Topic: Best Comedy Movie(s) Ever | |
actually...that's also the "come hither" finger...just gotta find someone I'd like to use it with... King: ooooooooo, my own homemade porn with ya??!! Okay, but I'm the star...and we're naming it "Spit it in my Face"... lmao |
no problem, you can name it anything you want.
nice....very nice... |
larry the cable guy health inspercter
lmao 4u......i would have to say without a flew over the
koo koo's nest...but i bet you could have guest that from me eh! |
napoleon dynamite
Tommy Boy is the best comedy movie
napolean dynamite, uncle buck, american pie,waiting, super troopers
My Cousin Vinny, Dumb and Dumber, Monty Python's Holy Grail, Liar Liar,
Caddyshack |
gotta agree with The Jerk..Airplane..or even myself & irene
Happy Gilmore
tommy boy, and I'd like a copy of that porn king. lol.
anything with mel brooks will have you rollin my fav is blazing saddles
you'd have to ask peachie about that one chuckee but i'm sure there are
others floatin around the internet somewhere. ain't no tellin where they may pop up. |
that may be one of the reasons i get all the strange looks. they were
watchin with their friends sayin, how'd he get her to do that? man, whata freak. lol |
Home Alone...!
do you have a name for that porn yet ...??
*checks her downloads
lmfao |
which one...any that have been made are nameless. they speak for
themselves, just not sure if they are sayin anything good lol |