Topic: Need for speed...
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Sat 04/16/16 05:42 AM
Do you prefer dating other races?

Twintidbits24's photo
Sat 04/16/16 06:29 AM
Edited by Twintidbits24 on Sat 04/16/16 06:31 AM
like???? Aliens?? They have much higher speed that you'll ever know laugh

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 04/16/16 09:49 AM
I fail to see the connection? It's usually size related, not speed?

I don't date other races. Just cos I don't want too much of a cultural difference within a relationship.

PacificStar48's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:02 AM
My only experience is dating those of the Human Race.

Now a Melmactician sounds like it would be a hoot as would be a few Martians but never had the privelege.

Humor and being a great family man always ranks high regardless of race.

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:16 AM

like???? Aliens?? They have much higher speed that you'll ever know laugh

Hey! You were supposed to keep that a secret. :angry:

Twintidbits24's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:27 AM

like???? Aliens?? They have much higher speed that you'll ever know laugh

Hey! You were supposed to keep that a secret. :angry:

It's a secret no more, you just revealed yourself...Transform again!!! bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:29 AM

like???? Aliens?? They have much higher speed that you'll ever know laugh

Hey! You were supposed to keep that a secret. :angry:

It's a secret no more, you just revealed yourself...Transform again!!! bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Oh great. Now every female I am with will be saying, "Faster! Faster!" slaphead

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:29 AM

Do you prefer dating other races?

I am still trying to figure out the need for speed?
When dating other races unless this is about dating at other race tracks?

Dodo_David's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:34 AM

My only experience is dating those of the Human Race.

Now a Melmactician sounds like it would be a hoot as would be a few Martians but never had the privelege.

Humor and being a great family man always ranks high regardless of race.

PacificStar48, I know an older Melmacian whom I can fix you up with.

mzrosie's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:34 AM

Title - Need for speed...

Question - Do you prefer dating other races?

I don't see the relevance of "need for speed" and preference in dating other races.

But I guess if one knew they only have a few days to find a mate and if they don't find a mate, they would expire... well then, need for speed would be quite relevant.

... and at that point, I guess if it was life or death situation, preference in race, would not be a priority. They would go into survival mode.

Cheers! drinker

Manturkey1's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:38 AM

like???? Aliens?? They have much higher speed that you'll ever know laugh

Hey! You were supposed to keep that a secret. :angry:

It's a secret no more, you just revealed yourself...Transform again!!! bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Oh great. Now every female I am with will be saying, "Faster! Faster!" slaphead

life in the fast lane :smile:

Twintidbits24's photo
Sat 04/16/16 10:43 AM

My only experience is dating those of the Human Race.

Now a Melmactician sounds like it would be a hoot as would be a few Martians but never had the privelege.

Humor and being a great family man always ranks high regardless of race.

PacificStar48, I know an older Melmacian whom I can fix you up with.

Now she has the privilege to such....Lolzzzz....Question is if she is going to take it?.....laugh

37ko's photo
Sat 04/16/16 11:28 AM
need for speed is a reference to racing.... hence race...clever! I've dated plenty of different races, always educational if not anything else...suppose its a comfort level sort of thing...cultural differences can be a tad perplexing

no photo
Sat 04/16/16 01:55 PM

need for speed is a reference to racing.... hence race...clever! I've dated plenty of different races, always educational if not anything else...suppose its a comfort level sort of thing...cultural differences can be a tad perplexing

Yes...You got it.!

no photo
Sat 04/16/16 08:15 PM

need for speed is a reference to racing.... hence race...clever! I've dated plenty of different races, always educational if not anything else...suppose its a comfort level sort of thing...cultural differences can be a tad perplexing

Yes...You got it.!

Oh! Now I understand laugh

I've never dated anyone outside of my race before, but I'm open to it.

I don't want to limit myself. :smile:

ErotiDoug's photo
Sat 04/16/16 08:35 PM
** Being in Canada :smile: We get to date almost every "race?" or religion that the Earth offers.

* Interesting, fun learning experience. Hence my M name :cry: (tears of joy) laugh

** French words whispered, Asian silk skin, Indian spice tasted, and removing a hijab. Yes they wear blue jean and have make-up under the hijab. blushing

ErotiDoug's photo
Sat 04/16/16 08:39 PM

need for speed is a reference to racing.... hence race...clever! I've dated plenty of different races, always educational if not anything else...suppose its a comfort level sort of thing...cultural differences can be a tad perplexing

Yes...You got it.!

Oh! Now I understand laugh

I've never dated anyone outside of my race before, but I'm open to it.

I don't want to limit myself. :smile:


* peggy122 You shock me ! You have said that in the past and I am still "shocked" slaphead scared

no photo
Sun 04/17/16 04:02 AM
Edited by Unknow on Sun 04/17/16 04:23 AM

need for speed is a reference to racing.... hence race...clever! I've dated plenty of different races, always educational if not anything else...suppose its a comfort level sort of thing...cultural differences can be a tad perplexing

Yes...You got it.!

Oh! Now I understand laugh

I've never dated anyone outside of my race before, but I'm open to it.

I don't want to limit myself. :smile:


* peggy122 You shock me ! You have said that in the past and I am still "shocked" slaphead scared


adivorcedone's photo
Sun 04/17/16 04:18 AM
Outside of the Daytona 500, I rarely go by race.....I go by what attracts me...yeah! ok...physically attracts me....and I always let her dictate the pace....but I like getting the oil and filter changes, when I feel the need for speed....