Topic: Toronto: #BLM Shuts Down Gay Pride Parade | |
omg, he ENTERED A ROADWAY,,, yes, what a hateful movement,,, I bid you adieu... try to convince someone else for awhile now. |
the analogy was made to back up the claim that the movement is hateful that one of its 'leaders' had been arrested
then when inquiring about what the arrest was for, I found it amusing that it was 'entering a roadway' that example being used to try to back up the erroneous claim of the movements 'hatefulness' was funny to me didnt mean to get anyones panties in a bunch about it,,, |
wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,, yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL? ya see,, here is the problem perception in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin' So by this logic, ISIS is a group, so we should absolve the group of anything that they incite and promote? And only focus on the LOW level individuals carrying out their leaders (who neverodo the dirty work themselves) .. uh huh no, that is a terrible analogy , ISIS is an organized group(not a social media movement) that heavily arms itself and is trained to commit suicide and kill individuals with no power' so yeah, THAT group with very specific ideology and motives and training shouldn't be absolved BLM isnt training so BLM is a chaotic movement lacking organization? ....yeah I would agree with that |
wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,, yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL? ya see,, here is the problem perception in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin' So by this logic, ISIS is a group, so we should absolve the group of anything that they incite and promote? And only focus on the LOW level individuals carrying out their leaders (who neverodo the dirty work themselves) .. uh huh no, that is a terrible analogy , ISIS is an organized group(not a social media movement) that heavily arms itself and is trained to commit suicide and kill individuals with no power' so yeah, THAT group with very specific ideology and motives and training shouldn't be absolved BLM isnt training so BLM is a chaotic movement lacking organization? ....yeah I would agree with that its one of the first social movements of its type utilizing the modern social media, and in its infancy it doesn't lack organization but its not unilaterally organized,, any more than the United States became 50 states overnight |
wow and IM the one who enjoys arguing huh?,,, yes ONE , one individual, who determined he is a 'leader' ? what defines leader? and is one leader less of an INDIVIDUAL? ya see,, here is the problem perception in my perception, and judging by the fact people of all races and occupations take part in BLM protests and vigils,, the movement is pro JUSTICE and not ANTI COP the very reason is because it IS NOT RIGHT to paint all cops with the same brush as those who are unjustly taking lives,, any more than it would be right to paint all men with the same brush as those who abuse their wives, or all BLM protests and protestors with the same brush as those who do or say something we find offensive so, I repeat, certainly INDIVIDUALS in the movement ( I dont know of whom you are speaking so I have no details) will do and say things that some find unacceptable,, but using that to negate and deride the WHOLE MOVEMENT is no different than those who use the actions of individual cops to label ALL POLICE and if there is no grown up and rational response here, feel free to just label it all 'spin' So by this logic, ISIS is a group, so we should absolve the group of anything that they incite and promote? And only focus on the LOW level individuals carrying out their leaders (who neverodo the dirty work themselves) .. uh huh no, that is a terrible analogy , ISIS is an organized group(not a social media movement) that heavily arms itself and is trained to commit suicide and kill individuals with no power' so yeah, THAT group with very specific ideology and motives and training shouldn't be absolved BLM isnt training so BLM is a chaotic movement lacking organization? ....yeah I would agree with that its one of the first social movements of its type utilizing the modern social media, and in its infancy it doesn't lack organization but its not unilaterally organized,, any more than the United States became 50 states overnight ...both gay pride and BLM exist for wrong doings done to them..and I respect their need to make a stand...both need to slow down and focus on being more organized and if "radicals" are making things difficult for them..they need to find a way to show that they are against radical behavior...and denounce anyone making the cause a farce... I sure hope they get it figured out quicker than it took 50 states to exist...sadly...I see dead people...on all sides..but hope prevails.. ![]() |
once again,, no disagreement
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Edited by
Wed 07/13/16 07:06 AM
![]() the hypocrisy keeps on going... ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 07/13/16 03:01 PM
Yea they high jacked that otherwise pleasant parade, as far as i'm concerned, they lost any credibility and their demands makes this even more of a farce, the legitimate black community should denounce this embarrassment right away and replace the leaders with quality representation but they can't attract anyone able to guide the movement properly, it was created out of hate and in that case should be dissolved. Your absolutely correct. And it will fade out. Maybe some will join up with Farrakhan's.. to boost that imaginary security force he has been trying to build the last 2 or so years. Yes, black lives do matter.. so I suggest they stem the tide of black on black crime... thus stop killing their own. Seems like a good start.. a logical start. yes, maybe we can stop PAYING criminals to be criminals,,, oh wait, they are CRIMINALS please people, stop equating the say citizens should have in the behavior