Topic: This or That?
Beachfarmer's photo
Tue 05/24/16 09:03 PM
...The Dichotomy Within

I was out and about today. It was gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful!
Still, rain and movies wouldn't have broken my heart.

I could not decide between tomato soup/grilled cheese or just pie.

I got back home. I did not know whether to go back out, or watch a stupid sit-com.

Describe a moment being torn between a few COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things with great disparity.

*Kimchi or Peach Cobbler being served*
*and of course popcorn*

no photo
Tue 05/24/16 09:54 PM
Last night i got drunk & sent drunk sms texts to 3 girls i know & i only saw the texts on my phone this morning & i'm feeling kinda embarassed to face them now oopsofftopic

jacktrades's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:04 PM
I finished all my yard work so I could could bbq, listen to the game on the radio and just relax on my deck, instead I ordered a pizza, turned up the air conditioning and took a nap on the couch.

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:20 PM
Today I did not throttle a heifer that truly deserved it. Just enjoyed the day with other/better folks, and ending my day with a snuggle from my new puppy. Life is cool.

no1phD's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:48 PM
Mend my broken fence..
Or spend time with my super hot girlfriend..hmmmm.... what to do what to screw it I think I'm just going to have some peach cobbler pie..

Robxbox73's photo
Tue 05/24/16 11:03 PM
Spent the day with an old friend. He was best man at my first marriage. We had lunch and remembered the good old days.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Wed 05/25/16 02:01 AM
Last thing like that was deciding to stay home or to go to my fave crystal shop to get a specific crystal.
I stayed home, but it kept nagging..

Next weekend ... same thing. And I went out and got some nice crystals :)

... always in two minds... potatoes or rice
Cook myself ... or a BLEEP-PING meal (microwave meal from the supermaket) or get some Chinese / fries ...

Decisions decisions

no photo
Wed 05/25/16 02:46 AM

Today I did not throttle a heifer that truly deserved it. Just enjoyed the day with other/better folks, and ending my day with a snuggle from my new puppy. Life is cool.

"Throttle a heifer"?... Are you dressed from head to toe in black leather?winking

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Wed 05/25/16 04:05 AM
You know, it's exactly things like these, that make dictatorships so appealing.

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 05/25/16 04:41 AM

...The Dichotomy Within

I was out and about today. It was gorgeous, beautiful, wonderful!
Still, rain and movies wouldn't have broken my heart.

I could not decide between tomato soup/grilled cheese or just pie.

Always go with the pie.

* * * * *

The preceding post sponsored by Melmacian Cinema, now showing . . .

mzrosie's photo
Wed 05/25/16 11:30 AM

Describe a moment being torn between a few COMPLETELY DIFFERENT things with great disparity.

*Kimchi or Peach Cobbler being served*
*and of course popcorn*

Last night, I was torn between watching the finale of The Voice or Dancing with the Stars. I ordered pizza and binge watched season one of True Detective instead.

Yogurt or sushi today... maybe

Twintidbits24's photo
Wed 05/25/16 11:38 AM

Mend my broken fence..
Or spend time with my super hot girlfriend..hmmmm.... what to do what to screw it I think I'm just going to have some peach cobbler pie..

Hmmmm....Now there is a super hot girlfriend....I think I've been gone so long, I need to catch up Lolzzzzz.....laugh

Beachfarmer's photo
Fri 05/27/16 02:31 PM
Edited by Beachfarmer on Fri 05/27/16 02:32 PM
I need to make my way to the Carribean.

or to Norway

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Fri 05/27/16 04:20 PM

I need to make my way to the Carribean.

or to Norway

That's easy ... Norway.
Although ... Caribbean ... coconuts? Warm weather ...
Dammit, now I'm in two minds! Cheers!

mzrosie's photo
Sat 05/28/16 04:27 PM
Someone is showing us his armpit today. Why?

Because... or why da heck not

Beer is the answer.
