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Topic: why do you think there is so much negativity..
no photo
Mon 07/18/16 08:23 PM
why do you think there is so much negativity.. on dating sites

People come to dating sites and social media to make a connection.
To bond with others.

What do people connect and bond over?

Some sort of short term positive benefit/appetite fulfillment, or some sort of mid-long term bonding over a common enemy/problem.

Dating sites don't offer short term appetite or positive benefit fulfillment.

Can't go grab a bite to eat online, can't go watch together the new movie you haven't seen, can't go to the concert, can't go bowling, can't hold hands over the internet.

You can focus on identifying problems and enemies.

What satisfies and fulfills people? Makes them feel the most good?
Increasing happiness and/or reducing stress.

What makes people happy? New experiences, tangible benefits, positive growth and change, physical contact, fulfillment of purpose.

What can reduce stress? Venting frustrations and anger, being part of a group, having ideas and identity validated.
(what increases stress? Lack of meaningful social interaction, lack of exercise, lack of physical contact, lack of social relevance and security).

There are no positive benefits to dating sites. Any positive addition will only come offline.

That just leaves stress reduction.

The negativity is just what you see on the screen.
People don't live there. It's a means to an end, not the end itself.

There's so much negativity on dating sites because there really can't be anything else. The only things that dating sites offer are an increase in stress and a marginal ability towards self medicating stress.
They're a potential gateway towards increasing offline benefits, but if they aren't used as such then negativity is all you'll get.

TMommy's photo
Mon 07/18/16 08:31 PM
forums in general
have their own qualities would you not agree

could be a forum on muscle cars

or dog breeds

humans have the same tendencies

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/18/16 09:22 PM
Ummm.. I'm going with because people don't have manners..
You might be online but you're still out in public... people need to learn how to behave ... because if they don't ((I swear to God)) I'm going to get so mad and so negative..... and angry.. hot damn I swear to God!! ((Im just going to lose it..)))..on them...lol..jk.

no1phD's photo
Mon 07/18/16 09:25 PM
Edited by no1phD on Mon 07/18/16 09:25 PM
.. puts a paper bag over his head starts breathing in and out heavily...ok.phd.. just calm down ,breathe in through your nose ,out through your mouth..
Remember what the doctor said what would happen if you got angry and negative..?... yes!!! he said he would take my bicycle away..lol

jacktrades's photo
Tue 07/19/16 12:35 AM
I think its the same way in life in general, I work with the public everyday, some people are just having bad lives and like to vent, or take it out on others.

no photo
Tue 07/19/16 04:18 AM
sex is very good for stress relief oops

no photo
Tue 07/19/16 06:29 AM

Ummm.. I think I'm in the some category...lol

I'm thinkin that's not true :wink:

TMommy's photo
Wed 07/20/16 08:37 PM
thank you all..sometimes I just need a reminder
those little rain clouds hovering over some people's heads

tend to interfere with my natural rays of sunshine sometimes bigsmile

no1phD's photo
Wed 07/20/16 08:47 PM

thank you all..sometimes I just need a reminder
those little rain clouds hovering over some people's heads

tend to interfere with my natural rays of sunshine sometimes bigsmile
.. no sister nothing could ever stop your rays of Sunshine from shining through..
I realized a long time ago some people are just miserable.. some people are generally just crazy...
But it takes all kinds to make up this beautiful world of ours... so you just be the best you you can be.. keep on Shining..lol..wink.

TMommy's photo
Wed 07/20/16 09:08 PM
hahahaa..you and I both know I am a sarcastic and at time belligerant woman..but thank you that was very nic ebigsmile

no1phD's photo
Wed 07/20/16 09:13 PM
.. well! I did throw up in my mouth a little bit while I was writing it...lol..
All good now..wink.wink..

no1phD's photo
Wed 07/20/16 09:14 PM
Okay maybe that's ^^^ a little too visceral..
How about I had to keep from laughing. Out loud...lol

no1phD's photo
Wed 07/20/16 09:16 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou :wink: :wink: ... just so you know I'm really kidding.... secretly between you and me lots of respect for you.. but just keep that between you and me..ok.:wink: laugh

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