Topic: If religion has evolved?
Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:17 PM
Look whose talking crackhead. Go have another diet Pepsi so you can lose
more weight. Oh sorry that doesn't work with your oral fixation. Maybe
staple your ugly gut will do the trick.What's the correct PC for your
mental condition. Retard I think.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:23 PM
"One thing I've noticed is that when you can no longer answer points

So you would OK aboiut that then.

Well, Animal. One thing I've notice is you seem to out of touch with
reality. Oh BTW I'm not insuling you! I'm just pointing out your insane
belief's that all. LOL

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:38 PM
"So I guess
this is going to be a battle of the morons."

looks like an insult to me.. or maybe I just read that the wrong way??

I don't live under a bridge either but if ya had yer head any farther up
yer ass, yer zipper would whistle every time ya sneezed

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:39 PM
oh wait..let me be PC about have a cranial-rectal inversion

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:48 PM
Oh look whoes insulting now POT head. Go attend your wead so you don't
get cuaght. Oh don't forget to make a pot offering to the lord in the
contrabution basket over there eh! Gatta out do the joeses in the hill
billy retard house of the Pope of pot.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:08 AM
yep, that was an insult all right, but ya STILL notice I haven't
resorted to name calling. Oh and btw I don't NEED to worry about getting
caught with weed as it has been decriminalized here. The fine for
smoking a joint in a bar is less than for smoking a cigarette too close
to the door outside.

hill billy?? I live in a city of almost 500,000 ppl, not to mention
there's no real hills around here to speak of. Not to mention my grammar
and spelling run circles around your illiterate ramblings..
I c Evelyn Woodhead's sped reeding cors werkt 4 u

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:27 AM
I bet most of them are homeless. Isn't Pot the staple of Canadian
economy. LOL besides French bread and Canadian Bacon. lol

I can hear a lot of trucker's hoopin and holleren about that. LOL

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:37 AM
DANG it man! We all have our likes and dislikes but do we need to be so
ugly about it? Heck... 'round here alcohol seems to do as much damage
as anything...(yes I drink it)... I cant understand why it isnt illegal.
I smoke them damn ciggarettes too and WISH they'd make those illegal!

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 12:51 AM
What do you want? Probation?

lily38's photo
Sat 11/04/06 01:16 AM
Public animal no. 9.....You are a HOOT! I love a quick wit, and you have
it, my friend! I also agree with your comment concerning something
happening to reinforce your belief system in times when you may be
questioning your beliefs. It happens to me, too. I have seen a lot of
hardship, but I have also seen some incredible miracles.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:30 AM
"I bet most of them are homeless. Isn't Pot the staple of Canadian
economy. LOL besides French bread and Canadian Bacon. lol"

No. BEER is the staple of the Canadian know..BEER???
That substance you drink too much of and then come on here and act like
a doorknob?? I'm sure your VERY familiar with it.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:32 AM
oh and's PROHIBITION. Altho I'm sure you know all about
probation lmaoooo

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 11:43 AM
a fuckin doorknob??????lmao that's funny

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 01:37 PM
Gee Animal(and I use that term very loosely.) coming from a supposed
fucking know it all( and I also use that term loosely.) You seem to show
your ignorance very well. maybe that combo of the Canadian staple of
substances has finally caught up to ya after all. Hay breezy, Did have
some comfort food today also? Your pic is certainly showing some Omni
presence. Are you a planet yet or just like Pluto. LOL Your status was
dropped. Now go raid the fridge and stop trolling.

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 05:14 PM
we all believe in the bible, now the bible-king james version was
gathered and edited by king james (and his army)
what has ever been edited that did not make change?
And if he changed god's word then what have we been taught?
By king james and parts from god?

no photo
Sat 11/04/06 06:35 PM
that's one of the things being discussed...there isn't any doubt that
religion has been changed over the years by the followers.

Ghostrecon's photo
Sat 11/04/06 07:53 PM
All I can come up with is the translation was just changed but the
meaning of the KJV and the INT are the same. Except for some things
taken out of context:

Was it "inconsistent" for Jesus to call Peter "Satan"? Did Jesus not
recognize Peter's theological credentials? Did Jesus take Peter "out of
context"? After all, Peter's recorded statement in the verses
immediately preceding this were, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
living God." How orthodox can you get! Could a Christian speak a word,
as "revealed" by the Father, and the very next time they speak, be
inspired by "Satan" himself? Jesus thought so. Many are forgetting the
biblical example set by Jesus (Matt. 16). One moment Peter spoke what
the "Father" "revealed" to him, "Thou art the Christ, the Son of the
living God." This is highly "orthodox." The very next words recorded out
of Peter's mouth led Jesus to say to Peter, "Get thee behind me Satan."
Peter's revised version of verse 21 was Satanic. Evidently a true
Christian can be in grave error. The charge of "out of context" could be
leveled at Jesus, for Peter had just said something very orthodox.

The other not sure if king Henry the VIII changed anything in the text
of the bible except that he had it translated into English and published
against the Popes wishes. Other than what I have here, I can guess that
there are other possible changes, but of course there are the JW's who
almost certainly have changed the bible to suit their needs.

lily38's photo
Tue 11/07/06 11:59 AM
King, you are beautiful, doll.
My philosophy, my theory, my belief one derived of the
study of various religions, individuals, spiritualists,various
interpretations of the bible, etc..........No one religion or belief is
completely correct. The bible was interpreted by human beings. All
humans are flawed in one way or another, and all is subject to their own
opinions and beliefs. I believe it is important to have a power higher
than oneself, a higher power in which to place our trust and faith, to
present our worries and fears, an afterlife of something better than
this; for us to strive for while here on earth. I believe the one major
point we are supposed to focus on is "the greatest of these is love"
from Corinthians. We are expected to love one another and treat each
other as we would be treated. However, this seems a pretty difficult
task for many humans. Myself included.

no photo
Wed 11/08/06 01:13 AM
i appreciate the compliment lily. my beliefs are along the same lines as
yours. i believe in a higher power but don't consider myself a christian
because i feel the same way about man's interpretation of GODs word and
i just don't believe some of the things happened the way the bible says
it did and for the reasons that it says they did. to me it's just
natural to question something that seems out of place especially when
they say that you aren't allowed to question anything about it. i don't
just fall in line without taking a look at it first.

rickdobs's photo
Thu 11/09/06 06:36 AM
Jesus was responding to Peter's exclamation that he would not let Jesus
be put to death. If Peter had suceeded, redemption would never come.
Jesus knew he had to die since the moment he was born a man. Peter
wanted to interupt God's plan, which would be what Satan wanted all
along. That is... if you choose to believe the story... ;-)