I have done flat water kayaking and really enjoyed that as well. I have seen dolphins and quite a few manatee which is always amazing. :thumbsup: smile2 shades

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 08/17/16 01:22 PM
Peggy What a great thread topic...
I have given this a lot of thought...Here are some highlights through the decades.

When I was young I thought I was invincible and did anything that crossed my mind like
Log rolling... hiking up shale mountain faces... deep diving... body surfing etc...Back Packing a large part of the Pacific Crest trail.

In my 20's traveled extensively thought that was a great adventure.
Learned how to scuba dive and loved it. I explored caves found that is fine to a point. when they get tight I am out of there.laugh

In my 30's Learned to extreme snow machining.{even won some competitions. Which I thought was a great adventure. Did Para-sailing loved it. Did hand gliding and thought nope not for me.

In my 40's I learned how to go crabbing alone, kayak, climb rock faces and even learned how to ice climb. Bungee jumped off of a bridge, I thought that was a great adventure.

In my 50's I find I still push my limits have learned several new things... I found I absolutely love zip lining. Took up sea kayaking...

And still the "greatest adventure ", I can say, I have ever done was be a mother... and now a grandmother... I have learned, experienced so much as a parent. Now as a Grandparent I get to stay in my second childhood and totally enjoy it.

I found this past vacation with my granddaughter taking to places she had never seen or experienced was such an adventure. Seeing and experiencing it through her eyes was one of the greatest highlights I have had in years. I equate it to my youngest when he was about 2 seeing the Ocean for the first time. He just stared at it for a long time and fell in love with water

Again thank you for the walk down memory lane.

GerryLee1950's photo
Wed 08/17/16 01:41 PM
Recently, boating on Lake Havasu & up the Colorado River with my brother, sis-in-law, & friends. Had the best time. We would stop several times because it was so hot & swim for awhile in the River & load up & move on to Topock, CA.

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Wed 08/17/16 03:18 PM
wow.. where do I begin...

I've been jetskiing (but don't really consider that an adventure per se) cuz I had 2 for several years.. but I did jet ski in Cozumel MX.. now THAT was an adventure cuz my ex thought he was an 'ace' driver.. when he was actually only a 2 laugh

while sailing on a 36 footer.. in the middle of a very big lake, a storm rolled in fast and the water was extremely choppy.. the wind'n rain capsized us and we had to bounce on the keel to get it right side up again.. it was crazy with the lightening and thunder.. and one of the sailors was conked on the head with the mast and almost passed out..

I was in San Diego CA for a work/training seminar thang with one of the owners at the company I was with and, cuz I did SO well in the training, he rewarded me with a few extra days to visit and explore.. I went deep sea fishing with a few from the gang.. while they were catching Pelicans, I managed to snag a manta ray.. gave a good fight.. up close it's an ugly fish but.. tasted awesome!

I've been on 3 cruises.. each one it's own adventure.. but the LAST one was one for the books.. my dad left me a lil money when he passed so I took my girls on a ONCE in a LIFETIME trip.. we spent 3 weeks in Europe.. one week in Barcelona scoping out the sites.. then 2 weeks on the cruise.. it was PACKED with adventure.. we did a lot of exploring.. got to see a LOT more than we'd hoped for in Rome.. amazing place.. fell in love with Malta.. got the willies in Izmir, Turkey scared we didn't stay long on land... was mind blown in Athens.. and got the crap scared outta us in Cairo!!
we were on the Giza plateau when I was talking to my girls and walking (thought they were directly behind me) but when they didn't answer, I turned to find them being picked up by some strange men and being put on a camel and walking away in another direction.. I FREAKED and ran after them yelling "put my girls DOWN".. when they finally did I thought it was because "I" scared them into it.. only to discover moments later when I turned to walk away with the girls (hand in hand this time) I saw the wall of militia with AK's glaring at the men.. surprised the girls were fine thankfully, although a little rattled! Then we took a jeep thru the sand dunes.. THAT was a blast.. racing with other jeeps.. then I dropped my girls off at the oasis where they rode camels back thru the desert with our group.. once we hit the ship.. the girls had no desire to step foot on Egyptian soil again.. wonder why? laugh

