Topic: The Facebook Addiction | |
I wasn't allowed to have a facebook page when I was married, but she said she needed it because of work, BS. I'm sure that how she met the guy she left me for, but good more me, sorry about his luck. I have it now, but just to keep in touch with classmates. you werent allowed geeze letting her boss you around( but also that shows lack of trust) so yes she was cheating but yet she needed it for work humm well some people use it that way but i only use it mainly to keep in touch with family that i have never met |
I like Facebook ...seems to me any social activity on line is open to the snoops...and me...don't care what they find..anything I have said or done has been out there I have found so many old "friends" and relatives that I would have lost total contact with without Facebook ...but when it comes to issues in the world...mingle wins ...I value all the intellect and opinion all the peeps in here offer on all the controversial BS...and I won't friend strangers on strange are everywhere ..
I just don't 'get' FB. The pages take forever to load. People make friendship requests and I have no idea who they are. It's like WalMart for me..I use it but I don't always like to. Forever to load? That must be your internet connection ... Mingle is far heavier to load than FB. Prolly cos the truckload of ads. |
I don't have a FB addiction, never had. It's a nice way to post short things, and to stay in touch with friends & family & acquaintances.
I got ppl on there that I hardly ever see cos they live far away and/or in another country. This way we are still part of each other's lives, even though we don't communicate often. Wouldn't want to miss it, but I am far from addicted to it. I spend many hours online a day, FB is the least visited sites of all for me. |
Got out of there years ago. F..... annoying stuff. Especially when in a relationship
I am on FaceBook, but mainly to keep up with my favorite singers, actors, etc. I also enjoy interacting with like minded people in the various clubs on there. I don't air my personal life. I keep it pretty generic. And I do not see the necessity of keeping in touch with family for all the public to see! We do that the old fashioned way, in person or by phone or text.
I've been on a Facebook break since March ... I'm pretty sure it's going to last until after the election
I never understood Facebook. I opened an account years ago to keep an eye on my then teenage daughter Now that she is older I rarely log in. When I do it is to look at pic's from relatives that I rarely see.
Isn't facebook just a term for someone who reads lots of books???
i never got into social networking, there's something about having your life online that i just don't like. Although, my dear departed wife, lived by it. She was mexicano. I'm kinda glad she had it for one reason. She synced most of her photos, then she lost her phone, then she died suddently. After she died, i also lost my phone, but i could retrieve most of the photos she took over the years off her fb account. So all that social networking actually worked for something in the end.
go figure. |
I have fb, google hangout,and mingle 2
I go to Facebook for my news updates. What? It's just as good and "fair and balanced" as both CNN and FOX.
I started a facebook page a few years ago,and only sent one message to my daughter.Suddenly,I had over 30 "friends" and I wasn't too impressed with all of that,so I closed my account the next day....
I only lasted one day on Facebook,and I was not really interested in posting pictures of my lunch,or things like that.