Topic: why?? | |
Why do so many ppl hate Islam? And I'm not talking about only terrorists', they hate the religion in whole.
What essentially breeds hate? Ignorance and fear pop into my head first. Misinformation, assumptions, how many words would you like?
Not sure... I personally have never studied Islam, therefore I have a neutral view on it. I think its the ignorance vs. media vs. opinions, that draw poor perspective on any religion, not just Islam. I wouldn't worry too much, as there are strong opposition on any religion. Just feel good you have connection with your "god" (not sure the proper word so if its wrong its not to offend you).
That was the proper word, muslims, like christains, believe in one God and one God only. our name for God is Allah
As different said, it's probably a mixture of ignorance and fear. My son's best friend is Muslim, and he and his family go through a lot, especially after 9/11. It's heartbreaking, really, that so many are so willing to hate an entire group of people because of the actions of a radical few, who are condemned even within the Muslim community.
I think that's part of it, it seems people always need someone to blame and to place their anger on. It's easier to blame someone else than to look at your own responsibility.
i had to make my myspace page private because i was gettin hate mail. its so sad.
That is sad, PJ. From what I know, Islam is as peaceful and loving as any other religion. But like any group, there are a few nutjobs which make it bad for everyone.
That sucks, and unfortunately, there are people out there that are shallow and are haters. I have my myspace on private just to keep the spammers and weirdos out.
Just remember what goes around, comes around and the people that are cruel will have to make their peace sometime! I welcome you anytime in conversation. |
lol, i hear that
thx ww70
I'd love to tell you that won't happen here, but quite frankly, I don't know everybody on the site and their personalities. I hope you find the site enjoyable, educational, and a really great place to be exactly who you are!!
thx dkw
There is a cure for ignorance. It is simply called ... education!!! At birth, all human beings, ALL OF US, are equally and fundamentally barbaric creatures. A newborn, will scream, bite, defecate and urinate anywhere, anytime without warning, has no relation to the world around him, other than primal and instinctive functions. The ethymology, the root of 'to educate' is litterally to extract that which is barbaric in the nature of being. To instill a civilized alternative. For the most part, mothers are the first to transmit the founding blocks of a newborn's education. But sooner or later, it is up to the individual to take responsibility of his or her continuous life education. Unfortunately, most put an end to their education way too early. They are convinced they know enough?!?!? And there is little anyone can do to change their mind. That's ingnorance. Lack of education. Barbaric and primitive states for which a person has no civilized alternative state. Only the barbaric remains. Xenophobic and bigotted attitudes towards others are part of that barbaric reptilian brain instincts. These barbaric ignorants don't even know, that which they hate. They just hate. They ignore that the person visiting the Mosque, and praying to Allah is a very close cousin of theirs. They don't know, they mostly share similar dogmatic tenents and religious values with their Muslim cousin. They don't know that Islam, no more and no less than Christianity, and Judeism, is one the three Great and profoundly rich religions of the world. They don't know, that eventhough they are not Muslims themselves, that so much of their cultural and religious heritage of Christianity, comes from, or has been influenced by Islam. It is unfortnunate, that you have to suffer for the barbaric ingnorance of those whom have given up on themselves PJ1987, but the good news is that you're the lucky, and saved one. You are saved from your own barbaric nature. You have a mind, a heart and a soul which are in touch with the world around you. The barbaric just dies in the end. You on the contrary, will live!!! Thank Allah, God, Christ, Buddah, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, et all other 'educators' whom have made it possible for those whom chose it, to educate the barbaric out, and allow 'soul' and 'spirit' to be!!! Here to you, and just you PJ1987!!! |
PJ wrote:
“Why do so many ppl hate Islam?” Because people are basically bigoted judgmental fools. ![]() Actually, it’s not true that “so many” people are like this. It’s actually only a minority of people. Unfortunately, when a minority of people act on their hate (like sending you hate mail), then from YOUR point of view it appears that a lot of people hate it. But that isn’t necessarily the case. You’re just seeing the work of a few active jerks. Most people aren’t going to feel an inclination to send you supportive emails concerning your religion simply because they aren’t aware that you are getting hate mail. I personally don’t believe in Christianity, Judaism, or Islam. From my point of view they are have roots in the same mythological stories. And yes I do believe that they are all based on myth. However, that doesn’t mean that I ‘hate’ them. I would never send any Christian, Jew, or Muslim hate mail. I will offer my views that I believe all three to be basically based on the same mythology though. I believe in a pantheistic view of reality which doesn’t require mythology. It ultimately doesn’t even require a “god” that all depends on how a person defines the work I suppose. In any case, I certainly don’t hate, Islam, but I will voice my view that I feel it’s based on mythology (as are Christianity and Judaism IMHO). I see all three of these religions as being one big religion that just fell into pieces. Christianity then went on to fall into pieces of it own. (i.e. Catholicism, Protestantism, and all the myriad of sects). Of course, I imaging that Judaism and Islam probably have sects too, I’m not that familiar with those religions because I wasn’t raised around them. In any case, you won’t get any hate mail from me. But you might hear me proclaim my belief that Islam is based on mythology. ![]() |
Hi PJ,
There have been many Islam folks and it seemed they were fitting in, as well as new faction fits in anywhere. I agree that 9/11 was the turning point. This government blew in with a gust to match the strongest wind and the voice in that wind echoed "terrorist" Until those with the label were no longer just terrorists, they were poeple living under a government. How can poeple say they are ashamed of their government and still live under it? There is only one way, to try to change the source of that shame, to make it right again. So I will stay here,in America and with the tools of freedom this country supplies, I will try to make it right for everyone. Welcome to JSH, and hopefully here, and in your personal life, you will find people who are not into condemnation. |
Islam is as far as i know, the only religion with solid proof that its real.
People will always be people and chose the easiest target for their hatred. It's easier to hate something you know very little about, than something you know and understand.
Welcome to JSH, I'm looking forward to some conversation |
PJ wrote:
“Islam is as far as i know, the only religion with solid proof that its real.” That's what they all say. I feel that pantheism is the only religion that doesn’t require proof. It’s just obvious that this is the way things are. What you see is what you get. You don’t even need a book. No faith required. There's nothing to prove. The universe exists and we're it. Period. ![]() |