of their police with they say they have in criminals choices and there is no 'start' , there are many different areas for improvement and many different people and groups to address the simultaneously Yes, as with any problem you start with the core.. the biggest cause. Are saying that the black on black crime is not the biggest cause of murder and violent crime within the black community?... really? Turn on the news M.S.. any news station. Who is killing the black people.. every day...every hour.. all day across America. It is other black people. For profit, for drugs or hate. They could care less about their ethnic group. Genocide But by all means, continue not to take responsibility for your own. Continue to blame others for the lack of accountability within your neighborhoods.. your own families.. Continue to keep your heads in the sand. Continue to do that.. and the problem will continue to exist and grow You can only blame whitey for so long ya know.. then you have to face the facts. So predictable. Lol no, Im saying that with a demographic of millions,, there is no 'start' ,, there are ongoing and coinciding efforts on coinciding fronts they dont have to be done ONE at a time,, but concurrently, ,and they are so yes, black people are as concerned about crime in their communities as any other people and they are doing just as much on that front in their communities as any other people but there is no reason that all 30 million have to only focus on that there is also a concern about police being held accountable for their actions in their communities,, and some of that 30 million have every right and responsibility to address that too Sure there is a start... at birth. The " start" is how you raise your kids. How families accept responsibility for their kids. But with a 74% single parent household rate in the black community I am sure that is hard to do. It is easy to father children.. not so easy to be a Dad to them or even be around.. sure seems that way. But hey, when some people see nothing wrong with children aged 14 having sex and becoming parents themselves.. a kid raising a kid. or kids..(which leads to school drop out, single parenthood & welfare). Why should anyone be surprised. what does someones parents marital status play into their deserving to die? please explain this to me,, all these tangents are nice to paint a 'they deserved to die' picture but in that moment before they are killed is the person with the power asking them first how many kids were in their family or if their dad was around NO complete nonsense, in this discussion point is, police are paid and trained and given resources to both serve and protect,, not to be juror and executioner and if there is a problem with some officers choosing lethal force before deescalation, those officers need to be held accountable by the system point blank. PERIOD ?.. you keep spinning it to police. I asked you about black on black crime.. the LEADING and MAIN cause of black homicides. But YOU ( as usual) refuse to acknowledge this.. and continue to deflect the responsibility to any Entity outside the black community So I will say it AGAIN MS. The leading cause.. by a landslide is BLACKS KILLING BLACKS. every hour of every day, across America. Are you going to deny this, MS. go ahead.. prove me it. I know you don't like to hear that... because it goes against your agenda.... And to answer your question 74% DO NOT HAVE both parents IN THE HOME. That MS is why their kids grow up into crime and poverty. NO father figure.. He's NOT THERE. He is NOT supporting the children he fathered. Got it I said.. it is easy to father kids... being around seems to be a different story... doesn't it. The numbers don't lie.... 3 out of 4!!!.... A breakdown in basic values.. a breakdown of accountability.. and a fractured family structure.. which spans generations.. And this starts with the mentality I mentioned.. meaning seeing it o.k. for children to have children.... That mentality is broken.....that mentality starts the chain. I am not spinning to police, the thread is about BLM which was begun as a response to police killings where noone was held accountable and as I said before, the statistics you keep posting have nothing to do with this we are not protesting about police STOPPING black males or having interaction with them,, we are talking about how they interact WHEN they do its easy to say avoid crime, until one is honest that whites and blacks both commit crime' then one can skip all the drama about who and why people turn to crime we are protesting that amongst CRIMINALS and ALLEGED criminals who interact with cops,, they are able to figure out how to deescalate some situations and not others and how race seems to have a disproportionate correlation lack of a parent doesnt cause that officer to kill that 'suspect' , it has NOTHING to do with it Lack of parenting skills does create criminals. And I asked you point blank to prove me wrong on the black on black crime as being the #1 killer of black people.. you can't... you would love to... but you can't. So you continue to spin it off to the police. |
Edited by
Wed 07/13/16 02:59 PM
