Topic: Seven U.S. states shut doors to Syrian refugees | |
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Tue 11/17/15 11:00 PM
31 states are NOT expecting.
* Waiting for complete list, with the other 4 * The growing list of states that will not accept Syrian refugees currently includes Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin Wyoming. |
The growing list of states that will not accept Syrian refugees currently includes
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire- (Dem) New Jersey, New Mexico North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Wisconsin Wyoming. Vox According to the map, only 2 States have not given ANY statement. Map was last updated at 8:28 am, EST --------------- Timeline Photos * Includes map of refusing States* -------------------------------------- Lots of miss information .For instance, reports that the United Nations selects the refugees who enter the U.S. are simply not true. In fact, the vetting process for refugees is “quite intensive and involves several government agencies,” the senior official said. The approval rate for refugees seeking asylum in the United States currently stands at just over 50 percent, senior administration officials said. The process for obtaining refugee status in the United States typically takes 18 to 24 months. What is the Syrian refugee vetting process? | KTVA Anchorage CBS 11 |
News Busters
Facts and Math Are Both Hard for Smug Daily Beast Pair Ridiculing Refugee-Refusing Governors By Tom Blumer | November 18, 2015 | 1:29 AM EST Michael Weiss and Justin Miller at the Daily Beast are apparently really proud of themselves. They're claiming that because one of the passports found on one of the terrorists involved in last Friday's terrorist murder spree was a fake, it "means the (U.S.) governors’ freakout over refugees was based, at least in part, on a lie." Based on their headline ("GOP Guvs Rely on ISIS Lies to Reject Syrian Refugees"), their attack was only directed at Republican governors. There are at least four problems with their assertion. The funniest one is that these two apparently have no business ever being trusted around a calclulator or a spreadsheet. It's either that, or Weiss and Miller really believe that 475 million Syrian refugess are spreading themselves throughout Europe and much of the rest of the world. The first problem is that New Hampshire's Democratic governor had already joined the list of state chief executives refusing Syrian refugees over five hours before their post. Second, Jim Geraghty at National Review pointed to other evidence in his Tuesday morning email: Third, even if one doesn't believe that the fingerprint evidence Geraghty referenced is convincing, there's this item at the UK Express about the degree of terrorist EU infiltration, also published well before the Daily Beast post: 'Just wait…' Islamic State reveals it has smuggled THOUSANDS of extremists into Europe AN OPERATIVE working for Islamic State has revealed the terror group has successfully smuggled thousands of covert jihadists into Europe. The Syrian operative claimed more than 4,000 covert ISIS gunmen had been smuggled into western nations – hidden amongst innocent refugees. The ISIS smuggler, who is in his thirties and is described as having a trimmed jet-black beard, revealed the ongoing clandestine operation is a complete success. "Just wait," he smiled. The Islamic State operative spoke exclusively to BuzzFeed on the condition of anonymity and is believed to be the first to confirm plans to infiltrate western countries. If 0.1 percent of that number were to arrive in the U.S. as bogus Syrian refugees, that would be four too many (4,000 x .001 equals 4). Last but not least, and speaking of percentages, this pair of smug Daily Beast dolts completely blew a simple calculation involving percentages at the end of their report, coming up with a ridiculous figure they apparently thought was too good to check, because it maximized the ridicule they thought they were heaping on Republican governors (saved here as a graphic in case it ever gets corrected): Governors might not have the power to stop the federal government from resettling refugees once they've been granted status to stay in the U.S. Doing so would only compound the human suffering that has already befallen 4.1 million people displaced from Syria since the civil war began in 2011. Remember, they are fleeing Bashar al-Assad and ISIS, among others. So far the U.S. has accepted 1,900 refugees in the past two years, or 0.0004 percent of all Syrian refugees. Uh, no. 1,900 is 0.0454 percent of 4.1 million. If the 1,900 figure quoted really were 0.0004 percent of all Syrian refugees, that would mean that there are 475 million Syrian refugees (1,900 divided by 0.0004 percent really is 475 million), well over 20 times that beleaguered nation's population. And these guys, both "senior editors," have the nerve to ridicule others? It must be nice being able to just throw horse manure out there with no accountability — and I'm really being unfair to horse manure, which at least has its uses. Cross-posted at |
Buzzpo Logo This Is The Most Disturbing Muslim 'Refugee' Video You Will Ever See Nov 12, 2015 POSTED BY Mark Clifton It’s time for Americans to wake up and see what really happens when you let thousands of Muslim refugees into your country. Don’t let what’s happening in Europe happen to us! Share this video to help spread the word. BuzzPo - |
Very disturbing video. It's time to stand up and say no. we can't protect Europe any longer. Notice none of the "refugee's are going to Russia? Wonder why?
