Topic: Gimmie 5... | |
Hi Peggy!
Jalapeeenos Rattlesnake Tar Tar Wibs wit sawz Barbacoa, beef Cheek, very cheeky Menudo, for hangover, if it was good enough for the Aztecs, it good enough for this little black duck! Gimme 5 monetary bills that have hit a low recently. And don't say Dollar, it's been in the toilet for about 30 years. Hee hee |
Stocks Bonds Economy Foreign aid Popsicle Gimmie 5 breeds of cats |
American Shorthair
Manx Persian Ragdoll Maine Coon Gimme 5 kinds of clouds |
cumulus stratus nimbus alto cirrus gimmie 5 games of poker |
Texas Hold 'em
7 Card Stud Omaha Follow the Queen Strip Poker Give me five things that smell REALLY wonderful |
Clothes after they've been washed
Freshly baked bread Pinesol Freshly brewed coffee Guava 5 characteristics/features that people in your life mark/distinguish you by |
Poise Honesty Stature Caring dependable gimmie 5 things a typical girl would want |
Edited by
Mon 07/25/16 02:40 PM
Well if its objects you are referring to,
A hot pair of shoes A great fitting pair of jeans signature perfume a good smart phone A nice earring/chain/ring or bracelet Gimme 5 things you prefer to do for yourself rather than pay someone to do |
Change my oil...
Landscaping, cleaning my home doing my own cooking. grooming my dog. Give me the 5 TOP things to do to relax |
Sex Walk in the park Sex Spa Hope that counts... |
Gimmie 5 hopeful thoughts for your future |
Edited by
Wed 07/27/16 07:10 AM
Lots of Travelling to various countries
An exciting and fulfilling career change That I will be able to dance till my last day on earth Find a lifetime partner while I still have all of my teeth Sustaining the amazing friendships I've built over the years Give me 5 things you wish school prepared you for |
Value of self respect How to respect authority How to deal with grief How to help someone without showing it How to cope with technology Gimmie 5 ways to cheer someone up |
-give them...
chocolates flowers hugssss kisses ice-cream Gimme 5 things you like about yourself |
I admit when I am wrong I never forget the good things people did in the past I enjoy poking fun at myself I walk really well in 5 inch heels Dirt and mess dont freak me out Gimme 5 things that you often procrastinate about |
Drivers no turn signals Stupidity Being told how much to tip by restaurant couples fighting in public Bad manners Gimmie 5 large Canadian Cities |
Toronto Victoria Calgary Halifax gimme 5 different light bulb watts |
Five Twenty five Forty Sixty One hundred Gimmie 5 bedtime snacks |
cereal fruit pretzels prunes Gimme 5 changes you ever made in your life |
Quit my job
Blew off my friends Got a degree Bought a new car Got married Gimme 5 of your worst qualities |