Topic: Changing | |
If you meet a great guy who is perfect for you but he feels that there is one minor thing wrong with you should you be willing to change for him?
"one minor thing wrong with you"???
![]() speechless for a moment |
like you use to go to church but you dont anymore...and he is really religious and wants you to start going again...should you or should you stand your ground if you feel that your not ready.
u shouldnt change if u feel u r perfect, maybe its him that needs 2 change
Well, if that one minor thing happens to be kleptomania or pyromania, then yes, you may benefit from changing a few of your habits. However, if he wants you to change your appearance, your friends, your time with cautious.
i say only go if you want to go. if he really likes you then he wont push you into doing something you dont want to do
never change for anyone except urself
be ur self dont let any1 tell u different
thanks...I know this sounds stupid but sometimes you need the advice of other women to really figure things out. Thanks for not judging
Oh, I would just LOVE for somebody to try to get me to go to church have God come over and show me some valid ID and we'll talk about it....until then, have a nice life!
that i guess depends on what he thinks is wrong
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I guess it depends on what it is. And I take it that you are considering doing it?
Always do what is right for you Girlie ... go to Church if it is important to YOU.
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and i agree you shouldnt have ot change for him.. just be who you are, if he cant accept that then he can jump in the lake
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I use to go to church all the time when I was younger but I got really sick and kinda stopped believing for a while. He says that its hard for him to be friends even with people who dont attend church on a regular basis. We have been friends for over a year and I mean its not like he is asking me to change my appearance or go walk in front of a bus I just dont know what to think you know. Guys can really be confusing sometimes.
I agree with fredwood. If he really likes you, he won't push you to do anything you don't want to do. Love is about accepting someone just the way they are.
Ummmmm....this man is setting down rules? He wants you to change some minor part of you?
It can be a doorway opened into many other 'minor' changes, and before you know it, you are a 'stepford wife'... Would I make minor changes to me? It would depend if I feel it is enhancing who I am, rather than diminishing me, my authentic self, but for me, never for another. |
the answer is no you should never change for anyone unless of course it is a self destructive behavior such as drinking or drugs or other things like that.
any guy who will stop talking to you just because you dont go to church is stupid....your old enough to make your own choices
Hmm...religion is not a minor thing you can change. I'd spend more time talking with him about how each of your personal views on faith translates into daily rituals and routines.
Hope that makes sense! ![]() |