Topic: nicest thing
mdl7070's photo
Tue 10/30/07 10:12 PM
ok i saw on a different site a similar topic and thought maybe we could all deal with some positve energy.

i would have to say one of the nicest things someone did for me is asking me to go on vaction with her and her kids. the getting away from work for a week. just hanging out for a week with the biggest concern being driving in some traffic to being where we was going to eat at.
even though the relationship didnt work out it was nice to be there even for just awhile.

so wat is something that someone has done for you

ajhagena's photo
Tue 10/30/07 10:28 PM
One time my roommate was having sex, and he actually decided to do it IN HIS OWN ROOM instead of in the living room.

I found this very kind, since, although his girlfriend wasn't at all bad to look at while sprawled naked on our couch, I wasn't really fond of using the couch after such episodes.

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 10:53 PM
my girlfriend gave me a son...(now the funny yet crude part)at least i think hes mine,whether its the nicest thing we'll have to see how he turns out..{never can give a straight answer}what do you expect im on a dating site for christ sakes...laugh

no photo
Tue 10/30/07 10:55 PM
could we get a little more graphic detailing to the girl on the couch here...laugh

ajhagena's photo
Tue 10/30/07 10:58 PM
Well, to me honest, I always tried to avoid looking, as her firm but supple breasts and smooth, soft skin were countered by my roommates gigantic hairy ass.

Marie55's photo
Tue 10/30/07 11:08 PM
My middle brother died unexpectedly in June and I was amazed at how many of my friends on here came forward and gave me their phone numbers and kept checking in with me to see how I was doing. I was really touched by the sensitivity and caring, and the caliber of some of the people on here, after all we had only talked in e-mails and threads. They showed their true hearts.

(Guess that sounded dumb - after all, most people die "unexpectedly.")

JaymeStephens84a0lc's photo
Tue 10/30/07 11:18 PM
My mother and father, they gave me life. My sister gave me examples of what not to do so I wouldn't go down the wrong road. My grandmother passed down her wisdom to me so I can live life with eyes and heart open.

LAMom's photo
Wed 10/31/07 12:11 AM
My children give me strength, love and support
Unconditional love……

A simple smile from a stranger …. Wow that certainly
Changes one mood when life seems a bit boggled

My (((( Familia )))) their support, love and
Guidance given freely, unconditionally ….
Laughter shared,, tears shed,,, hope found.....
Open arms filled with life,,,, :heart:

no photo
Wed 10/31/07 12:22 AM
I came home from work the other night at 11 pm per usual and someone had swept all the pine needles off of my driveway. Im thinking it was my next door neighbour....but so far no one has said anything.....I wish they would do the yard next!!!:wink: laugh laugh laugh laugh