Topic: I am sooo upset | |
You may or may not remember when I came in and told how happy I was that my youngest son was officially out of the Army...except he was still to be inactive duty, well he is buying a house and when he went to get some of his paper work from the military he found out that they did a "stop lock" on him. That wasn't supposed to happen. He was supposed to be out before they did that. NOT!!! He is actually still active and I am so worried. I was just beginning to lose the worry wrinkles. Now it is back to worrying again. His unit was just sent to do their three months training to deploy to Iraq. He just missed twice going to Afghanistan, Papers together and affairs in order. He even missed one college because of this. He has finished now though. He has a wonderful job with Conoco.
Anyway, I am afraid they will get him if they deploy anymore. I HATE THIS DAMN WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!AND BUSH! My heart cannot take this fear. This is the only son I have with his dad. His dad is dead and I cannot even think about this. It is killing me.... ![]() AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHH.............!!!!!! Kat |
that was "one year of college." sorry.
kat, wow that's terrible..i feel for you sweetie. i wish the best to both you and your son. i will be praying for both of you
Becca ![]() |
My brother spent 3 months in that s*it hole called Afghanistan. Worst. Place. Ever.
I am truely sorry. I can't imagine the pain and feer you are going thru. I have a son who is 16. I would never want him to join the army in these times of war. Since you are in this situation u have to be strong. Its the only way.
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(((((((((Kat))))))))))))) I am so sorry..I wish there were more words of comfort to offer
Love & light, my prayers... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
My bad. I do not hate Bushy...I hate what he stands for.
beccale, thank you darlin. Wardriver.....uhhh,uhh,well? Thank you? I think? They do a year now. That is with the three months training. Nine months actual war duty. Aaaaaarrrrrgggghhhhhhhh..................... Kat |
Sorry to hear that. I hate this mess too.
Stop loss really sucks hard but you are infomed about thar BEFOE you sign up.
Sorry Scttr but when you sign up for the military there's always a chance getting sent some place during the time of war and the military is notorious for red tape BS.
My brother volunteered to go over there for 3 months to get his vet's status, he's Air Force though. |
![]() It sounds like you have many things to be greatful for. Just thank God for his safe return..Sadly some mothers, sisters, aunts as well as other family members have not been that blessed. THANK him everyday for his job well done.. God Bless you and your family! Thanks for your son and what he has given all of us...FREEDOM!! |
I may not want to hear this....but....does him having stripes make it even more feasable to going over? Stripes...meaning seargeant? was that ranking that caught him in that lock.
I was sooo happy...all my boys were officially out. This is my baby. MY BABY!! ![]() Kat |
From one Mum to another....I feel your fear..
![]() ![]() And hold you close in my heart Kat. ![]() |
Awww Lee. Thank you for coming in to say something to me. I miss you so. I just have to vent, or whine or be mad or something.
I know that when he signed up he opened himself up to whatever. But, in all fairness to me not worrying so much about him doing that...we weren't in a war with Iraq at that time. He says he is okay with it. But, I know my son. He is also worried. He wanted out to spend all his time with his new son and wife. He was worried about losing them. He says that so many of his brothers come back to no family. They get handed divorce papers while they are there or when they come back. That is his biggest worry. It is hard for couples to stay apart that long and stay true and remember the feelings without touch. He says that there are as many that came back to pregnant wives. It isn't that the wives were so bad, but they were lonely. He cannot speak for any women that have served. I am more than sure that it happens vice versa. Kat Kat |
Kat I'm so sorry you have to go through this. My heart goes out to you.
Thank you twitch.
I know that I am only one mom going through this. was supposed to be over. This makes me so nervous. Kat |