Topic: Out of Body Experience | |
A tad off topic but honestly has anyone ever woke up with unexplained wounds? Such as bleeding cuts, scratches etc..?
i think everyone would agree there is not that much difference between our brains and other mammals brains, we basically do the same things... but just think about different things... while other mammals might not have 100's of billions of neurons firing, they still play, eat, sleep, dream and reproduce the same way humans do... i was always told when growing up the animals do not think, which from personal observation know this is wrong... but my point of what i was saying earlier in the thread, the elevated neuron firings at the moment of death kind of confirms this... since all of your reality (perceptions of) is nothing but chemical reactions that happens inside your brain, how could someone perceive to outside of their body where no neurons are available? if your brain controls everything you see, touch, feel, smell, and sense, how could you be able to tell the difference between whats real and not real at the time of death? everything is interpreted inside your head, nowhere else... appears like death has 2 stages. bodily followed by 'mind driven brain' let's say body dies, heart / lungs & all those autonomous functions - all those associated with the brain-stem, dies.. but the mature brain, the neo-cortex is an evolved creature it has all the experiences and memories.... & ego to the point that it commanded attention while 'all the while the body aged, it managed as teeth fell out, vision blurred, memory became unreliable IT with age, started losing trust on it's body, and what is deemed as our lower brain, the reptilian brain So when the reptilian gives up, dies.. the neo-cortex, the higher up, the boss, says hell! "the ship got torpedoed; the engine room is on fire, the control room got shorted, abandon ship.." IT experiences loss of sensory inputs, feels pain allover, 'agony of death' but IT won't give in; a whisper says 'i am too young to die' IT resists death - naturally or the whisper says, 'my job is done' IT accepts death - naturally --xx-- taking the first case, 'too young..' the brain 'misinterprets the death signal as it had not expected / experienced sufficiently to catalogued it in memory and so interprets the death signal as "abandon ship" now here is where the mind takes over & says: 'abandon the neuron base we know as home lets swiftly move outside of this sinking skull..' i.e. assuming that we have a mind then such a projection; a demand to the computer not to 'crash' is plausible. So when the Mind 'knowing' that it is superior to all that bodily / brain universe; and yet not in denial that it needs this 'soil' to exist but for a moment resists its 'death'. (whatsoever the state the body may be in) now the Mind prompts the only soil it really controls it prompts all of the neo-cortex to battle stations - keep firing (explains the brain arousal reported at NDE) and by this process of extreme arousal the mind 'periscopes' out (let's keep in mind this is a death upheaval) and what does the Mind necessarily do? if it could periscope outside of the body? yes, using it's ethereal mirror (for seconds) it to looks down and asks - "am i really dead?" --xx-- this is a fairy tale yet, after going through the links provided by MM there does seem to be a time lapse between the death by cessation of heart beat and 'brain death' or cessation of NDE!! In fact it is possible that this time lapse could be in hours.. which brings us to the point that we may all experience some form of NDE before final brain death. Nice theory. That's all. |
For S4MRW & BHawkins, it's on having 'out of body experience' while under MRI credits: MM was worth a reread although i still couldn't figure out how exactly potassium ions - threshold quantity leaps through the axons. must be some quantum mechanics parallel in the brain. ![]() |
A tad off topic but honestly has anyone ever woke up with unexplained wounds? Such as bleeding cuts, scratches etc..? Go see a real good healer. Could be that in your past you attracted some negative spirits for whatever reason. They could even be the cause of your drug abuse. Drug abuse is often an escapism. If you subconsciously knew you couldn't get rid of the nasties, but you could if you used drugs ... then you had good reason to go there. Negative spirits/entities can get attached to our auras, become part of them almost, and continue to scr*w up your life. There's plenty of healers who can help you with this. You just need to find one who's got experience with this and can help rid you of it. Then all the BS you experience will stop and you can live a nice, happy life. |
A tad off topic but honestly has anyone ever woke up with unexplained wounds? Such as bleeding cuts, scratches etc..? Go see a real good healer. Could be that in your past you attracted some negative spirits for whatever reason. They could even be the cause of your drug abuse. Drug abuse is often an escapism. If you subconsciously knew you couldn't get rid of the nasties, but you could if you used drugs ... then you had good reason to go there. Negative spirits/entities can get attached to our auras, become part of them almost, and continue to scr*w up your life. There's plenty of healers who can help you with this. You just need to find one who's got experience with this and can help rid you of it. Then all the BS you experience will stop and you can live a nice, happy life. My demons have their claws dug in deep ![]() ![]() |
A tad off topic but honestly has anyone ever woke up with unexplained wounds? Such as bleeding cuts, scratches etc..? Go see a real good healer. Could be that in your past you attracted some negative spirits for whatever reason. They could even be the cause of your drug abuse. Drug abuse is often an escapism. If you subconsciously knew you couldn't get rid of the nasties, but you could if you used drugs ... then you had good reason to go there. Negative spirits/entities can get attached to our auras, become part of them almost, and continue to scr*w up your life. There's plenty of healers who can help you with this. You just need to find one who's got experience with this and can help rid you of it. Then all the BS you experience will stop and you can live a nice, happy life. My demons have their claws dug in deep ![]() ![]() You don't actually need to meet someone. It can be done over distance just the same, as long as the healer is good. In that sense you could get someone in China. But if you're happy to live that way ... that's probably why they won't go away either. But in spite of that, do consider your child's health and safety ... They might suck him in just the same, and is that what you want for your son? |