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Topic: life's lesson
calista29's photo
Wed 08/03/16 05:06 PM

that life really not fair...
caught myself in incalculable situations hitted by circumstances that I simply don't deserve:wink: ...
and yes,it pains...

True life can be unfair sometimes, but you have to pick yourself up, dust yourself off and say "hey life you just took your best shot but I'm still standing". Does it hurt? Yes... it can be very painful, but you have time on your side. Take comfort that time heals all.

my fortitude towards life has been profoundly tested over time.
knocked out once in a while but never ever given up still...the essence of surviving :wink:

thanks for sharingflowers

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:32 AM
Life is a test... good or bad, sad or happy, a lesson is always in store in each occasion.

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:32 AM
Life is a test... good or bad, sad or happy, a lesson is always in store in each occasion.

lenychi's photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:50 AM
The world is a cruel, cutthroat place. People are only out after themselves, no one truly cares about the other anymore.


navygirl's photo
Mon 08/08/16 11:32 AM
My life lesson is to trust no one 100%.

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 12:41 PM
Only time reveals the truth of who someone is.

Words mean nothing.

Consistency of action means everything.happy

no1phD's photo
Mon 08/08/16 02:37 PM
Best life lesson... everything can be bent or broken... and I mean everything..ohhh.. you might think it can't be bent or broken..but believe me! it can....lol

whatssuup's photo
Mon 08/08/16 03:37 PM

best life's lesson ever learned from your entire existence?

Never pee into the wind

BreakingGood's photo
Mon 08/08/16 03:46 PM

Life's lesson: Never take anyone's word for anything no matter who they are.

That's pretty damn close to the top.

I go by the phrase Trust BUT Verify!

Candiapples's photo
Mon 08/08/16 09:21 PM
Value those you love and never take them for granted or take for granted that they will always be around.

jacktrades's photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:38 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Mon 08/08/16 10:39 PM
Never lose your sense of humor.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:44 PM
To be grateful for all that I have

no photo
Mon 08/08/16 10:46 PM

Never lose your sense of humor.


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