Topic: IT WOULD BE GREAT!!!! | |
Disclaimer: I'm not at all familiar with how any of this stuff works -- but it seems to me that there would be a difference between a system that merely records the number of views, vs. a system that keeps a record of the identity of each individual viewer. Seems like the latter would be a lot more elaborate because it's storing ID info on every wiew.
But from the admin point of view, I wonder if they would have any particular reason to record the ID of everybody who looked at a post. I guess what I'm saying is, if you have that information, what do you do with it? It's great for people like us who are nosy and who want to find out who is actually looking at what we write, but is that really a "selling point" for JSH, in terms of being a viable "trade-off" in terms of needing more info storage and accessibility, etc. -- ? I don't know the answers to any of this, but I still like the idea of knowing (or at least having the option to know) who's looking at what! |
My thoughts that I guess if we are that curious, then we take a scroll up on this page to a comment posted earlier from: Sin; as she provided a link to where you'd get that kind of feedback;
quote: Check allpoetry, submit your poems for some feedback ...they have competitions and challenges there too. You have to comment on others poems and build a network but once in you will learn new things. I am not activie there but I think I am still a member. Format is not too bad. unquote But I quess I just wanted to see who these ppl. where, hence there again what could we do with that information, can't email them and ask why they didn't make a comment, that's invasion of privacy...hummmmmmmmmmm. |
Noden -- Well, I'm not sure about that, because isn't that basically the same thing as when you notice someone on "Who's Viewed Me," and they never wrote, so you write to them anyway?
Or is it different because viewing a profile is viewing one person, whereas viewing a thread could entail posts by dozens or hundreds? I don't know. I mean, if I post a thread about llamas wearing red hats, and I notice one person viewed it three times and didn't post anything, what does that mean? I really don't know. I probably am not going to e-mail them and ask why they didn't post -- it's not that important -- but some people would. |
For some unknown reason though, I have to convey that if you should be allowed to email someone who's viewed you, then why not someone who's viewed your poem, it's the same as getting to know people on here you might not have meet otherwise...
kinda referring to a latter thread, asking about are you a lurker or poster, most lurkers don't come out of hiding for what ever reason they may have....and this could be a way, of digging the hiding spots, for whom you may be connected with on a higher degree....who knows what hides within.. Somes day's and nights here on JSH, gets pretty boring, not that we don't like being and sharing amonst friends, but I see tons online, yet none of which are posting in threads, to even connect with others, I can't help think, when they see us posting, and then reading, no reply back though..., just lurking there in the background, "what are they thinking?" |
I have often wondered that same thing -- here's a place where you can have a lot of fun, and meet some really good people also, but you get so much more out of the site if you actively participate.
I suppose there may be some who feel their communications skills, writing abilities, etc., may not be up to par; and others may feel that there isn't much they can contribute. Even so, that's no reason to spend your life in the background. If nothing else, these forums provide a really safe environment for getting to know new people, and for working on those communications and writing skills. Plus it's a good outlet for those times when you just need to vent, or when you have a question that might be answered with some helpful advice. I can't understand why anyone would sign up here and not take part in the forums. It would be like going to the best restaurant in town, ordering their best meal, and then eating nothing but a few breadsticks and a glass of water. I mean, look, wasting a valuable resource is just as bad as wasting a perfectly good lobster, as far as I'm concerned....and, lurkers, we don't know you're here most of the time unless you let somebody know.... |
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Yes, but most people here are not poets where poet sites most focus on that.
You know sometimes to these lurkers see many post from various people, some post go on and on, making one feeling a little inadequate, others, come to a swift stop, I have just looked into so many post and seen this very thing over and over again, also noting that some of the newbies do try a shot at it, only to be the only one left on the page.
I don't know but seems to be a catch 22 situation here, either you join into conversation, to get noticed, then nothing, or the conversation takes on a critical hit, making one feel like hiding, or even deleting the whole account, for abondonment, feeling like they don't know enough people, or skimish about the comment they have recieve... Just from checking into latter threads I have seen alot of why some of the so called lurkers may not even want to try, so most, go on what they have put on their profile, and check in once in a while to see if anyone, took a bite..... |
I lurk, I post.....
