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Topic: how often does creating drama hurt relationships?
Kindlightheart's photo
Mon 09/21/15 05:31 PM

...makes me laugh... I have so much drama in my life..lol...biggest reason I stay single... I have a hard time dealing with all I go through..and honestly I am not a dramatic person myself...drama just finds me and I just shake my head...sucks to be me...but at least my friends and family appreciate me...they just load me up with all their issues and I deal with it...but dang...sure do wish I could run and hide and spend time with a drama free guy...oh well...:wink:flowerforyou

I love you so much Kind!!..!! :heart: !!
..I love you too...you always make me smile every time you say hi...BIG HUGS !!!...

no photo
Mon 09/21/15 06:17 PM
What do guys mean by "no drama"? I never hear about that except men say that they want a women with no drama.

SitkaRains's photo
Mon 09/21/15 06:32 PM

...makes me laugh... I have so much drama in my life..lol...biggest reason I stay single... I have a hard time dealing with all I go through..and honestly I am not a dramatic person myself...drama just finds me and I just shake my head...sucks to be me...but at least my friends and family appreciate me...they just load me up with all their issues and I deal with it...but dang...sure do wish I could run and hide and spend time with a drama free guy...oh well...:wink:flowerforyou

See I don't look at this as the same type of drama this is what your family brings to you not what you would bring to a relationship. I look at the type the OP is talking about is the issue between two people in the relationship.

Family drama is always happening.

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 09/21/15 06:32 PM
I think it depends on the situation. There are times when one thinks it's drama when the other doesn't

TrystaBella85's photo
Mon 09/21/15 10:06 PM
I've noticed that whenever a woman points out how a man has mistreated her, he thinks she's causing drama....

no photo
Mon 09/21/15 10:23 PM
Edited by unknown_romeo on Mon 09/21/15 10:27 PM

What do guys mean by "no drama"? I never hear about that except men say that they want a women with no drama.

It means for example, if i had to kiss you, it would be without any drama

1onlyaname's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:24 AM
I've noticed that whenever a woman points out how a man has mistreated her, he thinks she's causing drama....

I was playing cards with my daughters n their grandfather. we were having fun. the grandmother came into the kitchen started screaming her head off. could not understand a word she was screaming. finnaly figured it out. the table clothe. had been moved and was crooked on the table. we straighten the clothe she calmed down.. I don't think we missed treated her but wow sorry for u grandpa. once he made lemonade while he was BBQing he left pitcher of ice cold lemonade in counter. grandma went off on him cause there was a small puddle of water on counter from the condensation. that's drama. how he lived with that I don't know. she was never mistreated.

1onlyaname's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:41 AM
long distance relationship. who you chatting with who you chatting with why u always on line ur light always on. cause my phone is always on app is always open so I get your notification I'm chatting you. why?

1onlyaname's photo
Tue 09/22/15 01:47 AM
I've noticed that whenever a woman points out how a man has mistreated her, he thinks she's causing drama....

the drama queen never thinks its drama she very serious

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 02:03 AM

What do guys mean by "no drama"? I never hear about that except men say that they want a women with no drama.

About a week ago I ended it with a woman that I thought a lot of. I couldn't stay with her because of all the drama that seemed to follow her. Some people can't live a quiet life. If they don't have any drama in their life, they will make drama. It's usually some kind of trouble of some sort.

For instance, Somebody is taking advantage of this person. But the fact is they let this person in knowing that the other is that way. Or for another instance, Marry somebody. Then shortly after marrying they start raising he11 at the spouse over trivial things just to cause an argument. Just gotta keep things stirred all the time. They tend to not ever be happy. They have no idea what being content is.

livingsingle15's photo
Tue 09/22/15 06:10 AM
Again, I was married to the drama queen, every single female friend of mine, she immediately asked me upon meeting them, "Did you f..k her?". At one point, I had enough of her questioning me, and I replied, "I wish I screwed that many women in the past." But of course, she had no problem telling me how many guys she screwed in the past. Friends of her first husband, lots of co-workers, etc.

Again, just to cause drama. I don't know if she was the fight and makeup type, but became harder and harder to make up.

