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Topic: Saying I Love You..... FOR THE FIRST TIME
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Wed 02/17/16 04:14 PM
When you become aware that you actually love the person you are dating ,do you have a special timing for announcing it to the person?

Do you wait until they say they love you first?

Do you wait for a few more weeks or months to confirm to yourself that it is indeed love that you feel?

Do you wait for a special occasion to announce it?

Or do you just blurt it out as the words come to your tongue like a burp?laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Wed 02/17/16 04:21 PM
:laughing: :laughing: Humm in the past it was after a few drinks and it came out in the heat of passionblushing

But always after we had been together for a bit and I felt that way~~ so guess like a burp:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Wed 02/17/16 04:25 PM
I never say "I love you" first. It's always the guy. It's uncomfortable because it is too soon. Most of the time it makes me really not knowing what to do.

Goofball73's photo
Wed 02/17/16 04:27 PM
Ahh the memories. As I was erupting with orgasmic glee, I blurted out "God I Love You". So yeah....I guess it was like a burp. laugh laugh

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 02/17/16 04:31 PM
I have to go with more like a Burp...
I am one that will be with someone for a while then out of the blue
it is out. Then I am like Dang what made me say that....

I don't think it matters who says it first...

I still remember the first time my BF told me.. It was definitely out of the blue. for both of uslaugh

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Wed 02/17/16 05:16 PM
Hmmm.... I think I have mostly waited on the guy to say it first. I never wanted him to say it just because I said it.blushing

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:38 PM
I waited on the guy.
At least in that way I didn't feel stupid if he didn't. Lol.

I strongly believe men should lead the way especially in the one

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Wed 02/17/16 05:40 PM
When you become aware that you actually love the person you are dating ,do you have a special timing for announcing it to the person?

Not really, if you mean like making it a ritual.

Do you wait until they say they love you first?

My telling them "I love you" is not based on getting something from them first.
That's just playing a "game."

Do you wait for a few more weeks or months to confirm to yourself that it is indeed love that you feel?

Maybe, somewhat.
If I come to the conscious realization that I love them I'd like to be able to answer any "why" question. For myself and for them.

Do you wait for a special occasion to announce it?

It might happen on a special occasion because I might be more mindful of them and my feelings towards them around special occasions but I wouldn't wait weeks, months, years to tell them just so I could make my life follow a cheesy t.v. movie script.

Or do you just blurt it out as the words come to your tongue like a burp?

It's important to think before I speak to people I care about.
I think they deserve that.
Otherwise it's too easy to get into the habit of acting like a child and just ejaculating whatever emotional impulse felt.
Like a 4 year old telling their mom "I hate you!"
Blurting out words is fine for internet interaction.
Adult relationships that matter deserve more.

no photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:41 PM

I waited on the guy.
At least in that way I didn't feel stupid if he didn't. Lol.

drinker :thumbsup:

adivorcedone's photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:42 PM
Ah! the memories of that first I love you burp....some sweet and some sour. But all under the same the heat of the moment, and when you are at the most vulnerable...yup...hey! I even remember saying thank you when told those three little words, once...needless to say, that started a never ending spat...Till date, I dont know what came over me, in order to blurt that out...anyway....the memories are blurring too...just saying...

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:55 PM

I waited on the guy.
At least in that way I didn't feel stupid if he didn't. Lol.

drinker :thumbsup:

Wise women think a like sweetie

jacktrades's photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:57 PM
Edited by jacktrades on Wed 02/17/16 05:59 PM
For myself I am cautious and analyze my feelings because to me those words carry a very heavy weight and I want to be sure I mean it, but if I feel it is indeed love I have no problem saying the words. I really don't plan anything I just say it.

arjunachuaju's photo
Wed 02/17/16 05:59 PM
actually i dont think its the job of men to say the magical words i love u,if u feel u love a man very much u should tell him ,what u feel

no photo
Thu 02/18/16 01:19 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 02/18/16 01:21 AM

actually i dont think its the job of men to say the magical words i love u,if u feel u love a man very much u should tell him ,what u feel =

I don't think it is the job of the man either to say I love you first. I just want him to say I love you for the right reasons and not just because I said it

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/18/16 05:37 AM

When you become aware that you actually love the person you are dating ,do you have a special timing for announcing it to the person?

I don't say it until just before the woman kills two storm troopers with a blaster. indifferent

no photo
Thu 02/18/16 05:44 AM

When you become aware that you actually love the person you are dating ,do you have a special timing for announcing it to the person?

I don't say it until just before the woman kills two storm troopers with a blaster. indifferent

I always knew aliens had their unique mating rituals laugh

Ps: Nice pic David. I officially welcome your human alter ego to the forum. Welcome to mingle flowerforyou

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/18/16 05:57 AM

Ps: Nice pic David. I officially welcome your human alter ego to the forum. Welcome to mingle flowerforyou

Mingle2 has a new policy requiring a site member to have an approved avatar in order for that person to post in the forums.

The site's administration can't handle avatars depicting my natural Melmacian awesomeness. So, I have to appear disguised as a Human.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/18/16 06:02 AM
i'm under the firm policy of never, ever saying those dirty words together at any time... if they have a need to "hear" it and not "see it", then we don't belong together...

no photo
Thu 02/18/16 06:12 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 02/18/16 06:13 AM

i'm under the firm policy of never, ever saying those dirty words together at any time... if they have a need to "hear" it and not "see it", then we don't belong together...

I actually relate to what you are saying. I personally am not that interested in hearing 'I love you " anymore, unless it comes from my family or my friends. Consistency in the loving presence and loving actions of a mate is way more important to me than words I've heard a million times before. But I totally get why most people need to say and hear those words and why it means so much to them . It used to mean a lot to me too happy

no photo
Thu 02/18/16 06:16 AM

Ps: Nice pic David. I officially welcome your human alter ego to the forum. Welcome to mingle flowerforyou

Mingle2 has a new policy requiring a site member to have an approved avatar in order for that person to post in the forums.

The site's administration can't handle avatars depicting my natural Melmacian awesomeness. So, I have to appear disguised as a Human.

Well the disguise becomes you :)
Cheers to Mingle2!!! drinker

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