Topic: The US reportedly airlifted $400 million in cash to Iran
Conrad_73's photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:58 AM
and apparently,the Plane with the Hostages wasn't allowed to take off until the Plane with the Money had landed and it was verified that the Cash was on Board!laugh

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:43 AM
Iran: $400 Million in Cash Was Part of ‘Expensive Price’ to Free U.S. Hostages

BBC Persian reporter Hadi Nili posted the footage on Twitter, describing it as showing the “pallets of cash” and quoting officials as saying “this was just part of the ‘expensive price’ to release Americans.”

Interdasting! Either the Iranians are lying or truthful. If they are lying, how can they be trusted to build no nukes? If they're truthful, Obama is a choose progs.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:48 AM
One of the hostages released in deal told of waiting for hours to take off. He said the plane was there, the pilots and everyone who was on flight was ready. When he asked why they weren't taking off, he was told told nobody leaves until another plane lands(the one with the money).
This was clearly Ransom paid to terrorists!

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 11:57 AM
Found it...

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:01 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Fri 08/05/16 12:01 PM

One of the hostages released in deal told of waiting for hours to take off. He said the plane was there, the pilots and everyone who was on flight was ready. When he asked why they weren't taking off, he was told told nobody leaves until another plane lands(the one with the money).
This was clearly Ransom paid to terrorists!
Yea Conrad has a link a cpl posts above.....And I saw that hostage say that on a video yesterday.....wish I cld remember where so I cld post it.

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 12:57 PM
I wouldn't be so quick to say it was in exchange for hostages

It was probably because you guys stiffed Iran on the cash from years ago, then comes along a few sailors in a dingy paddling lost in their waters, there always comes a time when you need to pay up on your debts ya? smokin

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 08/05/16 01:30 PM
On Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, said the recent uncovering of President Obama’s secret $400 million ransom payment to Iran was a symptom of an “institutional problem, that I think flows directly from Barack Obama.”

“He is, and has been, determined to do whatever it takes to get this nuclear deal with Iran,” said Bolton. “There’s a huge problem with encouraging other terrorists when you pay ransom. That’s why the stated policy of the U.S. government for decades has been, we will not negotiate with terrorists in hostage situations.”

“But what Obama did here was even worse,” he argued. “These people were simply bargaining chips that Iran used to get more concessions in the nuclear deal. The whole thing was wrapped around the nuclear deal, and we were doing Iran’s bidding.”

He noted the total paid to Iran under the nuclear deal would amount to $1.7 billion dollars, but “we don’t know if the other 1.3 has even been paid.”

“Your tax dollars, my tax dollars, are going to be part of that payment,” said Bolton.

When SiriusXM host Stephen K. Bannon asked if there was any doubt in Bolton’s mind that the Administration tried to hide the ransom with its cash payment technique, he replied, “Of course they did. That’s exactly what they did. And it’s humiliating and degrading to the United States of America that we are doing Iran’s bidding this way.”

“I think if Congress had known about the details of this ransom payment, there’s a good chance the nuclear deal never would have been approved, six months before,” Bolton said.

He agreed with Bannon’s suggestion that Congress should swiftly open hearings into the ransom payment.

“Look, the only way you can get at this Administration is to keep chipping away through hearings,” Bolton contended. “The media are not going to cooperate. There are no Woodward and Bernsteins out there, at the New York Times or the Washington Post, looking to make their career by finding problems in the Obama Administration.”

“And if you think it’s bad now, wait till Hillary gets elected,” he added. “It’s only through use of Congress’ investigation power that we have any possible chance of learning what really happened here, before the election.”

Wasn't about the lost Sailors!

OBAMA LIED! US Iranian Hostage Saeed Abidini told FOX Business Network today the Iranian regime WOULD NOT let his plane leave Iran until Obama's ransom plane arrived with $400 million in euros and Swiss Francs.

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 01:39 PM
I wonder, where did the cash come from?what

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 01:47 PM

I wonder, where did the cash come from?what

That is the dirty little secret. For years Congress has tried to pass legislation to audit the Treasury Dept but to no avail.
I can't even imagine what kind of bribes, hush money, wheeling and dealing with political cronies that go on in the Treasury Dept.

