Topic: Dating | |
Now that I am getting close to 30 my family have turned up the pressure on me starting my own family. Of course I would love to oblige them, but we know it's not easy. Especially being an almost 30 guy with no kids, at least one girl has said 'guys like that just want sex'(as if I want to be single forever). Not to mention the ones that think I am to nice or help my family out more than I should. In the end it has taught me to look past what I see, or what society says I should see in order to see what a person is all about. Not sure where I was going with this... random...
Not sure where you were going with this topic are you trying to say damn I'm getting older and I still don't have a
Yeah, I don't know where this topic is going. Just do what you want. Don't let anybody put pressure on you about how you should date.