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Topic: If religion has evolved?
Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/02/06 10:04 PM
If religion has evolved over it's history, why are the religions against

We originally started worshiping the Sun. During the height of Egyptian
History God was worshiped as a woman (called Goddess). We went through
Paganism where we worshipped Idols and that evolved into today's belief
system where God is worshiped as a man.. So God evolved from, The Sun, A
Woman, An Icon, and a Man. We are overdue for a change. What will be
next, people from outer space?

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 10:13 PM

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:43 PM
religion evolves i think because as humans came out of the dark ages and
started to learn more things they started changing their beliefs and
they were also exposed to new ideas and religions as we started to
travel. if you look at some of the african tribes and similar ones, they
haven't had much contact with the outside world and their members don't
often leave the camp so all of their culture and rituals and beliefs
stay intact and uninfluenced. change is good though if you aren't an

Ghostrecon's photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:51 PM
SOOOOOOO!!!!! You agree King! that religion is an evolutionary Process.
Bless it be. You are a convert. I made my point.

Don't try to evade from this. Your words are on record. LOL

But of course you will retact your comment. Thats expected. Go with it.
I understand.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:55 PM
DENOMINATIONS AND BRANCH RELIGIONS. i know what your getting at though
and if you are trying to make the connection between that and the
physical evolution i think it's pretty lame and you need to get some
sleep and tackle it tommorrow.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 11:56 PM
you can't try to make a point using things that aren't the same, you end
up looking like an idiot unless you're talking to an idiot.

universalist's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:49 AM
you are absolutely correct about the history of god .am reading a book
called "the history of god" actually the worship of god was some 9
thousand years ago in babylon and the concept of god has changed and
evolved over the milenias, but religion itself
has always taken its dogma too seriously by those in charge. no
one likes to lose their job telling people what to say, how to pray,
when to pray changing religious thought is a
very difficult challenge. what amazes me is in the 21 st century
how there can be so many people on this planet still living in the
5-10th centuries in their religious beliefs., and i am not
talking about fanatics..i'm talking about people that take the bible
literally, or those that are waiting to be "saved", or any
other such non sense. when are people going to embrae the century they
live in and simply treat people of all races and ethnicities with
respect, love and kindness. that is really all one need do to make it a
global community. stop the name calling and be a loving kind person

universalist's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:56 AM
as to evolution..there are no scientists in dispute over this.
the fossil record is complete enough to make the assumptions of
evolution real. people that are non scientists always use "theory" as a
key word, as if it is a work in progress and not proven..when in fact
all science is a work in progress and
until a new theory with some "cajones" is offered, the old theory
stands. the belief in a supreme being that created the universe is very
convincing to many, but it holds no scientific is a statement that can not be proven or disproven,
thus it is not a theory, simply a belief..apples and oranges.
one can believe in heaven or an after life of 70 virgins, who is
correct..a moot point...what is certain is death..what one believes
after that point is not a theory, simply a hope.

tallygop18's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:57 AM
You act like Christianity evolved from the Egyption worship of a sun
godess. Actually Jewdaism has been around longer. Also, most religions
have resemblances of other religions because of the human elemant. And
yes, the Baptist church today is not like it was 60 years ago, so there
is in essance an evolution simply because 60 years ago there was no cell
phone etc. Times change and so do styles. However, the belief in Christ,
allah, budda or any other god for that fact remains esentially the same
as it did since its conception. Take scientology: it didn't evolve (take
the place of anything) from other belief. It was created by people who
didn't like the other forms of religion available. Yet many of the main
Christian morals remain. If religion had actually "evolved" like Darwin
claims humans did from the primordial ooze, then there would be no
remnance of the original beliefs, and Jewdaism is still alive and

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 06:55 AM
its evolved in to making alot of MONEY off people !!!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:54 AM
as to evolution..there are no scientists in dispute over this.
the fossil record is complete enough to make the assumptions of
evolution real. people that are non scientists always use "theory" as a
key word, as if it is a work in progress and not proven..when in fact
all science is a work in progress.