Yea they high jacked that otherwise pleasant parade, as far as i'm concerned, they lost any credibility and their demands makes this even more of a farce, the legitimate black community should denounce this embarrassment right away and replace the leaders with quality representation but they can't attract anyone able to guide the movement properly, it was created out of hate and in that case should be dissolved. Your absolutely correct. And it will fade out. Maybe some will join up with Farrakhan's.. to boost that imaginary security force he has been trying to build the last 2 or so years. Yes, black lives do matter.. so I suggest they stem the tide of black on black crime... thus stop killing their own. Seems like a good start.. a logical start. yes, maybe we can stop PAYING criminals to be criminals,,, oh wait, they are CRIMINALS please people, stop equating the say citizens should have in the behavior of their police with they say they have in criminals choices and there is no 'start' , there are many different areas for improvement and many different people and groups to address the simultaneously Yes, as with any problem you start with the core.. the biggest cause. Are saying that the black on black crime is not the biggest cause of murder and violent crime within the black community?... really? Turn on the news M.S.. any news station. Who is killing the black people.. every day...every hour.. all day across America. It is other black people. For profit, for drugs or hate. They could care less about their ethnic group. Genocide But by all means, continue not to take responsibility for your own. Continue to blame others for the lack of accountability within your neighborhoods.. your own families.. Continue to keep your heads in the sand. Continue to do that.. and the problem will continue to exist and grow You can only blame whitey for so long ya know.. then you have to face the facts. So predictable. Lol no, Im saying that with a demographic of millions,, there is no 'start' ,, there are ongoing and coinciding efforts on coinciding fronts they dont have to be done ONE at a time,, but concurrently, ,and they are so yes, black people are as concerned about crime in their communities as any other people and they are doing just as much on that front in their communities as any other people but there is no reason that all 30 million have to only focus on that there is also a concern about police being held accountable for their actions in their communities,, and some of that 30 million have every right and responsibility to address that too Sure there is a start... at birth. The " start" is how you raise your kids. How families accept responsibility for their kids. But with a 74% single parent household rate in the black community I am sure that is hard to do. It is easy to father children.. not so easy to be a Dad to them or even be around.. sure seems that way. But hey, when some people see nothing wrong with children aged 14 having sex and becoming parents themselves.. a kid raising a kid. or kids..(which leads to school drop out, single parenthood & welfare). Why should anyone be surprised. what does someones parents marital status play into their deserving to die? please explain this to me,, all these tangents are nice to paint a 'they deserved to die' picture but in that moment before they are killed is the person with the power asking them first how many kids were in their family or if their dad was around NO complete nonsense, in this discussion point is, police are paid and trained and given resources to both serve and protect,, not to be juror and executioner and if there is a problem with some officers choosing lethal force before deescalation, those officers need to be held accountable by the system point blank. PERIOD ?.. you keep spinning it to police. I asked you about black on black crime.. the LEADING and MAIN cause of black homicides. But YOU ( as usual) refuse to acknowledge this.. and continue to deflect the responsibility to any Entity outside the black community So I will say it AGAIN MS. The leading cause.. by a landslide is BLACKS KILLING BLACKS. every hour of every day, across America. Are you going to deny this, MS. go ahead.. prove me it. I know you don't like to hear that... because it goes against your agenda.... And to answer your question 74% DO NOT HAVE both parents IN THE HOME. That MS is why their kids grow up into crime and poverty. NO father figure.. He's NOT THERE. He is NOT supporting the children he fathered. Got it I said.. it is easy to father kids... being around seems to be a different story... doesn't it. The numbers don't lie.... 3 out of 4!!!.... A breakdown in basic values.. a breakdown of accountability.. and a fractured family structure.. which spans generations.. And this starts with the mentality I mentioned.. meaning seeing it o.k. for children to have children.... That mentality is broken.....that mentality starts the chain. I am not spinning to police, the thread is about BLM which was begun as a response to police killings where noone was held accountable and as I said before, the statistics you keep posting have nothing to do with this we are not protesting about police STOPPING black males or having interaction with them,, we are talking about how they interact WHEN they do its easy to say avoid crime, until one is honest that whites and blacks both commit crime' then one can skip all the drama about who and why people turn to crime we are protesting that amongst CRIMINALS and ALLEGED criminals who interact with cops,, they are able to figure out how to deescalate some situations and not others and how race seems to have a disproportionate correlation lack of a parent doesnt cause that officer to kill that 'suspect' , it has NOTHING to do with it Lack of parenting skills does create criminals. And I asked you point blank to prove me wrong on the black on black crime as being the #1 killer of black people.. you can't... you would love to... but you can't. So you continue to spin it off to the police. |