May as well leave this here.. .
"" Istanbul (AFP) - Turkish police detained eight suspected members of the Islamic State jihadist (IS) group, state media said Wednesday, adding they were planning to sneak into Europe posing as refugees. Counter-terror police detained the suspects in Istanbul's Ataturk Airport after they flew in from the Moroccan city of Casablanca on Tuesday, the official Anatolia news agency reported. The police found a hand-written note on one of the suspects detailing a migration route from Istanbul to Germany via Greece, Serbia and Hungary, including smuggler boats across the Mediterranean Sea, as well as several train and bus journeys. The eight men told police that they were just tourists who had been planning to spend a few days in Istanbul and had booked rooms at a hotel, but no reservations were found under their names. Turkey is the main launching point for migrants coming to Europe, and currently hosts over two million Syrian refugees."" Your move, Big Ears ![]() |
May as well leave this here.. . "" Istanbul (AFP) - Turkish police detained eight suspected members of the Islamic State jihadist (IS) group, state media said Wednesday, adding they were planning to sneak into Europe posing as refugees. Counter-terror police detained the suspects in Istanbul's Ataturk Airport after they flew in from the Moroccan city of Casablanca on Tuesday, the official Anatolia news agency reported. The police found a hand-written note on one of the suspects detailing a migration route from Istanbul to Germany via Greece, Serbia and Hungary, including smuggler boats across the Mediterranean Sea, as well as several train and bus journeys. The eight men told police that they were just tourists who had been planning to spend a few days in Istanbul and had booked rooms at a hotel, but no reservations were found under their names. Turkey is the main launching point for migrants coming to Europe, and currently hosts over two million Syrian refugees."" Your move, Big Ears ![]() Islam, the religion of insanity. ![]() |
Send them to New Zealand or other places that are welcoming because they are low population and don't have immigration problems....just saying
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Wed 11/18/15 11:50 AM
one thing i don't get... if the muslims are doing this to die and take as many people with them as possible, why do they bring their passports with them? seems they always find a few passports whenever these things happen... I think the promised virgins like to know exactly who they are losing their cherry too. |
one thing i don't get... if the muslims are doing this to die and take as many people with them as possible, why do they bring their passports with them? seems they always find a few passports whenever these things happen... I think the promised virgins like to know exactly who they are losing their cherry too. Yeah don't get that. Why would someone want to teach 72 virgins what to do? |
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Send them to New Zealand or other places that are welcoming because they are low population and don't have immigration problems....just saying ![]() ![]() The Syrian refugees deserve to live in such a country .. I wish we could take them all ![]() ![]() ![]() great, tell obarry and hitlery to send all of them to yall, there's not a lot of people that want them over here... ![]() |
No thank you we don't want them
Send them to a remote island in the middle of nowhere. We have enough problems without adding to them. |
i don't know how they think they can stop it, but whatever... sounds good for voting purposes, i guess... There you go. It's functionally more of a protest/political grandstanding ploy than anything else. |
November 18, 2015
CONGRESS MOVES TO BLOCK OBAMA/REFUGEES: * In the link are phone numbers & email addresses to support Congress* 50 bus loads shipped into Harrisburg PA, during the night. |
i don't know how they think they can stop it, but whatever... sounds good for voting purposes, i guess... There you go. It's functionally more of a protest/political grandstanding ploy than anything else. And grandstanding? Look it up in the dictionary and you'll find Obama's picture. Widows and orphans my azz.... |
Send them to New Zealand or other places that are welcoming because they are low population and don't have immigration problems....just saying ![]() ![]() The Syrian refugees deserve to live in such a country .. I wish we could take them all ![]() ![]() ![]() great, tell obarry and hitlery to send all of them to yall, there's not a lot of people that want them over here... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() obarry would make a great Kiwi, he'd have y'all a socialist country in no time at all! |
November 18, 2015 CONGRESS MOVES TO BLOCK OBAMA/REFUGEES: * In the link are phone numbers & email addresses to support Congress* 50 bus loads shipped into Harrisburg PA, during the night. something isn't adding up here... i've read other reports saying there isn't that many being shipped here just yet, and you keep posting something very different.... that same guy posts a lot of stupid videos to BPEarthwatch, saying some retarded things about aliens and ufo's and other weird things... i don't think they moving that many already, but i could be wrong... i don't trust that guy on the video, tho... |
In a call with senior Obama administration officials Tuesday evening, several governors demanded they be given access to information about Syrian refugees about to be resettled by the federal government in their states. Top White House officials refused.
