Topic: To Be Transparent | |
is ualls funnin with me
grannit,, we is just hired meat around here buck,,, no brains and lots of muscles
Hey no fair I want either brains or muscle..............
snuggles,,your a smart lady,, so quit it
i sees wheres i stands
ahhhhhhhhh Thumper IM teasing you.........I'm just me........and I just sit back at times, observe, and other times I'm a chatterbox........lately more of an observer
wells, grannit,, wes always gonna bes the musckels around here bucko.
There is nothing wrong with being the muscle, the brain, or the clown......or takes all types of people to make the world interesting.............imagine how boring it would be if we all looked, and acted the same
its all good,i kinda like being a bada$$
you are blessed with a miraculous insight, LongHairBiker, and this is related to a point raised by you inter alia, indeed I try to curb myself not to try out other's patience. I'm an outcast of a Snobbish British Dating Site run by a Stalinist moderator... comrade Yoseph Djugashwilli instantly suspended my account indefinitely. I must have spoiled the pure Western minds... not going to repeat it. The moderators here should make role models to their peers...
an i is the twisted mean ass
we make a good team...twisted bad a$$es
This started out crazy but ended fun. I will be blown away if our fine doctor is ordained. He lives in a world absolutely different than ours. Be patient. In my minds eye we being who we are can learn from each other. Mentally and spiritually. Just gotta use those eyes and ears. Do you know how much fun I had spending the day at the grand canyon with tibetan monks this summer? Folks I wouldn't trade that day I had for anything. It was questions and answers all day. East meets west. A highlite in my bizarre forrest gump of a life.
and idealist, dr, whatever you would like to be called. here we dont judge or go after others unless someone says something to disrespect someone we like or care about. most of the people on this site are nice, friendly, or just sweet. you never know who your going to meet, and have some fun while here
And doctor that is funny! Stalinist moderator on a dating website! That is unacceptable! Not for the better of the people! Not for the good of the country! Ha ha ha ha. Wed have fun with a moderator like that on here. Even funnier is supreme socialist sexual humor. Penis is not amusing! No not even if it was larger! Not funny!
thanks, have to get some work done...
Quit laughing! Now I say! Guys picture general brukhalter from hogans heroes. Klink! Not funny! Quit laughing! Penis not funny!
Yeh I gotta catch 40 winks. Later gentleman and ladies. Much love.
ohhhh... gosh... that silence is soooooo good... snoozeeee, snoreeeeeee, snooozeeee...
Now see I knew yall would just play nice...
Thump, you got brains and muscles I don't wanna be hearin any more talk of that nonsense you were spouting Grannit..same goes for you..or I shall be forced to do something be discussed later |