the last adventure on that trip was in Paris.. we had a short layover and because I'm special bigsmilelaugh I was chauffeured from one gate to the next.. my girls ended up going with a friend that had cruised with us and decided to walk over with him.. I'd been waiting at the gate to JFK about 10 mins when they wanted to board me and close the gate.. I stood firm and refused to leave until my kids arrived.. took another 10 mins but they were good about respecting my wishes until my girls came racing in!

there's tons more but.. you'll have to buy the book laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 08/17/16 06:08 PM

wow.. where do I begin...

I've been jetskiing (but don't really consider that an adventure per se) cuz I had 2 for several years.. but I did jet ski in Cozumel MX.. now THAT was an adventure cuz my ex thought he was an 'ace' driver.. when he was actually only a 2 laugh

while sailing on a 36 footer.. in the middle of a very big lake, a storm rolled in fast and the water was extremely choppy.. the wind'n rain capsized us and we had to bounce on the keel to get it right side up again.. it was crazy with the lightening and thunder.. and one of the sailors was conked on the head with the mast and almost passed out..

I was in San Diego CA for a work/training seminar thang with one of the owners at the company I was with and, cuz I did SO well in the training, he rewarded me with a few extra days to visit and explore.. I went deep sea fishing with a few from the gang.. while they were catching Pelicans, I managed to snag a manta ray.. gave a good fight.. up close it's an ugly fish but.. tasted awesome!

I've been on 3 cruises.. each one it's own adventure.. but the LAST one was one for the books.. my dad left me a lil money when he passed so I took my girls on a ONCE in a LIFETIME trip.. we spent 3 weeks in Europe.. one week in Barcelona scoping out the sites.. then 2 weeks on the cruise.. it was PACKED with adventure.. we did a lot of exploring.. got to see a LOT more than we'd hoped for in Rome.. amazing place.. fell in love with Malta.. got the willies in Izmir, Turkey scared we didn't stay long on land... was mind blown in Athens.. and got the crap scared outta us in Cairo!!
we were on the Giza plateau when I was talking to my girls and walking (thought they were directly behind me) but when they didn't answer, I turned to find them being picked up by some strange men and being put on a camel and walking away in another direction.. I FREAKED and ran after them yelling "put my girls DOWN".. when they finally did I thought it was because "I" scared them into it.. only to discover moments later when I turned to walk away with the girls (hand in hand this time) I saw the wall of militia with AK's glaring at the men.. surprised the girls were fine thankfully, although a little rattled! Then we took a jeep thru the sand dunes.. THAT was a blast.. racing with other jeeps.. then I dropped my girls off at the oasis where they rode camels back thru the desert with our group.. once we hit the ship.. the girls had no desire to step foot on Egyptian soil again.. wonder why? laugh

the last adventure on that trip was in Paris.. we had a short layover and because I'm special bigsmilelaugh I was chauffeured from one gate to the next.. my girls ended up going with a friend that had cruised with us and decided to walk over with him.. I'd been waiting at the gate to JFK about 10 mins when they wanted to board me and close the gate.. I stood firm and refused to leave until my kids arrived.. took another 10 mins but they were good about respecting my wishes until my girls came racing in!

there's tons more but.. you'll have to buy the book laugh

Buy the book? Nah. I'll wait until the movie comes out. indifferent

no photo
Thu 08/18/16 02:04 PM

there's tons more but.. you'll have to buy the book laugh

Buy the book? Nah. I'll wait until the movie comes out. indifferent

you'll have quite a wait..gotta get published first laugh
that's gonna be one lonnnnnnnnnng movie though.. so you'll need a few dozen of these

bigsmile drinker

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