Topic: Mass shooting at Oregon college | |
Saw this post in another site. States my opinion even better than I can.... "" The problem with all these mass-shootings doesn't lie with guns, the law, or even mental health. The problem is that we've created several generations of coddled little babies who don't know how to deal with adversity. They are taught that life is "fair" and that there is no such thing as winning or losing (everyone gets a trophy). Make a B in a class? Mommy and Daddy will raise hell until the teacher raises it to an A. They never have to learn from failure and deal with its impact. Then when they enter the real world and it kicks them in the nuts, they are not equipped to deal with it, so they lash out in irrational ways. To answer your question...there is no change needed to gun control, unless we simply do away with control altogether. Guns aren't the problem. Puzzies are the problem."" the pussifacition of America... |
Saw this post in another site. States my opinion even better than I can.... "" The problem with all these mass-shootings doesn't lie with guns, the law, or even mental health. The problem is that we've created several generations of coddled little babies who don't know how to deal with adversity. They are taught that life is "fair" and that there is no such thing as winning or losing (everyone gets a trophy). Make a B in a class? Mommy and Daddy will raise hell until the teacher raises it to an A. They never have to learn from failure and deal with its impact. Then when they enter the real world and it kicks them in the nuts, they are not equipped to deal with it, so they lash out in irrational ways. To answer your question...there is no change needed to gun control, unless we simply do away with control altogether. Guns aren't the problem. Puzzies are the problem."" the pussifacition of America... |
Wonder if this would be considered a hate crime By law & by the media's own standards it should be. God knows, if was any other group targeted , there would be hash tags & riots. And 24 hour coverage & Obama would be singing like a choir boy. |
From what I've heard about the shooter... The tard, allegedly posted his plans and intent to kill, on a social media site. Nobody reported him. "" Federal authorities are looking into a suspicious thread on the anonymous message board 4chan that appears to include someone with similar intentions to today's unnamed shooter who killed at least 10 people in Oregon, according to The New York Times . The thread, archived here , shows an anonymous user on 4chan board /r9k/ advising others, "Don’t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest," late in the day on September 30th. The identity of the shooter who attacked students this morning at Umpqua Community College in Roseberg, Oregon, remains unknown, though it is confirmed police shot and killed the 20-year-old man. It is not yet clear whether the anonymous 4chan user and the shooter are the same person. 4chan has become well-known as a haven for some of the worst behavior on the internet. In fact, many users egged on the original poster and some even gave him tips on how to carry out a massacre. Following news of the shooting, the thread takes a twisted turn as participants realize the gravity of a potential link between the group conversation and the killings. Nonetheless, the nature of the site makes quick verification near impossible."" Same site that a year or so ago, a poster posted a thread about a woman he strangled...with pics of her dead body....poster was subsequently arrested and charged with the murder. The shooter was not the guy from 4chan they were accusing. The guy from 4chan is the one in the video I posted. The media found the video and pushed the disgruntled white loser narrative even after it was obvious he wasn't the shooter. Because people believe untruths from repetitive themes. Masss shooting Crazy white man Lastest for hours Country is rivited Left a trail of evidence Reporters are involved Those of us, who work for a living, don't have time for the 24 hour news cycle, or repetitive themes. Especially, during the business day. But, as to be expected, many jumped on the race theme. Funny how race wasn't the motivator in this case. |
Wonder if this would be considered a hate crime By law & by the media's own standards it should be. God knows, if was any other group targeted , there would be hash tags & riots. And 24 hour coverage & Obama would be singing like a choir boy. Ding ding win! Lol |
Yup, everyone reported that Christians were singled out in their news stories. NOT ONE NETWORK NEWSCAST however even broached the subject of this being a hate crime. Why? The shooter apparently gave someone a 'manifesto' and so the cops have declined to provide a 'official' motive.
So, even though witnesses have already said specifically Christians were targeted AND executed when they declared their faith, it's still not a hate crime. Ok, no problem. We'll remember that mainstream media for another day. President Obama? Yeah, didn't hear him say anything about Christians that were literally assassinated. It was all about how cheesed off HE was. About HIS frustration, and about how HE will go ahead now and politicize this type of event. Just curious, is he headed out west on Air Force One to preach and sing at the funerals? Hmmmmmmmm? |
Edited by
Fri 10/02/15 07:18 PM
So, even though witnesses have already said specifically Christians were targeted AND executed when they declared their faith, it's still not a hate crime. Ok, no problem. We'll remember that mainstream media for another day.
![]() Then we will see Obama bowing or with Farrakhan.. or worst. And maybe the flag will be flow at half mass like it did for the military.. ![]() |
Once again...too many guns in the wrong hands...not enough in the right hands.
Time to strap on your hog leg and be willing to use it! |
So it seems the MSM is in full news spinning mode.
CNN now showing 'altered' photos of Mercer photoshopped to remove facial moles and have significantly altered his skin tone to make him look 'white'. It has been reported CNN has yet to show a picture of his mother who is African American. He supposedly left writings espousing his hatred of towards 'the black man' yet oddly his victims were white or light skinned Latino. At this point it has been confirmed he only fired a handgun in the attack. Even though he brought a rifle to the scene, it was apparently stashed in a classroom, and not fired in the incident according to a federal prosecutor on the case. So keep that in mind when you hear the phrases like 'arsenal' of weapons, or unleashed a heavy volume of fire, etc. Anything that makes it sound like the kid was literally dripping in guns and you envision bandoliers of ammo strapped across his chest. Yes he had a number of firearms, but they were all purchased legally by Mercer or his relatives according to the BATFE. |
Edited by
Sun 10/04/15 01:24 PM
So it seems the MSM is in full news spinning mode. CNN now showing 'altered' photos of Mercer photoshopped to remove facial moles and have significantly altered his skin tone to make him look 'white'. It has been reported CNN has yet to show a picture of his mother who is African American. He supposedly left writings espousing his hatred of towards 'the black man' yet oddly his victims were white or light skinned Latino. At this point it has been confirmed he only fired a handgun in the attack. Even though he brought a rifle to the scene, it was apparently stashed in a classroom, and not fired in the incident according to a federal prosecutor on the case. So keep that in mind when you hear the phrases like 'arsenal' of weapons, or unleashed a heavy volume of fire, etc. Anything that makes it sound like the kid was literally dripping in guns and you envision bandoliers of ammo strapped across his chest. Yes he had a number of firearms, but they were all purchased legally by Mercer or his relatives according to the BATFE. ---------------- This is exactly why the thread is up referring to the La Times article Tsk! Tsk ! La Times - It is a reverse discrimination agenda for gun banning. So is the mentality ill issue. |