Yea they high jacked that otherwise pleasant parade, as far as i'm concerned, they lost any credibility and their demands makes this even more of a farce, the legitimate black community should denounce this embarrassment right away and replace the leaders with quality representation but they can't attract anyone able to guide the movement properly, it was created out of hate and in that case should be dissolved. Your absolutely correct. And it will fade out. Maybe some will join up with Farrakhan's.. to boost that imaginary security force he has been trying to build the last 2 or so years. Yes, black lives do matter.. so I suggest they stem the tide of black on black crime... thus stop killing their own. Seems like a good start.. a logical start. yes, maybe we can stop PAYING criminals to be criminals,,, oh wait, they are CRIMINALS please people, stop equating the say citizens should have in the behavior of their police with they say they have in criminals choices and there is no 'start' , there are many different areas for improvement and many different people and groups to address the simultaneously Yes, as with any problem you start with the core.. the biggest cause. Are saying that the black on black crime is not the biggest cause of murder and violent crime within the black community?... really? Turn on the news M.S.. any news station. Who is killing the black people.. every day...every hour.. all day across America. It is other black people. For profit, for drugs or hate. They could care less about their ethnic group. Genocide But by all means, continue not to take responsibility for your own. Continue to blame others for the lack of accountability within your neighborhoods.. your own families.. Continue to keep your heads in the sand. Continue to do that.. and the problem will continue to exist and grow You can only blame whitey for so long ya know.. then you have to face the facts. So predictable. Lol no, Im saying that with a demographic of millions,, there is no 'start' ,, there are ongoing and coinciding efforts on coinciding fronts they dont have to be done ONE at a time,, but concurrently, ,and they are so yes, black people are as concerned about crime in their communities as any other people and they are doing just as much on that front in their communities as any other people but there is no reason that all 30 million have to only focus on that there is also a concern about police being held accountable for their actions in their communities,, and some of that 30 million have every right and responsibility to address that too Sure there is a start... at birth. The " start" is how you raise your kids. How families accept responsibility for their kids. But with a 74% single parent household rate in the black community I am sure that is hard to do. It is easy to father children.. not so easy to be a Dad to them or even be around.. sure seems that way. But hey, when some people see nothing wrong with children aged 14 having sex and becoming parents themselves.. a kid raising a kid. or kids..(which leads to school drop out, single parenthood & welfare). Why should anyone be surprised. what does someones parents marital status play into their deserving to die? please explain this to me,, all these tangents are nice to paint a 'they deserved to die' picture but in that moment before they are killed is the person with the power asking them first how many kids were in their family or if their dad was around NO complete nonsense, in this discussion point is, police are paid and trained and given resources to both serve and protect,, not to be juror and executioner and if there is a problem with some officers choosing lethal force before deescalation, those officers need to be held accountable by the system point blank. PERIOD ?.. you keep spinning it to police. I asked you about black on black crime.. the LEADING and MAIN cause of black homicides. But YOU ( as usual) refuse to acknowledge this.. and continue to deflect the responsibility to any Entity outside the black community So I will say it AGAIN MS. The leading cause.. by a landslide is BLACKS KILLING BLACKS. every hour of every day, across America. Are you going to deny this, MS. go ahead.. prove me it. I know you don't like to hear that... because it goes against your agenda.... And to answer your question 74% DO NOT HAVE both parents IN THE HOME. That MS is why their kids grow up into crime and poverty. NO father figure.. He's NOT THERE. He is NOT supporting the children he fathered. Got it I said.. it is easy to father kids... being around seems to be a different story... doesn't it. The numbers don't lie.... 3 out of 4!!!.... A breakdown in basic values.. a breakdown of accountability.. and a fractured family structure.. which spans generations.. And this starts with the mentality I mentioned.. meaning seeing it o.k. for children to have children.... That mentality is broken.....that mentality starts the chain. I am not spinning to police, the thread is about BLM which was begun as a response to police killings where noone was held accountable and as I said before, the statistics you keep posting have nothing to do with this we are not protesting about police STOPPING black males or having interaction with them,, we are talking about how they interact WHEN they do its easy to say avoid crime, until one is honest that whites and blacks both commit crime' then one can skip all the drama about who and why people turn to crime we are protesting that amongst CRIMINALS and ALLEGED criminals who interact with cops,, they are able to figure out how to deescalate some situations and not others and how race seems to have a disproportionate correlation lack of a parent doesnt cause that officer to kill that 'suspect' , it has NOTHING to do with it Lack of parenting skills does create criminals. And I asked you point blank to prove me wrong on the black on black crime as being the #1 killer of black people.. you can't... you would love to... but you can't. So you continue to spin it off to the police. I'm not spinning anything off police, I'm pointing out the irrelevance of these questions to how POLICE Handle interactions with black males, period lack of parenting skills can create criminals , yes' and according to cdc the leading killer of blacks and whites is actually heart disease assault(which includes with or without weapons) is number 8 for blacks black on black crime is a silly title , but ok,, blacks mostly kill blacks and every other racial group mostly kill within their own racial group except natives who are killed most often by those outside their group just like rape is mostly interacial, but hopefully we don't see the day when people feel that should be more important than police who are found to be molesting certain women whatever any of that has to do with the discussion of how cops deal with suspects ,,,is still not been made clear are we to give police a pass on poor behavior until criminals stop committing crime? |
