Topic: is it possible to full in love with two people at the same t | |
it is very possible
You mean like conjoined twins? I guess.... maybe....
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![]() You mean like conjoined twins? I guess.... maybe.... ![]() |
It's very possible and this is matters of the heart. You can't explain
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can we be friend
hi can be friend
It has never happened to me, but I am thinking of a strange parallel.
If a person can whole heartedlyly love and devote themselves to more than one child without loving one more than the other , then Im wondering if the same principle applies to loving more than one person romantically. It's just a thought. I have no idea, but I know for myself , real love would translate into the love that inspires commitment and monogamy , |
is it possible to full in love with two people at the same
If you believe in the biological process of pair bonding, then no. The naturally forming emotional associations for one would interfere with the other, and if you kept trying with the second it would interfere with the first. natural?? There is nothing "natural" for a man and woman to be together for life. The biological process of bonding is for reproduction purposes. In almost all species, the male has many bonding's with different females to promote the survival of the species. Getting back to reality...We(meaning most in THIS society) are taught and conditioned(brainwashed) that it is taboo to be with more then one mate at a time and we are told that IF you love someone you will be committed only to that one. But if you can love a wife, and two children, why not just love two women? Your view of "love" is limited to your mind and how it has been conditioned by society. This "interference" is only created by what you THINK is right or wrong based on your "beliefs". Awesome reply and you are right about how we are conditioned by society. |
I think I Love you...
I believe it is possible to fall in love with two people if you are still not committed with anyone . It could happen if you have two suitors who are vying to win your heart and both are gentlemen, I guess it would be hard to choose between the two if they both possess good qualities that you could fall in love with. But falling in love with two people during the time that you are still committed with someone......I would call it betrayal of trust and disloyalty to your partner due to lust or discontentment in life. How could you love two people at the same time when you are bound to give your heart to one person only? It's not love at all, it's a confused love which means you don't really love the person , for when you truly love someone you are certain of your feelings, the mind may get confused but the heart knows what it feels.
No, one would be love and the other lust.
Why would you want to?
I thought one was more than enough. |
think it's possible to care for a great many people
I doubt it would be love |
think it's possible to care for a great many people I doubt it would be love My thoughts exactly. I think that the people who claim they can/are/have have not experienced what deep, intense, pure love feels like. Love has tiers and if love is more superficial -which doesn't make it any more real to that person btw- I think you could love more than one. Also on that 'lower' tier. But as you grow as an individual and are able to hold and radiate a deeper intenser form of love, I do not think it is possible anymore to love more than one. Exactly for that reason I don't believe in 'forced' monogamy, although as it is it may have its advantages for the masses. When ppl have absolute freedom, most that have gone through enough pers. development will go for monogamy because there simply isn't room for anything else anymore than wanting a deep love-connection with 1 person. Anything less is not fulfilling anymore. |
Lets try a human anthropology and psychiatric experiment here.
We have 4 toddlers(say 4 years old) that are stranded on a deserted island(plenty of fresh water, fruits and food available for this exercise). There is one boy and three girls(you can reverse that also). They have no knowledge of God, sex, dating, marriage or any other preconceptions instilled in them by social or civilized cultures. They play, work and care for each other as they grow. In this case I would submit that long before they are even sexually mature, there would be strong loving bonds between most of them. And when sexually mature, because there have never been these preconceptions or rules that we are all subject to, they would have loving sexual bonds with more then just one of their mates. As some of the other posters have said, if you can love more then one child, why not love more then one other adult?. It is because we have these rules and cultural preconceptions ingrained into us from when we are very young that our minds do not allow us to be open to loving more then one mate at a time. JMO |