Topic: I Am Sorry For What I Am | |
I am a trucker first and foremost, do not ask me to change, and I will not ask you to leave me be. My self esteem is at a really low point right now. I have no illusions of falling in love or meeting someone that will ever be compatible.
I have no wants of a woman who thinks a person should change. I have no desire of wanting too ever quit driving truck. I have no doubts my destiny will end here on the road someday, let it be Ohio, Georgia, Utah, or any of the other 48 states. I have lived my life to the fullest at only 35 years of age. I have met many people in my travels all across the U.S. Some nice, some mean. I have gone faster then most people can only imagine. I have seen people act stupid, yet those very same people in the time of need acted compassionate. I have driven more miles in 14 years then most will drive in theyre entire life. I have been fortunate to help other drivers who had car trouble in a time of need, from a cell phone call too giving them a lift for gas. I am a trucker, a proud American trucker, I would sacrifice myself too save the lives of others, and so many other truckers out there would do the same. sorry just had to let my inner emotions out people ![]() |
Hey Bear, be proud of your job. Your probably one of the few that is a safe driver and doesn't drive when falling asleep. You are what you are and your good at it. Stand tall.........
Bearbait, we all need to vent sometimes. Stay strong, and proud of what you do..wishing you all the best
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You are what you are strong. Because of great truckers like you keep America moving. My very special friend is a trucker and I have to give him KUDOS for what he does day and day out. One day soon I hope to go out on the road with him.
Bear, No worries Glad you are proud of what you do . And let me say thank you for delivering goods that I buy. Will listen for you on channel 19 around cambridge.
They call me 1002 portable Mudd Duck Mafia Respect Thunder Bear |
please guys and gals do not take this as a pity party i want, just trying to get some **** off my chest
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bear, you should never change for anyone, esp a woman...only for yourself if you think you need any changing or tweaking here and there...i've been divorced for 10 yrs and have always thought a trucker would be the best choice in a bf for me...but i have never met one...not be up my azz all the time and be very much missed while on the road and be well taken care of when they're home...oh safe...brenda
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Hey Bear
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Way to go bear. Just don't start listening to them good buddies, lol
You're just plain good people Bear. God bless your heart man.
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A new breed of trucker? No a trucker, but one with that "popeye" attitude, "I am what I am" Good! Go ahead on with your badself!
Red Sovine songs come to mind with the hearts of truckers and the great people they are. Smartass, pains in the butt most times, but hey, most of the big hearted ones are no matter what career they choose.......... |
Awwww Bear we all have to vent at times. As far as being a trucker there is nothing wrong with being a trucker. I will say one thing they are a big piece of the puzzle that holds this country together. Humm why do I say that if all the truckers went on strike were do you think we would be after just a few days? I promise it would not take long for everyone to finally notice what it is they do. As far as dating a trucker hey I did for a while and we are still friends. His job had nothing to do with us no longer seeing each other we were just better off as friends. My Dad was a trucker for over 25 years and he was very proud of his job. A trucker is a different bread of people it's not an easy life to live. But one should always be proud of what they do. Ohh and one should never say never you should know better than that. ,lol
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hey bear, venting here is the best thing you could do. so no need to say sorry.
I have a different point of view. I have been in both positions. wife and driver. I have seen my best friend's marriage fall apart just like yours. I tried to make her understand that her husband was "at work", not driving around the country cheating. I tried to help her with the lonliness she felt every day. I tried to help her deal with the "everything" she had to do. She had to do all the Dad things as well as all the Mom things. I was an OTR driver for 10 yrs. Now I drive truck local on weekends and drive school bus during the week. I also was the one left behind. The lonliness of being home and being on the road are similar. There's a feeling of helplessness. There's the feeling of being disconnected from the one you love. From both points of view... it's the hardest job in the world... BUT..... Driving has been the best thing that ever happened to me. I was such a baby when I started. Driving made me stand up and live life instead of just coasting through it. It grew me up real quick. When you are out there you can't get mad at your boss and quit 2000 miles from home. You have to deal wih it. Everyone is right. You are right. DON'T CHANGE. you found what you love to do for a living.... How many people can say they love their jobs?? |
Hugs to you ((( Bear )))))
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a neighbour of mine IS a trucker.i am DAM-n proud of ALL guys get food from a to b for ALL of us.where would we be with out you truckers? like it was said already: RED SOVINE tunes come to mind when ever i see a highway tractor(semi). but you truckers deserve MORE credit than what you people get.i know a lady who is a trucker.she puts SOME guys in the company to shame. oh a tune came to my mind just now "ROLL ON" BY ALABAMA. there are hundreds of tunes dedicated to you truckers.roll on safely bear.
Never be sorry for who or what you are...just be you, be proud of who and what you are.
Apology not accepted !! How dare you apologise for being you !!
Personally, I feel, if the world was more authentic to their true natures, we would have a much more diverse and creative world. Stay as you are, you're perfect, for you. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
just noticed that this in the wrong hey bear we ALL are not perfect to a t.YOU have MORE friends than you possibly thought you had.i agree with jess642.APPOLOGY NOT ACCEPTED!!! YOU ARE DOING WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO!!!!!!!!!!! IF ANYONE DOES NOT LIKE THEN THEY CAN SUCK ROTTEN LEMONS! just my opinion.
I've also been there as a wife, I respect truckers. You owe it to yourself to go easy on you! You sound like a great guy!
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