Topic: To Be Transparent | |
what boggles my mind, LongHairBiker, is whether people here do not understand my humour, or pretend not to undestand it, or understand it and think it stinks, or do not let me understand they understand it and enjoy it or think it stinks, or do not bother to regard my humour, or too busy to render their humour obscure to me, or really have humour that stinks, or really are challenged by my humour and are pissed, or do enjoy my humour and pretend not to, or really pissed by their humour not challenging mine, or really talk seriously and do not bother me humouring, or really are serious and hiding they are... this is the first part of my question... could you help me solve the riddle...
well doctor,, if i may try to explain from my end, but im diffrent than most you will ever come across. people get upset when they come across something they cant understand. some people get irritated when they cant or are unable to understand. it makes them feel like they are not as good or are inferior. no one likes to feel like that. it dont make them happy and i can understand it. but me, im easy going most of the time and just roll with whatever comes my way.
All I can say without reading ALL of this is, he was Papa....
He commented about me being "rebellious" is own words about my tattoo, that's how his daughter was. That's when he "changed" into Idealist.... I think I'm SOOOOO glad I didn't read this whole thing.... |
Hey guy... well there you have it. got up this morning to browse around and saw your thread spinning itself into a patchwork quilt that could have lost its way. Cudos for taking the heat....clearly this site has its clicks. One big pond with the shallows to splash around in and gleefully giggle in merriment with the herd of arrested developmentals, and the deep end of open waters to swim around with pirahna and sharks. Some go for the big bite and some like to chip away with tiny irritating nibbles that can leave the parched bones of a tattered carcase where it falls. Nevertheless you have experienced a piece of the action. microcosmic eh? Swimming in here has its moments and not for the faint of heart. Being controversial and embroiled in a debate should have yielded some fruit by now and staked out some territory LOL Enjoy the swim, my friend. Out here on the West Coast we have mountain lions disappearing from the fabric of intended creations' masterpiece of a landscaape, yet they still find their mate and peers and survive to remind the world that creation is determined to sustain its awe inspiring resilience. And so it goes........
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Why... Why... Why... I cry to Lord in anguish, why only the guys rae those who make me happy here... Woulbee and Thumper, you are greater than life... you deserve a Huge, Affectionate, Adoring KISS... but not from me... is one of the girls would do it for me... please good femalish souls...
look ideal, im not that great of a person, im very twisted, and dark, once in a while i have moments where i make sense. but more often than not i digress back to the darkness. and it gets harder and harder to pull out of it.
if we talk it open, Thumper, I have a feel that even in your darkest moments, when you touch hell, you're still much better than some of the ever-cheery bright fairies around... your gloom reflects reality, do you really see any hope out there, we're a failing race, time to admit it...
hell dont even begin to describe what im dealing with, and the bad thing is not many people can see or realize what i see and deal with on a daily basis. its always there, no matter what i do
but let's go back to this site... my two elder daughters found their perfect matches in dating sites... being so community-minded do you know of any perfect (or at least good) matches that evolved in this site...
do you mean on the conceptual level, Thumper, or within the psychological sphere...
i dont know what all the big words mean fella, just a country boy from the southern us. but yeah, a good friend met a man that she wants to marry on here, and she deserves it
Heres how ya do it!
LOOK AT ME- LOOK AT ME- LOOK AT ME!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
without using big words, Thumper, sufferings can arise from psycological inflictions or it may result from general abhorrence at the choas of society... the two things of course do affect each other...
You are cute, Mry, and certainly not transparent, what's your secret, apart from beauty...
Falttery will get you everywhere!! LOL
Just get out there and post, its lots of fun! ![]() |
Flattery does not get me anywhere, Mry, ladies have grown out of this... too sophisticated for that, they first check you out for real hair... OK... you should be more understanding to those devoid of such virtues as yours, I really mean it (shall we go out tonight)...
I can't say I have any plans tonight!
You really deserve a HUGEEEE hug and a big compliment, guys... the Britons are such PRUDEEEEEssss... I'm a refugee of such priggish prudish British datish sitish... they kicked me out for not coming to terms with my humourrrr, I felt like Lenny Bruce, had a golden moment when booted out... they reported on me, gosh... you are a different planet... bless you, pals
wtf was i thinkin? i went thru alllll 10 pages of this rubbish...for what?
nothing, i got nothing from it.. apart from 'lesson learned'..i got nothing :| ![]() |
What did you expect to get out of it??