Over a dozen governors from both parties joined the conference call, which was initiated by the White House after 27 governors vowed not to cooperate with further resettlement of Syrian refugees in their states. The outrage among governors came after European officials revealed that one of the Paris attackers may have entered Europe in October through the refugee process using a fake Syrian passport. (The details of the attacker's travels are still murky.) The administration officials on the call included White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough, Deputy Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, State Department official Simon Henshaw, FBI official John Giacalone, and the deputy director of the National Counterterrorism Center John Mulligan. On the call several Republican governors and two Democrats -- New Hampshire's Maggie Hassan and California's Jerry Brown -- repeatedly pressed administration officials to share more information about Syrian refugees entering the United States. The governors wanted notifications whenever refugees were resettled in their states, as well as access to classified information collected when the refugees were vetted. "There was a real sense of frustration from all the governors that there is just a complete lack of transparency and communication coming from the federal government," said one GOP state official who was on the call. The administration officials, led by McDonough, assured the governors that the vetting process was thorough and that the risks of admitting Syrian refugees could be properly managed. He added that the federal government saw no reason to alter the current method of processing refugees. Florida governor Rick Scott asked McDonough point blank if states could opt out of accepting refugees from Syria. McDonough said no, the GOP state official said. In a readout of the call Tuesday night, the White House said that several governors "expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to better understand the process and have their issues addressed." The White House noted that "others encouraged further communication" from the administration about the resettlement of refugees. Hassan, one of two Democrats to challenge the administration on the call, had already come out in favor of halting the flow of Syrian refugees to the United States. She expressed anger that state officials aren't notified when Syrian refugees are resettled in their territory. Brown said he favored continuing to admit Syrian refugees but wanted the federal government to hand over information that would allow states to keep track of them, the GOP state official said. McDonough responded to Brown that there was currently no process in place to give states such information and the administration saw no reason to change the status quo. The non-governmental organizations that help resettle the refugees would have such information. Brown countered by noting that state law enforcement agencies have active investigations into suspected radicals and that information about incoming Syrian refugees could help maintain their awareness about potential radicalization. He suggested the U.S. had to adjust the way it operates in light of the Paris attacks. McDonough reiterated his confidence in the current process. While promising to consider what Brown and other senators had said, he emphasized that the administration had no plans to increase information sharing on refugees with states as of now. Top GOP senators echoed the concerns of governors Tuesday. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr joined House Speaker Paul Ryan's call for a "pause" in the flow of Syrian refugees, which is intended to include 10,000 people by 2016. McConnell said "the ability to vet people coming from that part of the world is really quite limited." Democratic senators are split on the issue. Senators Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein said Tuesday there may be a need for a pause in accepting Syrian refugees but they both wanted to hear more from the administration about the issue. Sen. Dick Durbin said that refugees aren't the primary source of concern. He pointed to the millions of foreign visitors who enter America each year. "Background checks need to be redoubled in terms of refugees but if we're talking about threats to the United States, let's put this in perspective," he said. "Let us not just single out the refugees as the potential source of danger in the United States." The White House is trying hard to engage governors and lawmakers. Top administration officials held several briefings about the issue Tuesday on Capitol Hill. But if they don't agree to share more with state and local politicians, the opposition to accepting Syrian refugees could quickly gain ground. |