Topic: Any Linux Users? | |
Cool thing about Linux: you can run a full distro from a USB flash drive. As long as the motherboard, CPU, and memory are working, you are good to go.
Can anyone help me setup enumall ( on Kali Linux(I've set it up....but there's errors... I wanna connect it with alt DNS and recon-NG....if anyone can walk me through the process I would be most grateful~(...means I'll say me..)
I use Linux Ubuntu 17.10. Just waiting for the LTS version .
just change my crappy old toshiba satelite laptop to ubuntu 17,10 its got a new sense of life goes beauty ripper
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Fri 02/16/18 07:39 PM
And then there's that bastardization called Android. I have a couple, had Debian running on one. It used Android's Linux kernel but with normal Debian userland stuff. Phone has to be rooted. But even when you aren't doing anything in Linux the CPU is about 70% busy with Android spinning its wheels. The phone crapped out eventually.
Oops, I thought I had quoted another post. Wrong button I guess. |
Yes, I used OpenBSD for 15 years or so but then the Raspberry Pi came along with no OpenBSD support because of the binary bootloader. So I've largely switched to Raspbian. Right now I've got 3 Pis and 2 Zeroes. Debian on a laptop. Tried Ubuntu once, found it too dumbed down. Started with Slackware about 1993 when I used to download it onto floppies, ran FreeBSD for a year or so then needed Open for its security at a job where a Linux box had been root kitted.
But a Raspberry Pi 3B is almost the equal of an i386 desktop machine from 10-15 years ago and runs on about 1 watt (and sells for $35) so that's mostly what I use. |
It's almost identical.
I've been using XUbuntu Linux for the past seven years. It's lightweight. I've been able to install everything except for current Adobe Reader.
I've also used OpenSUSE. Just getting back into OpenSUSE again. I will never go back to Windows as my main system. Soon to be up and running a network of Linux. |
I started using Linux as soon as Microsoft killed support for Windows XP (wasn't too happy with Win7 and there's so many things wrong with 8/10) . Stuck with the Ubuntu family for a while till I learned about the whole "systemd" controversy, so now I'm using Devuan (which is Debian without systemd). Very happy with it.
I use OpenBSD. I never had a Windows computer. I switched from DOS 3.3 to Red Hat 6.0 and then to SuSE 6.4 in 2000. Here my OpenBSD laptop supplies embroidery files to my embroidery machine
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I'd like help in installing Arch Linux. Hit me back if you are comfortable with this. I want it to be a learning experience as I believe if I can install rch, I can install any Linux distro. Arch will be installed on a free 700 GB partition of a 2 TB HDD. I'm currently running Windows 10 and Linuux Mint Debian Edition 3 in a dual boot using the reFind boot loader. It can add any number of OS's for me to choose from. I'd like to install Arch Linux from a thumb drive or DVD. Thanks. |
I have been using Linux in many different forms now for the better part of 19 years and have seen it progress from something that was so difficult to setup and use, to something that (if you get the right distribution) can be as easy as Windows to use. I would be interested in connecting with other Linux users or people that are just interested in knowing more about this Operating System. I just have had a bear of a time finding people that are actually interested in it, mostly because it still thought of as a hobbyists operating system, you need to know computers in order to actually use it, and you need to know something about programming in order to get it to run right. All myths that while true in some instances and with some distros might not fit with all of them. I am just rambling now but I would like to meet people that are interested it and explore it with them. I've used a dual boot with Windows 10 and Lubuntu. Windows became corrupt and it looked like there was physical damage to the HDD, according to Windows, but I reformatted and just have Linux on it now and the HDD is still in perfect condition. My only regret is not just using Linux sooner. I grew up on Windows, then I explored different variations of Linux. I could never fully part with Windows more so for sentimental reason, but I wasn't heartbroken when I had no other choice. |
Hi, I'd like help in installing Arch Linux I say just give it a go,man. Maybe try in a VM first, but you don't have to. I've done it twice just to see if I could and both times went fine and much easier than I'd thought after reading all the hype. It's not as hard as you think. Here's the guide I use from the Arch wiki. |
I first became interested in Linux for the purpose of building Android operating systems about 3 years ago. At first, I stuck with the distros that could be booted live with persistence from USB so I could test them fully before making the decision as to what would be my first actual Linux. Right when I was preparing to do my 1st hard drive install of the best Linux I’d tried, Mint Mate, a friend messaged to try Manjaro. I’d not considered Manjaro because it couldn’t boot from a flash drive with persistence (the ability to save settings, files, installed apps, and other changes) which meant that I couldn’t test it as completely as I had the others. I respected the friend, though, and thought, “What the hell?” I had just partitioned for a Linux install along the side of Windows 10, after all. As I was downloading the KDE version, my friend messaged, “Xfce is boss.”
3 years later I am still running Manjaro Xfce (single boot now and somewhat customized by myself) and I have never once found the need, nor desire, to distro hop. I am now a Linux lover and I try many, many distros, always in a Virtualbox, always inside Manjaro. If I absolutely need to run Windows for something, I do that the same way. I am so grateful that that friend spoke up at that perfect moment, and I agree….Manjaro Xfce is boss. |
I use Linux, I have used all previous versions from Red hat to Black hat and current one. Love it. made so easy and has all units to do what ever your creative mind wants.
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Sat 01/26/19 08:55 AM
never used windows always linux debian and gentoo
Ubuntu, latest version.
I bought a Dell laptop with Ubunto pre-installed, after several years of trying various distros on a PC. It's not had heavy use but has always worked, although sometimes it takes a while to work out how to make it do something! It's annoying that you need to single-click to open some things. If you double-click, no matter how fast it will open two instances. Other times you have to double-click, single-click does nothing!
I like that upgrades are small and frequent. Eventually I 'upgraded' the desktop from XP to 7 and got used to it, quite like it now. Need it to share docs with friends whose PC won't open Libre Office files. Now I hear that support for 7 will be discontinued at the end of this year and it's possible that some websites will not open if you are using 7 rather than 10. grrr. I understand that 8 was a complete change that was not popular and that 10 is, or can be made to look, like 7. Guess I'll have to PAY to upgrade from 7 to 10 just to be able to look at some websites (most likely the bank). But then some of my hardware that works fine with 7 might not work with 10. Don't you just love M$? Long Live Linux! |
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Sammy Dan
Mon 04/29/19 10:43 AM
Have been slowly getting feed up with Microsoft and Windows. Seems now they are trying to pack yet more spying and data collection into it.
So this computer now runs Mint Linux. Am starting the journey into Linux. If I'd spent as much time on Linux as I had Windows, I'd well know my way around it. Still there are things I can not do in Linux and need Windows for. I do 3D graphics as a hobby. Yes I'm aware of Blender and GIMP. I actually use GIMP and have for many years, ported to Windows. But I wind up using several programs or more as one program does one thing best and another does something else better. They are not ported to Linux and WINE doesn't do the trick. |