Topic: Profile Turn-offs And Pet peeves?
no photo
Sun 04/03/16 11:34 AM

I haven't vented here in a long time, but these sparse or boring profiles are really killing my mood.yawn

And I need to know once and for all.

Why do so many men provide clear answers for other questions in their profile and then when asked if they have kids, the reply is "no answer."

Do they need a test to confirm the paternity of the children living in their house?

Are they afraid that I will kidnap their children if they admitted that they had them?

Or are they waiting on their girlfriend to take a pregnancy test before they give their final answer?whoa

I don't think you can see same sex profile here, but you would be shocked at the number of female profiles that say "NO KIDS!".

I'm confused Viper

Are you implying that men put no answer in the kids section because they are trying to impress the women who don't want kids?what

no photo
Sun 04/03/16 11:41 AM

i am very transparent about this issue
i even mentioned about my granddaughter.

Not me.

I don't want anybody to know about grand daughter's baby.

It makes me sound old! :cry:

no photo
Sun 04/03/16 12:28 PM

i am very transparent about this issue
i even mentioned about my granddaughter.

Not me.

I don't want anybody to know about grand daughter's baby.

It makes me sound old! :cry:

grand daughter's baby?
u are 1 step ahead of me lol

Robxbox73's photo
Sun 04/03/16 12:31 PM
Turn offs? I'm simple. As long as their not pickin their nose, there ok with me.. ;)

no photo
Sun 04/03/16 12:39 PM

i am very transparent about this issue
i even mentioned about my granddaughter.

Not me.

I don't want anybody to know about grand daughter's baby.

It makes me sound old! :cry:

grand daughter's baby?
u are 1 step ahead of me lol


no photo
Sun 04/03/16 12:41 PM

i am very transparent about this issue
i even mentioned about my granddaughter.

Not me.

I don't want anybody to know about grand daughter's baby.

It makes me sound old! :cry:

grand daughter's baby?
u are 1 step ahead of me lol


no photo
Sun 04/03/16 12:46 PM

Turn offs? I'm simple. As long as their not pickin their nose, there ok with me.. ;)

What about if they are scraping dandruff off of their scalp?indifferent

kentucky811's photo
Sun 04/03/16 04:44 PM
I do not like how nothing is filled out. Nothing about whether he smokes, drinks, or religion. At least fill in the basics! ;-) The other thing I do not like is when a fellow complains about women. For example, instead if saying "I do not want a high maintenance woman" and list how he does not want to be told what to do with his money, he should put "Seeking a confident, independent woman who desires a partnership in the relationship." What is "high maintenance"? That is going to be different for each person. One more thing, dissing the exes. Seriously? Do not talk about the exes in a profile.

no photo
Sun 04/03/16 06:15 PM

I do not like how nothing is filled out. Nothing about whether he smokes, drinks, or religion. At least fill in the basics! ;-) The other thing I do not like is when a fellow complains about women. For example, instead if saying "I do not want a high maintenance woman" and list how he does not want to be told what to do with his money, he should put "Seeking a confident, independent woman who desires a partnership in the relationship." What is "high maintenance"? That is going to be different for each person. One more thing, dissing the exes. Seriously? Do not talk about the exes in a profile.

Preach it Kentucky!:thumbsup:

no photo
Sun 04/03/16 06:51 PM
I think one profile turnoff is trying to tell your life story. I don't need to know about every person you dated, or what all your siblings are like. You don't have to mention the achievements of all your kids. That's too much information.

no photo
Mon 04/04/16 09:20 AM
Pet Peeve?

Females that dress in halter tops, skinny jeans, doing duck faces and helicopter shots to show how big their boobs are that have the first line in their profile saying "No sex"!.

kentucky811's photo
Mon 04/04/16 09:59 AM

I think one profile turnoff is trying to tell your life story. I don't need to know about every person you dated, or what all your siblings are like. You don't have to mention the achievements of all your kids. That's too much information.

Yes!! Just the simple basics.

kentucky811's photo
Mon 04/04/16 10:00 AM

Pet Peeve?

Females that dress in halter tops, skinny jeans, doing duck faces and helicopter shots to show how big their boobs are that have the first line in their profile saying "No sex"!.

Most of them are probably the scammers. Gotta watch them like hawks!

no photo
Wed 04/06/16 05:42 PM

Pet Peeve?

Females that dress in halter tops, skinny jeans, doing duck faces and helicopter shots to show how big their boobs are that have the first line in their profile saying "No sex"!.

Most of them are probably the scammers. Gotta watch them like hawks!

No, actually the scammers offer sex on demand 24/7.

It's the real women that play games with it.shades

no photo
Tue 04/26/16 02:17 PM
photo cigarette in hand :s

Jaan Doh 's photo
Tue 04/26/16 02:41 PM
Don't get me started

no photo
Thu 04/28/16 02:09 AM
A professionally shot photo. of a young beauty queen purporting to be from my neighbouring village where all the women are sheep herders who tie their trench coats with string, chew straw, and frequently burp.

No profile words and just aching to tell you how much she adores you.

There must be a lot of stupid vain men out there.

Valeris's photo
Thu 04/28/16 06:44 AM

A professionally shot photo. of a young beauty queen purporting to be from my neighbouring village where all the women are sheep herders who tie their trench coats with string, chew straw, and frequently burp.

No profile words and just aching to tell you how much she adores you.

Great "Visuals"! This Actually made me, "LOL"!laugh

JustLonely529's photo
Thu 04/28/16 07:09 AM
I can't stand it when they post a picture with their tongue sticking out... the other is a picture of them all puckered up like to are blowing you a kiss...reminds me of a sucker fish on the side of a fish tank.

no photo
Mon 05/02/16 06:22 PM
Why is a photo so important on a profile when one does not know one another?
why would one risk a face on the internet.
Photo are acceptable only when one on one is my opinion
I don't think you can change my mind.

If a person is so visual I don't believe you see the personality in the profile.