Edited by
Wed 07/13/16 03:57 PM
I'm not spinning anything off police, I'm pointing out the irrelevance of these questions to how POLICE Handle interactions with black males, period
lack of parenting skills can create criminals , yes' and according to cdc the leading killer of blacks and whites is actually heart disease assault(which includes with or without weapons) is number 8 for blacks black on black crime is a silly title , but ok,, blacks mostly kill blacks and every other racial group mostly kill within their own racial group except natives who are killed most often by those outside their group just like rape is mostly interacial, but hopefully we don't see the day when people feel that should be more important than police who are found to be molesting certain women whatever any of that has to do with the discussion of how cops deal with suspects ,,,is still not been made clear are we to give police a pass on poor behavior until criminals stop committing crime? ![]() you know that i think it's turning into a police state, and i'm no happier about it than you are, but there has to compromises on both sides here... all races need to be smarter about how they deal with cops and just let them do their jobs without the hassles, and let the courts handle the "bad" police... but to say the cops are just targeting blacks is just paranoia, cops are killing a lot of people in every color... |
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there is a justice system to deal with criminals who kill
there is not the same justice to deal with cops who kill yes, best practice is the 'yessa' , compliance, with anyone in a uniform however, knowing that not everyone will do that, there has to be a better reaction than death most people don't have resources to personally take a cop to court,,,, |
there is a justice system to deal with criminals who kill there is not the same justice to deal with cops who kill Then explain how a reserve deputy got convicted of manslaughter after he killed someone. |
black on black crime is a silly title --------------------------------------------------------------------- Lol.. that's the best you can do?. I guess it must be "silly" to BLM to, as it is never in any of their demands for justice list Well, keep up the good work deflecting off of the main cause of MURDER in the black community. Keep blaming anyone other then the true cause of these murders. BLACK PEOPLE in the BLACK COMMUNITIES. And again, anytime you want to prove me wrong on that.. by all means be my guest I made my point.. bye-bye :) the only point made here is black people kill black people congratulations! white people kill white people too criminals commit crimes , including killing, that's whats EXPECTED of criminals and why there is a system to deliver justice to those victims nobody will protest against criminals because crime is what they DO a protest wont affect them , no one pays them to do otherwise cops aren't supposed to be being cleared of the same actions that would be a crime for anyone else when they take lives , there should be accountability repeating the fact that most crime, including against blacks, is intraracial, has absolutely nothing to do with the discussion about how public servants/cops should be held accountable |
the GIMMEDAT-Generation! GIMME not EARN! nice quote....... ![]() |
there is a justice system to deal with criminals who kill there is not the same justice to deal with cops who kill Then explain how a reserve deputy got convicted of manslaughter after he killed someone. , I didn't say there is none, I said there isn't the same convictions of any wrong doing are extremely rare |
msharmony, it is standard operating procedure in the USA for law officers to be immediately suspended from duty after they have used lethal force.
During the suspensions, the use of lethal force is investigated to determine whether or not it was necessary. In short, police officers are held accountable for their use of lethal force. However, being held accountable doesn't mean that law officers should be punished when the use of lethal force was necessary. |
Edited by
Wed 07/13/16 05:34 PM
msharmony, it is standard operating procedure in the USA for law officers to be immediately suspended from duty after they have used lethal force. During the suspensions, the use of lethal force is investigated to determine whether or not it was necessary. In short, police officers are held accountable for their use of lethal force. However, being held accountable doesn't mean that law officers should be punished when the use of lethal force was necessary. the appearance of accountability is not the same as accountability suspension with pay (vacation) before someone 'officially' says it was acceptable is not acountabilty when someone was only reaching for a wallet, or failing to go limp enough,,etc,,etc,,,etc,,, the odds of the force being 'necessary', seems to happen far more often than not |
msharmony, it is standard operating procedure in the USA for law officers to be immediately suspended from duty after they have used lethal force. During the suspensions, the use of lethal force is investigated to determine whether or not it was necessary. In short, police officers are held accountable for their use of lethal force. However, being held accountable doesn't mean that law officers should be punished when the use of lethal force was necessary. the appearance of accountability is not the same as accountability suspension with pay (vacation) before someone 'officially' says it was acceptable is not acountabilty when someone was only reaching for a wallet, or failing to go limp enough,,etc,,etc,,,etc,,, the odds of the force being 'necessary', seems to happen far more often than not |