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Topic: he still dont know..
southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:05 PM
so basically i told my guy friend i liked him and he said he did know what he wants at that time,but he said friends are more important then girlfriends.

so here it is 2 months later and he still doesnt know what he wants.i asked him if he even has feelings for me or its hes still confused, and this is his reply "I honestly don't know what I want.. dunno if/when I'll ever know"
sad sad sad sad sad
so great,shot down again by another guy i like,im tired of old men and minors hitting on me!

im frustrated and im sitting here trying not to crysad

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:06 PM
im sorry bee,, want me to beat some sense into him???

southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:06 PM
go ahead

andreajayne's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:07 PM
sorry to hear that... just hang in there and thing will work out eventually, but in the mean times, let thump take care of them!

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:07 PM
sounds like a nice way of him not wanting to tell you that he does not want anything but friendship with you

no photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:08 PM
Buy a puppy!!! They will love you unconditionally and all ya gotta do is feed them!!!!:tongue:

Deana64's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:09 PM

so here it is 2 months later and he still doesnt know what he wants.i asked him if he even has feelings for me or its hes still confused, and this is his reply "I honestly don't know what I want.. dunno if/when I'll ever know"

this is the same lines I got from me ex and we were together 15 yrs

your not alone girlfriend hopefully it will get better for you soon

nurjoyce's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:09 PM
depends if they are potty trained...or you will be cleaning up after them, plus $ for immunizations etc

Jess642's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:11 PM
He sounds to me a wise man.

Friendships can last forever.

Boyfriends and girlfriends fly out the window at the drop of the exclusive word..and all the other rules that go with it.

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:12 PM
hey jess,,, unless they are a house broken well trained boyfriend,,,lol

shutterbug63's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:15 PM
sounds like he doesn't consider you to be anything more than a friend. Time to look for a guy who is open to the possibility of being more than friends.

southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:15 PM
yeah but if i didnt ask him tonight i think i still would be under the impression that i thought he has some feelings for me embarassed

Jess642's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:18 PM
He does have feelings for you Southernbee...he has respect for you, and was honest, and didn't just take you as a booty call, after lying to you.

Take a step back, and have a look at how much this guy won't allow pressure or guilt, to take away from your friendship.

southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:19 PM
yeah i understand that,but after 2 months with out a definate answer?

Jess642's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:21 PM
Ever thought he is a one woman man, and perhaps he wants to be sure?

He knows how you feel, you've made it plain...

Go out, and be young, it doesn't last that long.

Go and enjoy being an independent is much more attractive than clinging desperately to a decision.flowerforyou

southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:23 PM
oh im definately gonna do my own thing,but like when i asked him out 2 months ago he said "sure"

then he told me the next day hes not sure what he wants

ArtGurl's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:26 PM
Every male friend of mine has said they would crawl through fire if they were interested in a woman ... I am sorry to use this overused phrase but 'He's Just Not That Into You".

Move on ... be free ...

thumper95's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:29 PM
im a bad boy,,, i leave the toilet seat up, run with scissors,, all kinda crazy things

southern_bee's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:31 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

shutterbug63's photo
Wed 11/07/07 11:33 PM
yeah I leave that toilet seat up too. Depends on which number I was doing last. Many guys have gotten killed for that noway

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