Topic: The five grades of coffee
eldarbeast's photo
Tue 05/24/16 04:40 AM
As I was taught in the US Navy, there are five grades of coffee:

Day one - freshly made coffee;

Day two - java;

Day three - joe;

Day four - jamoke;

Day five - carbon remover...


Conrad_73's photo
Tue 05/24/16 04:49 AM

As I was taught in the US Navy, there are five grades of coffee:

Day one - freshly made coffee;

Day two - java;

Day three - joe;

Day four - jamoke;

Day five - carbon remover...

laugh :laughing:

eldarbeast's photo
Tue 05/24/16 05:40 AM
Coffee must be black as death,
Hot as hell,
And sweet as love... ~Turkish proverb


no photo
Tue 05/24/16 09:46 PM
Some times I miss NAVY coffee, especially the stuff at the end of the day that you could almost stand a spoon up in. It's also the only thing I've ever had that can cover up the taste of JP5 (jet fuel for you civvies).

jacktrades's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:08 PM
I work the graveyard shift so I go for the brew that is like putting jumper cables from a car battery directly to my heart.laugh laugh

no1phD's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:14 PM
I worked in a insulation Factory when I was younger.. the shredded paper kind of insulation... the coffee always tasted like wet newspaper..yum..yum.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:38 PM

I work the graveyard shift so I go for the brew that is like putting jumper cables from a car battery directly to my heart.laugh laugh

soufiehere's photo
Tue 05/24/16 10:44 PM

I worked in a insulation Factory when I was younger.. the shredded paper kind of insulation... the coffee always tasted like wet newspaper..yum..yum.

I remember deathly silence as my parents watched
the coffee pot percolating on the stove.

I thought it must be magic, because as soon as
they drank a cup they would begin to talk.

When I grew up and finally tasted it, I was
sorely disappointed and nothing magical
happened at all :-(

1Marie63's photo
Tue 05/24/16 11:13 PM

I worked in a insulation Factory when I was younger.. the shredded paper kind of insulation... the coffee always tasted like wet newspaper..yum..yum.

I remember deathly silence as my parents watched
the coffee pot percolating on the stove.

I thought it must be magic, because as soon as
they drank a cup they would begin to talk.

When I grew up and finally tasted it, I was
sorely disappointed and nothing magical
happened at all :-(

rofl rofl
It is an acquired taste but one I don't think I could get up in the morning without so for me it does work magic :)

eldarbeast's photo
Sun 05/29/16 02:43 AM
My parents would drink TWO twelve cup pots of coffee every day except Sunday. My dad, age 80, still drinks half a pot every day.

While in the service I could not get enough. Nowadays, I only drink 2-3 cups when dining out with my date.