See there we just said evolution is an ASSUMPTION so therefore
it is indeed NOT a proven fact. Science is imperfect(except for math)
and regularily new studies are debunking old theories.

Btw, Einstein was one of the most brilliant physicists, he not only
believed in God he was also a SCIENTIST that used the word Theory to
describe his findings ie: the Theory of Relativity.
The fact is, the fossil record is NOT complete enough to prove anything
about evolution. Know why they haven't found the "missing link" yet??

And c'mon Ghost, yer REALLY reaching if you think that by saying since
man's thoughts and beliefs have "evolved" over the millenia it proves
that evolution is true.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 08:54 AM
Calm down KB.

The evolution of religion and the evolution of all that you see and hear
is just that. Nothing you use, consume, play, with kill with or what
ever you do, doesn't just pop out of no were. There has to be a
processes to get to were we are now. Jesus never drove a Cadillac. Why?
Duh! Cars weren't invented yet. But they did have the wheel though. The
ancestor of the Auto of today. It just took a different path that's why
you still see wheel wagons today.LOL. My point is that you can't just be
without some sort of evolving into something. As far as some creature or
God creating the spark that set everything in motion. I can't say. But
you can speculate all you want. To those who think that science hasn't
proven evolution beyond a doubt, I suggest my analogy. I agreethat there
are some holes in it, but so does religion. In fact religion has many
holes and contradictions. That's why you have soo many off shoots of the
same religion, they just take a different path. :)

hippie's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:03 AM
I would like to know if Darwin thinks we came from apes, then why are
there still apes?????????????????????????

hippie's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:04 AM
sorry thats a different topic

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:10 AM
Jesus COULD have driven a Cadillac if he wanted to..I just think it
might have been a bit incongruous with the times lol

rickdobs's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:33 AM
I think that this discussion is missing one very important point. We
understand engines because we invent and manufacture them. We understand
the heating and cooling of homes because we make the tools that do the
job. None of us have that kind of understanding of the universe around
us because we DID NOT create it. God, or Supreme Being, or Allah, or
whatever name you choose is our way of explaining and understanding that
which we cannot understand or explain.

Ghost, I think your original hypothesis is not taking into account the
human elements of greed and control. The lineage that you present has
more to do with education than evolution. There were no Bibles back
then, everything about a belief system was passed from mouth to ear,
person to person. God, according to the Bible, made Himself known to
people throughout time. Is that an unprovable thing to say? No, just
look around. The power of God is everywhere you look. He is the same,
yesterday, today, and tomorrow... never changing. That means that the
same God who destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, the same God who caused it to
rain for 40 days and nights to wipe man off the planet, has reached down
from Heaven in order to be our "best buddy". The question now is... do
you believe that sight unseen? That's what faith is... believing without
the need for proof. Like the old saying, "a man's word is his bond".

As for evolution, nowhere in the Bible does it say that God is confined
to our 24-hour days. Seven days to God could be 7,000,000 years to us.
There is a growing number of scientists who agree that there is
purposeful design in all that we are and see... that none of the life on
this planet just "happened".

Our minds weren't designed to comprehend all things of this universe.
Somethings are better left to God... ;-)

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:53 AM
all i know is that alot of so called preachers are out hustling money
and what not! i know becouse my exs dad is a preacher and he even tryed
to shake me down 4 everthing!!

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:28 AM
i ain't worked up about it recon. i think you ask some very good
questions but i wish they could be based on something that can be
compared. instead you try to compare the evolution of religion to the
evolution of man and the only thing they have in common is the word
evolution, they are not used in the same context and can't be used to
argue each other. like the gentleman after me said, apples and oranges.

good post though because it got some good comments from it.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 11:32 AM
whatzup king??

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 02:09 PM
how's it goin 4fun

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