Topic: What to choose-> woman who loves u or woman whom u love | |
After seeing my friends condition, I found this question to be relevant.
When I heard this i felt the choice was simple becoz you know what you want but when I thought about it then i found the complications behind the choice. So I am bring this topic up for discussion The choices are 1. A woman who you fancy and love but always thought of her as out of your league. But suddenly comes to you and shows interest in you. 2. A woman who makes you comfortable, takes care of you and you like to talk to her but never thought anything else other then friendship. Suddenly she comes to you and expresses her long time love for you. What do you think would a better choice? |
The one that's in your dreams at night.
Especially if you wake up with wood. |
The one that's in your dreams at night. Especially if you wake up with wood. All men wake up with wood. That's why it's called morning wood ... Not a good indicator I say. |
The one that's in your dreams at night. Especially if you wake up with wood. All men wake up with wood. That's why it's called morning wood ... Not a good indicator I say. ![]() |
The one that's in your dreams at night. Especially if you wake up with wood. All men wake up with wood. That's why it's called morning wood ... Not a good indicator I say. Thanks ![]() Thought I was special. ![]() |
oh for crying out loud..they can get those anytime the wind blows ![]() ...also after a quote like that....<smh> ![]() |
What do you think would a better choice?
If I was the man in this scenario then I would not be a very good person. There isn't really a "better" choice in terms of morality. I mean 1. A woman who you fancy and love but always thought of her as out of your league. But suddenly comes to you and shows interest in you.
If I fancy and love her and there's a chance for her to suddenly come to me to show interest it means I waited around, I sniffed around all unrequited, hiding my feelings, not being honest with her, cowardly, waiting to take advantage of an easy situation. And that doesn't even address the woman. If I am judging a woman out of my league, there's a reason for that, I'm not stupid. Why is she suddenly showing interest. 9 out of 10 reasons aren't going to be positive. And 2. A woman who makes you comfortable, takes care of you and you like to talk to her but never thought anything else other then friendship. Suddenly she comes to you and expresses her long time love for you.
If there was more descriptive terms for the relationship here, it would be different. But the most important features seem to be she provides comfort and care. Why would I let a woman take care of me? Even a friend? Where's my family? Why don't I have a nurse, or service? Seems to be taking advantage of someone's kindness, using someone. And if someone I'm using turns around and starts asking more from me? Emotionally, relationship wise? It ultimately means them "taking care of me" was simply a means to make me feel more indebted to them so I'd find it easier to reciprocate and fulfill their desires once honestly revealed. With woman 2 you've got me who uses my friends to take care of me and provide me comfort. And you've got a woman who is manipulative, cowardly, and can't communicate how she feels unless what she really wants might be threatened. So, What do you think would a better choice?
If I was the type of guy described in the OP the "better" choice for this personality type would be to turn the care giving "friend" into a "fwb," and chase after the hottie, trying harder and harder to win her affection which would ultimately drive her away. All the while telling each what they wanted to hear to make sure I kept getting what I wanted, or at least keep the potential fulfillment alive. |
2. Woman who loves me because only she knows the value of love so she will give me a lot of love
Well Jokes apart..i feel people are not sure what to do here. it is difficult becoz may be your future depends on your choice. I am value love and feel if we get the right partner life goes smoothly with lot of fun.
Well Jokes apart..i feel people are not sure what to do here. it is difficult becoz may be your future depends on your choice. I am value love and feel if we get the right partner life goes smoothly with lot of fun.
After seeing my friends condition, I found this question to be relevant. When I heard this i felt the choice was simple becoz you know what you want but when I thought about it then i found the complications behind the choice. So I am bring this topic up for discussion The choices are 1. A woman who you fancy and love but always thought of her as out of your league. But suddenly comes to you and shows interest in you. 2. A woman who makes you comfortable, takes care of you and you like to talk to her but never thought anything else other then friendship. Suddenly she comes to you and expresses her long time love for you. What do you think would a better choice? Well first off I think the "Out of you League" thinking is pretty bogus. Nobody is out of your league if you are a good person and they are smart enough to recognize it. Beauty and/or Power do not make the entire definition of a person by any means. Most people blessed/cursed with beauty or power learn that fairly early in adult life. If someone "chooses" you then you want to accept the gift that is and use a little wisdom and time to see if it is lasting. The idea of wintering and summering a person (knowing them across the year and maybe some difficult and pleasant times but not assuming they are devious before you have evidence of that. And as surprising as it may sound coming from my seriously reserved sexual mores physical attraction and having that I can't wait to be with you feeling is still CRITICAL. It takes passion and desire to forgive and forget and nothing lubricates that kind of grace as well as a healthy lust for the person you choose to mate with. If you have only a ho hum they are passable to me kind of attraction you will quickly be bored. And even resent settling. And they will know it, sooner or later, and hate you for it. One of the bitterest lives is living with someone who is passively aggressively angry at you for making them the choice of the moment or a parallel room mate. With divorce ever easier with passing time the situation of the third quarter dump, After kids are raised and means/job skills have finally caught up with where bills won't preclude divorce, and you are really too old to be a premium you can spend a very empty existence if you choose badly. I can tell you that someone saying they love you if you do not love them in return is a very bad bargain. You will live a great deal of your life feeling like you cut yourself with your own knife. |
The one that's in your dreams at night. Especially if you wake up with wood. All men wake up with wood. That's why it's called morning wood ... Not a good indicator I say. Thanks ![]() Thought I was special. ![]() Canadians ... you just gotta love them! ![]() |
The one that's in your dreams at night. Especially if you wake up with wood. All men wake up with wood. That's why it's called morning wood ... Not a good indicator I say. ![]() You trying to tell me they walk around with wood all day every day? ![]() |
You trying to tell me they walk around with wood all day every day? ![]() Well we men are sensitive around that area especially if something increases the temperature around there. I hope you are not thinking of desert or volvano and understanding what i mean.. ![]() |