Kindlightheart's photo
Tue 09/22/15 06:44 AM

...makes me laugh... I have so much drama in my life..lol...biggest reason I stay single... I have a hard time dealing with all I go through..and honestly I am not a dramatic person myself...drama just finds me and I just shake my head...sucks to be me...but at least my friends and family appreciate me...they just load me up with all their issues and I deal with it...but dang...sure do wish I could run and hide and spend time with a drama free guy...oh well...:wink:flowerforyou

See I don't look at this as the same type of drama this is what your family brings to you not what you would bring to a relationship. I look at the type the OP is talking about is the issue between two people in the relationship.

Family drama is always happening.
...hi beautiful...yeah..family drama should be separate...but my family has destroyed every relationship I have had... My ex husband and I are still great friends...we were just talking about how I need to quit putting my life on hold for them..that's my biggest issue in my relationships...my sisters can't stand when I don't devote all my time to them...hard to explain but we all live together...in the baby of the bunch and they treat me as such...kinda like a Cinderella story...only without the fairy godmother and the prince...lol..

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 07:17 AM
The types that create drama are the ones I'm doing my best to avoid.

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 07:20 AM
Women can be real bytchy at times. Especially during PMS. Just stay away from actresses, they love drama

no photo
Tue 09/22/15 07:50 AM

Women can be real bytchy at times. Especially during PMS. Just stay away from actresses, they love drama

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

red6mist is this your new tag?? LIBIDO spock

chronicliar75's photo
Thu 09/24/15 12:49 AM

I had one relationship end because I was cooking breakfast. I refused to go somewhere until after breakfast.

lack of communication and not trying to understand creates drama.
you're wanting the world to validate you being right by offering only a very short scenario.
she left because you were cooking breakfast and refused to go somewhere.

was the place you had to go more important than cooking breakfast? was there limited time or opportunity to get there? was it an important appointment?
were you just being stubborn by refusing to lesve?
there's usually two sides to every story.
I haven't ended a relationship but I have left without my significant other when we had plans that I had to be punctual.

I will drink to this perspectivedrinker


Depends on -
the definition of what drama is to you
the degree of drama

If the drama is all about
I like sleeping with the lights off
and you like sleeping with the lights on,
even before the drama, if I love you
I'm willing to buy an eye-cover/sleep mask for myself so we can have the lights on and you will sleep better- end of drama.

If the drama is all about
I like wendy's baconator and it is unhealthy for you-
I might give it up for you.
But if you include honey baby back ribs and barbecues,
then that means we will have drama- because you dont like me eating pork.
I have to ask,is it because you find it disgusting that I eat something
that you find unclean based on your religion?

If the drama is all about something that will affect
your love one's, my love one's or our future together,or
your reputation being with me,
we better tackle the drama or disagreement right away,
because my only way to be not be walked over on a disagreement is
to give you 5-6 days time, if there is no resolution,
then you move on I rock on.
Healthier to both parties.

My long way of saying:
Either you deserve me or you dont.
Either I deserve you or I dont.

Drama in betweens are just life
helping us out
Who's for you? or Who is not for you.

That is just my take, it might be different with other minglers.

TrystaBella85's photo
Thu 09/24/15 01:47 AM

The types that create drama are the ones I'm doing my best to avoid.


TrystaBella85's photo
Thu 09/24/15 01:50 AM

I've noticed that whenever a woman points out how a man has mistreated her, he thinks she's causing drama....

I was playing cards with my daughters n their grandfather. we were having fun. the grandmother came into the kitchen started screaming her head off. could not understand a word she was screaming. finnaly figured it out. the table clothe. had been moved and was crooked on the table. we straighten the clothe she calmed down.. I don't think we missed treated her but wow sorry for u grandpa. once he made lemonade while he was BBQing he left pitcher of ice cold lemonade in counter. grandma went off on him cause there was a small puddle of water on counter from the condensation. that's drama. how he lived with that I don't know. she was never mistreated.

Yeah, stories like that inspire me to stay single....scared

TrystaBella85's photo
Thu 09/24/15 02:14 AM

Women can be real bytchy at times. Especially during PMS. Just stay away from actresses, they love drama

I've known quite a few male b1tches, too, and they couldn't even use PMS as an excuse.....slaphead

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