Topic: upgrading to see matches etc?? | |
So I just signed up yesterday and I've supposedly got 8 matches. Is it worth it to upgrade so I can see who these matches are? Are the matches helping any of you?
The upgrade includes jumping the gun to see your Matches, those who have indicated a positive response to you. Without it, you see them when you click 'Yes' on a profile that has already said 'Yes' to yours. Some do not like the suspense :-) Up to you. |
I signed up for the same reason to see my matches.. what a waste of money. they were all very young.. probably scammers or people that didn't read my profile as they were not for me.
Laurie |
Is it worth it to upgrade so I can see who these matches are?
What do you think matches are, exactly? Do you think they're like the "good" rings the jewelry store hides under the counter for their "rich" customers? When you see "match8" on your screen, how do you respond emotionally and rationally? Do you feel fear that you're missing something if you can't access that particular feature to its fullest? When I click on "match" here is what comes up: What is MutualMatch?
Instead of having you manually search for people, we show you singles who live near you. You simply click Yes, No, Or Maybe to tell us which ones you're interested in. We let those people know you're interested. If they also click Yes, then you're added to each other's match lists. It's an easy way of finding people to talk to without having to write a bunch of detailed messages. If you find it worth the money to reduce the feeling that you're missing out on something, and the computer uses the search feature for you, then it might be worth it. If you can't see how "we show you singles who live near you" = "finding people to talk to without having to write a bunch of detailed messages" or IOW can't see randomly selecting people will guarantee worthwhile responses then it might not be worth the upgrade. Are the matches helping any of you?
Even if it was there is no guarantee it would work for you in the same way. "Results may vary." |
ok thanks people