Topic: can you? | |
can you juggle jellyfish?
They don't like it have to get the little blobby ones with no tentacles..or the giant leopard spotted ones. They don't get too grumpy. |
dead ones!
¿Are we allowed gloves?
I am the all-time jellyfish juggling grand master champion!
And the amazing thing is that no jelly fish are harmed in my handling of them. A little dizzy when all is said and done, but happy overall.
if they sting you, isnt someone supposed to pee on you to take away the sting? thats what they did on "friends"
Goofy, maybe we can do a combined jellyfish juggle, that would be six or so between us...
i'm in
I tried that once.... only once though.
Don't they sting?
Anything but the jellyfish....had to many bad experiences with them growing up in just brought back some tramatic
What a fantastic juggling act that would be, Jess! And as for peeing to relieve the pain of the stings, I alternate juggling the jelly fish and peeing on my hands when they are up in the air. It really is quite a spectacular sight to behold!
can anyone tell me if the pee thing really works for a jellyfish sting? i always wondered about that.
Owwwwww...jellyfish hurts!!!
It used to be acidic stuff to put on jellyfish stings.
Like vinegar. Now it's ice and heaps of fresh water, with Iracanji, (Box Jellyfish) it's as hot as you can stand it, the water, and call an ambulance IMMEDIATELY. For blue bottles,(Man O' War) it's ice, and fresh water, as well as any of the others..well, it's what we do here in Australia... DON'T rub it with sand, or anything else, DO NOT rub the stings, they release more toxins. |
They only sting you because they are crying out. They want you to juggle them!!!
When I am in frantic juggling mode, the little darlings are like ***** putty in my hands.
Wow..they blocked the word p*ssy..even though it was part of such an innocent word.
the pee thing does work.... its the acidity that helps take the burn out of the sting ...... works on bullnettles too ...bullnettles=plant with long spines that burn like hell when they brush against your skin.