Topic: Are you tired of guns ? | |
---|---| oldest son and I were just talking about this yesterday we decided the day they come to try and pry em out of our hands.. we are making a run for the border.. Id rather fight to keep my rights and die for them in my own country than to run when I say head to the border? in Michigan that just means go to the U.P (upper peninsula) ![]() |
In the U.K there is virtually no gun problem,because they are not in the hands of the public.In most countries in Europe guns are regulated to the point where crimes committed with firearms are non existent. I personally think that All firearms should be Highly regulated. this is a different culture uk is also one of those countries where love of countrymen is taught and where its an expectation that the community is as important as the individual ----------- Hhhaaa! Countrymen? Community? Like it's 1950 over there, or it a Charles Dickens novel in your head? ![]() nah,, I just read for those more 'modern' limited brains,, country men in this instance is referring to the men and women who share our country loving people over ideals and 'stuff' Turn off Pharaoh's TV & for your own sake. And see what 'Progressive & Modern' really is. "The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses." Malcolm X ![]() 1.I'm clear on what modern means,, 2. I did not mention 'progressive' 3. thanx for the shout out to Malcom, and 4 what has that to do with anything that was posted? --------- Yea well... Adolf Hitler, Mussolini & Charles Manson had some great quotes too. No one ever thanked me for them. Did the umpire see a racial curve ball ? |
the Islamic terrorist debate is an excellent example of malcolms quote about media,, fyi "the Islamic terrorist debate" There is no debate ![]() |
In the U.K there is virtually no gun problem,because they are not in the hands of the public.In most countries in Europe guns are regulated to the point where crimes committed with firearms are non existent. I personally think that All firearms should be Highly regulated. this is a different culture uk is also one of those countries where love of countrymen is taught and where its an expectation that the community is as important as the individual ----------- Hhhaaa! Countrymen? Community? Like it's 1950 over there, or it a Charles Dickens novel in your head? ![]() I agree. It's not a great place like it once was. There is a big radical Muslim problem there The USA & Canada are baby countries in comparison to the rest of the world. But they both threw out the dysfunctional great grandparents, a long time ago. And came a hell of a long way, without them, real fast. Hhaa. We may have to do it again. Because, misery loves company. And nobody wants to bail them out of that borderless mess. Except for some politicians. Who created it & committed cultural, financial & criminal suicide & are still denying it. |
Tired of guns? ![]() ....nope, never. I don't think that is what Isaac Newton had in mind when he came up with his Third Law of Motion. |
| oldest son and I were just talking about this yesterday we decided the day they come to try and pry em out of our hands.. we are making a run for the border.. Id rather fight to keep my rights and die for them in my own country than to run when I say head to the border? in Michigan that just means go to the U.P (upper peninsula) ![]() |
| oldest son and I were just talking about this yesterday we decided the day they come to try and pry em out of our hands.. we are making a run for the border.. Id rather fight to keep my rights and die for them in my own country than to run when I say head to the border? in Michigan that just means go to the U.P (upper peninsula) ![]() black flies will getcha if you don't watch out bears, bobcat and wolves in dem dar woods used to go camping up there every summer when I was still a Mrs. |
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I just started this to get people going
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I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I just started this to get people going ![]() Impressive ![]() |
| oldest son and I were just talking about this yesterday we decided the day they come to try and pry em out of our hands.. we are making a run for the border.. Id rather fight to keep my rights and die for them in my own country than to run when I say head to the border? in Michigan that just means go to the U.P (upper peninsula) ![]() Bow Hunting.. now there's an idea.. replace all the guns with bows.. it will be much harder for the weirdo's to accomplish any mass destruction.. I mean, it takes a lot longer to reload an arrow than a bullet.. just sayin. |
I'm a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment I just started this to get people going ![]() |
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I will deal with an active shooter any day over a suicide bomber...
Y E S !
I'm tired of GUNS! I'm tired of them sitting here not being fired. It's been too long since I've made it to the range. I've shot them in the forest but I need to site in a couple of them again. This weekend I'm going to clean them, oil them, and then go shoot them. As Trump would say, IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT! |
Well ... I don't understand how a country that considers itself to be 1st world can allow for its citizens to own guns, buy them at Walmart, ammo too. The only point I can see for a gun/rifle in a country like the USA, is if you go hiking for protection against wild animals. As for the rest, what's the point? You want them for fun and to feel safe. Safe from what? Every Tom Dick & Harry who's walking around with a gun, like you? It's indicative of ppl living in fear. And sure, in your colonial times you needed them, that's why you still have them and your arms amendment today. But it's totally outdated and ridiculous to think that everyone has/can have a gun. I wouldn't feel safe in such a country either, making me feel like getting a gun/rifle too. To protect myself from everyone else with guns, in case they get angry and decide to shoot at me in a drunken stupor. So yes, ppl owning guns, escalates it, making other ppl who don't want a gun, want one too. Lunacy. We don't have guns over here, just law enforcement. And for the smartie pants who mentioned knives: They're not allowed either. Only a simple pocket knife I believe. So no stilettos, throwing knives, large knives, not any type with a spring on it etc. NO weapon is allowed. I don't see people scurrying across the streets, in fear of ... what? What are you afraid of when you don't have a gun/rifle? We live normal happy lives, feeling safe cos we know our neighbour and the person behind us at the cash register does NOT have a weapon. THAT's what safety is about. NOT needing weapons. Now go trample over each other and get a tantrum over what I said. But please don't shoot each other while you're at it! ![]() ![]() |
I know I am ! are you allowed any? Actually, yes I am. I'm in the reserves and I'm currently being processed to become a cop. Doesn't sound like it. You just tellingus what we wanna hear boy? Just kidding. Don't want my post getting deleted.... again.... |
No. Translation: PLEASE POST YOUR GUN COLLECTION PHOTOS HERE. ![]() ![]() Speaking as a Texan, I must say that is the most beautifull pic I've ever seen on the internet! ![]() |
I will deal with an active shooter any day over a suicide bomber...
Who needs suicide bombing. The police in Dallas just showed us easy steps. 1. Build a robot. 2. Build a bomb. 3. Put bomb on robot. 4. Send robot with bomb towards someone you want to kill. I remember hobby stores used to sell those remote control airplane and car kits. You might be able to find used/pre faa registered controls off of craigslist. There are great DIY supplies at lowes. Saltpeter from your local pharmacy, sulfur from walgreens, some charcoal you can make, some pipes from true value, some bb's or ball bearings from wal-mart or problem. No id, cash okay, no questions asked, different stores no suspicious video. I wonder if there are any drone apps you can download on a disposable smart phone. Are you tired of guns ?
I think I'd prefer guns to the next stage in "I want to take my anger and frustration, alienation and powerlessness, out on people using technology the police and military currently use, and be able to easily get away with it." |
the explosives on a remote item has been around since dirty harry days,, I remember seeing a movie where someone used a remote car to drive the explosive under a car and blow it up
thing is,, if someone is on the WATCH for some type of violence,, that may not get by them due to the noise,,,, |
I have a few guns and I am a registered ccw permit holder and it is a responsibility I take serious.Criminals commit crimes no matter what the gun laws are I mean murder is a crime and they break that law all the time.There should be strict enforcement of the gun laws we have no excuses. I think armed security would discourage all theses nut jobs looking to gun a crowd of people down, why be at the mercy of some lunatic that wants a school or club full of people dead? I have to admit my pistol has saved my life twice and I wish I could, but I know I can't get rid of it, the world is a crazy place and I prefer to be a wolf not a sheep.