Maybe Trump will nominate someone to Treasury that will agree to an audit...You can bet crooked Hillary won't frown

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 08/05/16 02:22 PM

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 06:47 PM


Conrad_73's photo
Sat 08/06/16 01:02 AM

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism

Orde Kittrie
9th May 2016 - FDD Research Memo

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.

Even after the nearly $2 billion is used as compensation, American victims of Iranian terrorism will still hold some $53 billion in outstanding federal court judgments against Iranian government entities and officials. So long as Iran refuses to settle these little-known but massive judgments, they will continue to cast a shadow over Iranian relations with the United States and over expanding Iranian trade with European and other countries that could seize Iranian assets in implementation of the U.S. court judgments. In contrast, if Iran agrees or is forced to settle these claims, as Libya did with the Pan Am 103 and similar claims against it by U.S. terrorism victims, it will be an important step towards deterring similar Iranian-sponsored atrocities in the future.

<<<<<<<so,now,the Obama-Administration has already looted 400million of the frozen 2Billion SCOTUS ordered to be paid to the Terror-victims!>>>>>>>

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 08/06/16 05:19 AM

Iran Still Owes $53 Billion in Unpaid U.S. Court Judgments to American Victims of Iranian Terrorism

Orde Kittrie
9th May 2016 - FDD Research Memo

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on April 20 that nearly $2 billion in frozen Iranian government funds must be turned over to injured survivors and families of Americans killed in the 1983 bombing of the U.S. Marine Corps barracks in Beirut and other attacks for which Iran was found liable by U.S. courts. This is an important, but only partial, step towards compensating American victims of Iranian terrorism.

Even after the nearly $2 billion is used as compensation, American victims of Iranian terrorism will still hold some $53 billion in outstanding federal court judgments against Iranian government entities and officials. So long as Iran refuses to settle these little-known but massive judgments, they will continue to cast a shadow over Iranian relations with the United States and over expanding Iranian trade with European and other countries that could seize Iranian assets in implementation of the U.S. court judgments. In contrast, if Iran agrees or is forced to settle these claims, as Libya did with the Pan Am 103 and similar claims against it by U.S. terrorism victims, it will be an important step towards deterring similar Iranian-sponsored atrocities in the future.

<<<<<<<so,now,the Obama-Administration has already looted 400million of the frozen 2Billion SCOTUS ordered to be paid to the Terror-victims!>>>>>>>

It would be nice to hold some Iranians hostage for the money but since they have little regard for life...I doubt they would pay upfrown

no photo
Sat 08/06/16 08:48 AM
Edited by RebelArcher on Sat 08/06/16 08:53 AM
White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest:

The president was quite forward-leaning in advance of the deal being completing in acknowledging that we know that Iran supports terrorism,” Earnest added. “We know that Iran supports Hezbollah and the Assad regime, and it certainly is possible that some of the money Iran has is being used for those purposes too.

They KNOW Iran will use some of the money for terrorism but send it anyway.....goddam geniuses I tell ya.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 08/06/16 08:53 AM

White House Press Secretary Jisn Earnest:

The president was quite forward-leaning in advance of the deal being completing in acknowledging that we know that Iran supports terrorism,” Earnest added. “We know that Iran supports Hezbollah and the Assad regime, and it certainly is possible that some of the money Iran has is being used for those purposes too.

They KNOW Iran will use some of the money for terrorism but send it anyway.....goddam geniuses I tell ya.

In my days they used to be called Morons!laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 08/06/16 08:56 AM

White House Press Secretary Jisn Earnest:

The president was quite forward-leaning in advance of the deal being completing in acknowledging that we know that Iran supports terrorism,” Earnest added. “We know that Iran supports Hezbollah and the Assad regime, and it certainly is possible that some of the money Iran has is being used for those purposes too.

They KNOW Iran will use some of the money for terrorism but send it anyway.....goddam geniuses I tell ya.

In my days they used to be called Morons!laugh

In my days they were communist bastageslaugh

no photo
Sat 08/06/16 01:55 PM
What's worse than a liberal, an Iranian liberal in the White House.
Just sayin...

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Sat 08/06/16 02:11 PM

What's worse than a liberal, an Iranian liberal in the White House.
Just sayin...

Probably the most powerful woman in the world and you barely hear a peep about her....not goodsick

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 08/06/16 02:14 PM

prophetic,wasn't it?

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 08/06/16 02:17 PM