Something you should know regarding your phone number! Google has implemented a new feature which enables you to type a telephone number into the search bar and hit enter and you will be given the person's name and address. If you then hit MapQuest, you will get a map to the person's house. Everyone should be aware of this! It's a nationwide reverse telephone book. If a child gives out his/her phone number, someone can now look it up to find out where he/she lives. The safety issues are obvious, and alarming. Note that you can have your phone number removed or blocked. I tried my number and it came up along with the mapquest and directions straight to our house. I did fill out the removal form for myself, and encourage all of you to do the same. In order to test whether your phone number is mapped, go to: google ( <> ) Type your phone number in the search ! bar (i.e. 555-555-1212) and hit enter. If you want to BLOCK Google from divulging your private information, complete the Removal Form. Removal takes 48-hours. Check your own number and although this may not apply to you if you have an unlisted number or cell phone as primary contact, but you may know someone who needs to know this. <> |
LightVoice, thank you for letting us know about is kinda scary!!
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This is very true, Thanks for the heads up.....
I've known about this but never really gave it much thought... I hope everyone takes this advice.... |
my # is can they still do that to me???
well i guess i don't have to worry.i tried my number and it said only one thing: private number of canada loans o/a pro tel communications.
Oh man, mine comes up on there, TY for the heads up!!
Some details to clear this up a little. |
does this apply to cell phones?..
I tried my cell number and it didn't come up with anything... so i think it only applies to landline numbers but there may be another site out there to look up cell numbers...
whew, mine didnt come up, but my mom's did. She says she doesn't care, but I told her she had better care!
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This one is to look up and type of phone anything, but it is one the person has to pay for. |
I heard from a friend, Google is looking at buying Dex phone books. To get easier access to all phone #'s from the book.
Also poss ads for their search thing. You should see the huge facility Google is building, here in Council Bluffs, Iowa. Will employ over 300+, already setting up the first building & wil start const on the second in the spring. Won't be in full operation till 09. |
You also have to remember that if your phone number is listed in the phone book, you can still be found. You give your information to people everyday. I am the queen of caution, but I don't think its enough of an issue to be concerned about. Be smart but don't obsess.
beaugifts is correct. Before google, there was our trusty phone book complete with phone number and address. Also if ya have a good area map handy, that's all ya needed before the days of the internet. Unlisted numbers could also be found, but you'd have to work harder at it. I'm not saying this to scare anyone, I just want y'all to think before freaking out. Also, if you've moved anytime recently or had your number changed, chances are that your old info is still in the reverse lookup system. Take care and be smart and safe.
I'm not sure if I should share this or not...
But with just a few scraps of info, you can find out addresses, phone #, relatives, ect. And it's free. |
Old news.
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Well, if your number is in your local phone book ANYONE can see it.
I only have a celly, if people lookup my number all they get is my service provider and their local addy. My numbber isn't in the phone book either so they wouldn't get anything about me. |
i found my birthfamily for free thru zabasearch and google and will be getting pictures of birthmom isnt all bad.
Mine said no matches and told me to check my spelling. yay!