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willn1k's photo
Wed 09/09/15 05:57 PM
why is it that when someone comes to visit me or I ask friends to hang out all they want to do is smoke? is that all people do now?

ALBYAK's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:09 PM
Can;t tell you why they do but you can sure look at the photos on here especially those over 50 and point every one out unless they have had a face lift!oops

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:13 PM
I don't smoke at all.

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:20 PM

I don't smoke at all.

And it shows.:wink:

Rock's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:20 PM
I smoked cigarettes for many, many years.

I won't speak for anyone else.

I did it, mostly because it pisses people off.

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:31 PM
I don't smoke
The smell makes me sick sick

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:32 PM
I am grateful that neither of my parents smoked. I have dated a few guys that smoked and I was really repulsed by it. Cigarettes really, really make me feel sick, so I can never date a man who smokes.

willn1k's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:34 PM
I'm sorry I forgot to put why do people smoke weed

MelMaxx's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:35 PM
Sounds like maybe you need to find some new friends.....OR better yet, get them to QUIT!! :wink:

I am not a smoker and usually don't hang with peeps who are. I have the occasional friend, but they know what my rules are about not in my home or vehicle.:smile:

MelMaxx's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:37 PM
Oh, that is a different topic alltogether laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

...still a BIG NO!!! Had my fill of that nonsense in high school, going to concerts.noway

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:40 PM
I don't smoke weed. I have no interest at all.

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 09/09/15 06:43 PM
Weed sucks big time
YUCK sick

Ladywind7's photo
Wed 09/09/15 07:02 PM
Edited by Ladywind7 on Wed 09/09/15 07:03 PM

why is it that when someone comes to visit me or I ask friends to hang out all they want to do is smoke? is that all people do now?

Because they are stoners? slaphead
Of course not, change your friends....

ALBYAK's photo
Wed 09/09/15 08:01 PM
I don't have much use for smoking pot either, but bet when I get back to Alaska where it will be legally available next summer the toaster oven will be making some different browniesbigsmile :thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:38 PM
why is it that when someone comes to visit me or I ask friends to hang out all they want to do is smoke (weed)?

I don't know.
Are you a weed dealer?
Do they just have nothing better to do with their life?

If they went to another friends house would they just want to smoke weed?
Or is it just your place?

is that all people do now?

Only the people that just want to smoke weed.

SitkaRains's photo
Wed 09/09/15 09:44 PM
The first time around I had cancer I smoked it
It helped with chemo when I dropped down to 84 pounds and couldn't eat..

Now I have no desire to and if my friends do it they don't do it around me.

If they don't respect your wishes find new friends

TyphoonMk1b's photo
Thu 09/10/15 08:32 AM
They do not want to do it at their place, they do not want to be caught in public.

you are nothing but their ashtray.


no photo
Thu 09/10/15 09:19 AM

why is it that when someone comes to visit me or I ask friends to hang out all they want to do is smoke? is that all people do now?

I haven't tried smoking weed ever in my life but I knew some people who used it. Smoking weed is not bad at all, depending on how people use it. Some use it for medical purposes but others abuse it. If you are hanging out with friends who smoke weeds ,it's either you influence them to stop or they will influence you to be one of them. I have acquaintances who belong to a broken family, problematic adult or suffering from depression and they use weed , told me it helps them feel calm and forget their problems, it had become an outlet for them. I had one friend who went to my house and asked me if he could use my bathroom coz he feels like smoking, told him no, never do that in my home, you are my friend but I won't allow you to use my home for things that I know could cause to ruin your life, I won't tolerate what you are doing. If your friends are valuable to you, be an instrument to make a change in their lives. If they are not willing to quit, better not hang out with them that much coz they might become a bad influence to your life.

TawtStrat's photo
Thu 09/10/15 09:21 AM
Because it's good stuff.

"These days" you can get good bud anywhere and you know it's clean. I wouldn't smoke hash anymore because there's all sorts of crap in it but it was all you could get before they made a science out of hydroponically grown genetically modified strains of cannabis and homegrown weed stopped being a joke.

Alcohol is worse for your health and most other recreational drugs are as well. It's only psycologically addictive and you won't get sick if you stop taking it. The effects are known and it's much safer than "legal highs" because you don't know what's in them. You don't know what's in powders or tablets either if you bought them on the street.

Oh and switching to weed is one way to cut down smoking. It's more expensive than tobaco but you can't really smoke as many joints in a day as you can smoke cigarettes. I'm down to less than ten a day now.

Queene123's photo
Thu 09/10/15 09:29 AM
Edited by Queene123 on Thu 09/10/15 09:32 AM
well in high school
it was the thing
to feel wanted in a crowd

but over time it got

i quit smoking
23yrs ago

i have always
hated the smoke
around others

and i still do

no one is allowed
to smoke in my home

i have a friend
that i have known
sense i was 16yrs old
and my mom wont say this
to his face
but she will say
it to me

how is cigarette butt

smoking weed is the past

i quit that also 23yrs ago
i hated the way
it made me feel
my first bf when i was 16
were still good friends after
all this time and he still smokes it

im lucky neither did my kids
ever got into drugs

and never smoke

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