Topic: Escape Clause.
Goofball73's photo
Mon 04/25/16 06:49 PM
So, do you have one? An Escape Clause is your method of "escaping" a first date that is just not going well at all. Maybe you text #911 to your bestie? Or maybe you have a couple friends spying on you waiting for the signal? How about it minglers?

soufiehere's photo
Mon 04/25/16 07:06 PM
I take this profundity from 'War Games':
"The only way to win the game, is not to play."

Goofball73's photo
Mon 04/25/16 07:15 PM

I take this profundity from 'War Games':
"The only way to win the game, is not to play."

Global Thermonuclear War!

Robxbox73's photo
Mon 04/25/16 07:26 PM
Nope. Haven't been catfished yet!

ErotiDoug's photo
Mon 04/25/16 07:26 PM

* I'm glad you brought it up Goofball73.laugh
* I had never thought of it.
* Good thinking, it is a good idea!

** For me, I will twist it a bit.
* I will tell her, we can both use the plan of escape.
* Brushing hair or such, meeting is over :cry:

drinker Goofball73

no photo
Mon 04/25/16 07:57 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 04/25/16 07:58 PM
I've never needed one. Out of the hand full of dates I've had as long as one of us is talking I don't feel the date is going bad, but then again I don't run out of things to talk about and I'm not looking to "seal any deals" so to speak. Although I'm sure they have probably been used on me by at least one of the few women I have dated.

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 04/25/16 09:05 PM
When I was out and about doing the mentire and greets or date, yes I would warn them i was on call. And someone would buzz me. And if it was horrible then yes I would use work as an excuse.oops

no photo
Mon 04/25/16 09:10 PM
You Mean people do that!?shocked


PacificStar48's photo
Mon 04/25/16 09:44 PM
Nah at least on first dates I keep things short, sweet, and in a safe place to just excuse myself with a no-committal thanks for your time. Not answering someone phone or emails usually got the point across I had lost interest.

I am not into phones on dates or double date thing so the wing man/gal pal or kid emergency concept wasn't my thing. I have been self employed most of my adult life so the work excuse didn't work that well either .

Given my job I tend to just try to avoid the whole relationship autopsy thing so putting off the truth by a white lie never seemed that wise.

I have said a few times over the years on initial dates that I said "I don't feel like the "chemistry" is gelling and I am going to excuse myself." A few were kind of in shock but if you are somewhere you can just get up and walk away it is not like it is going to be a "big deal".