I am always connected, but I am not always here. My life is a little chaotic at present, and it can get a little overwhelming at times when so may wish to talk with you, you post, try to "reply" to all the threads..... you just can't! I always try to leave a reply if I am "touched" by a work, or to encourage a new poster, but sometimes I just wish to "feast" without having to reply. I know many who are the same way. It's just a matter of time sometimes, others a matter of peace. Accolades are not the issue, NEVER the issue! They are nice, but if I have a 100 reads and not a single reply, I still smile ![]() |
no_psychos_please, thanks for joining in.
It is not people like yourself that, are not afraid to let others know who you are, this being you have posted and are therefore known, it's the ones in hiding I am referring to...started with wanting to see...who's viewed poems, then expanded to if you can view who's viewed you...then why not pray-tell, who's viewed your poems, just to get to know,those whom you would never see normally... |
Exactly; if exposure is a factor in the ability of people to get to know each other, and perhaps even possibly meet, then it stands to reason that increasing exposure must be a good thing.
I do feel that the situation here is somewhat stilted; I seem to be fairly visible, I generate a fair number of profile views, and a percentage of those are from people who never post at all. Some of them e-mail and some don't. Some view my profile many times. That may be because I update it all the time, it has turned into a sort of pseudoblog, and maybe they just want to see the new entry. But let's say I had the option to see who was viewing the threads I started, or participated in. If there were people there who I can identify as more or less looking at a significant percentage of my writings, that could give me a justification to write to them. I probably wouldn't now -- maybe I would have if this sort of thing had been available when I first signed up -- but I think some people would. I just don't see a downside to it, other than the possible tech issues. |
I understand your desire. My question would be...... If a person who does this, views without posting, knew that you would be able to "track" their visit, if they seek anonimity would they be encouraged to read at all? I agree with your concept of wishing people to "open" lines of communication, send an invite, but I do see a harm in it's invasion.
I think we who post need to be more creative maybe to entice them to share with us.... but it's just my opinion |
I understand your desire. My question would be...... If a person who does this, views without posting, knew that you would be able to "track" their visit, if they seek anonimity would they be encouraged to read at all? I agree with your concept of wishing people to "open" lines of communication, send an invite, but I do see a harm in it's invasion.
I think we who post need to be more creative maybe to entice them to share with us.... but it's just my opinion |
I myself have checked out alot of profiles looking to see what people say about themselves to get a feel of whom they are, but I do admit...Lex yours is an insight to a total person, no guessing, in what you want, or your concerns.
Now, the attention to making ones profile, is the same as starting to write a poem or any writing, set the mood, either with music, candles, wine, whatever, it shouldn't be in a hurry...give a prespective of who you are, take the time. I really think the downside to viewing who's viewed your posts is the downloading factor, I've noticed this at myspace for instant, the more div's added the more you have to wait, then the page gets messed up for all the generated codes. |
If a person comes to a dating site, to find that special someone, then, it's fair game, to communicate, with whom ever, if you want to hide then why bother at all...don't bother signing up..then.
I say all lines of communication should be available, due to or lack of getting to know more people in here. Look at tonite for example, there are plenty online, hardly any posting except the regulars.. |
Noden that's a great idea. I'm going to have to see about doing that for my own site.
totage, you have a site, I see, what is it?
Noden, thank you! You said, in about 3 sentences, what I've been poodling around with for my last 11 posts....!!
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I want this thread to be read and heard for all the lonely souls out there, maybe they'll see, what we are trying to achive here, come out, come out where ever you are.
Let's get adult here, we all came here for the same thing, why would you hide yourself after entering, it's like the guy at the bar sees this lovely lady enter, but does he go over and talk with her, no, he judges himself, and decides, he won't for fear of rejection. |