Topic: Syrian Refugees to Europe Major problem | |
Well, David Cameron was Margrat Thatcher's protege and Thatcher was Enoch Powel's. Enoch Powel was notorious for wanting to send the blacks back and for his "rivers of blood" speach, so it's all scarey stuff and we've got this arse in number 10 again because he made promises to reduce imigration, which he failed to meet.
Yes Crystal, even before this recent crisis there's been massive disruption due to all of the people trying to enter the UK illegally by crossing the Channel from France. They stow away on goods vehicles and damage them, so something had to be done about it and it's difficult and dangerous for them to get here and the government are trying to make it harder for them to claim benefits. You hear other stories though. There was this woman on the news the other day saying that a refugee boy that she had fostered was being sent back where he came from because he was no longer a child. All of his family over there are dead and this is his home. I know what you mean about how there are people speaking foreign languages everywhere now. That does my head in as well and I've ranted before about how the Pakis that run my local shop can't speak proper English and the service is terrible, even when they're not rude. I've got a Thai lady living upstairs though and her lot are so integrated that her granddaughter even has a Scottish name. It's just that Muslims haven't really integrated, on the whole and then you feel like your country is full of aliens. And now we've actually got "British" people fighting for this Islamic State lot and a British drone killed one of them today. Immigration really hasn't been a massive problem until recently and those borders were opened as part of an economic plan to create a more prosperous Europe. Those Poles and the rest of them do crappy low payed jobs that nobody else wants to do. They're economic migrants that we're exploiting. There's actually a shortage of skilled workers here and it's not like the eighties, when there were no job prospects. We've still got millions unemployed though and we're still spending billions on nuclear weapons that we're never going to use and we're going to have a proper navy again with these aircraft carriers that have been comissioned. The "Muslim problem" is like the new "Jewish problem" but you don't even need fascist nutters to make you scared about this. We've dealt with terrorists before in the UK. I grew up with stories about bombings in Belfast and that's only really stopped because the government went back on its policy to never negotiate with them. |
Sure...why not. We have tons of money. that's cool yellowrose...why don't you wire transfer a few millions to my swiss account ![]() ![]() |
it does seem suspicious a citizen of Israel has $1 trillion USA dollars to spend in Syria and he's doing a fine job as Isis is equipped with USA military weapons . and same Israeli citizen has spent some $6-7 trillion in middle east. wondering why he can even cut the checks???
Of course one has to ask WHY these people are traveling so far for safety when they could get to Saudi Arabia much more easily? Oh yeah, because the Saudis and a number of other Arab Gulf states don't want them for fears of terrorism.
A lot of people may not be aware, but there is a town in Saudi Arabia called Mina. It is essentially a campground for Muslims who do their hajj pilgrimage each year. This town has 100,000 tents capable of supporting 3,000,000 visitors. It comes with kitchens, bathrooms, and all the tents are air conditioned. So, if the need is only temporary to get these people to safety, get the war fought and over with, and then send everyone back home to rebuild, then why all the hand wringing and guilt tripping of Europeans and North Americans into taking in 'refugees'? There are a number of countries between Syria and Germany or Sweden that are perfectly safe. Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, and so on. Why go specifically to those countries? Oh yeah, because they have all kinds of free money via welfare, and social programs. So the Arab states themselves simply throw money at the problem and see these people as potential terrorists for us to deal with. No one calls them out for it. WE say hey, slow down the flow because we need to check these people out, and WE get called racists and islamophobic. Nice double standard. |
Of course one has to ask WHY these people are traveling so far for safety when they could get to Saudi Arabia much more easily? Oh yeah, because the Saudis and a number of other Arab Gulf states don't want them for fears of terrorism. A lot of people may not be aware, but there is a town in Saudi Arabia called Mina. It is essentially a campground for Muslims who do their hajj pilgrimage each year. This town has 100,000 tents capable of supporting 3,000,000 visitors. It comes with kitchens, bathrooms, and all the tents are air conditioned. So, if the need is only temporary to get these people to safety, get the war fought and over with, and then send everyone back home to rebuild, then why all the hand wringing and guilt tripping of Europeans and North Americans into taking in 'refugees'? There are a number of countries between Syria and Germany or Sweden that are perfectly safe. Italy, Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Spain, Portugal, and so on. Why go specifically to those countries? Oh yeah, because they have all kinds of free money via welfare, and social programs. So the Arab states themselves simply throw money at the problem and see these people as potential terrorists for us to deal with. No one calls them out for it. WE say hey, slow down the flow because we need to check these people out, and WE get called racists and islamophobic. Nice double standard. Yeah, very good point(s). And would be far easier for Muslim countries to cater for Muslim refugees than it is for us to do so. The impact on their society is far less as they're culturally not that far apart. Germany now closing borders, so is Austria. So where the he|| are they all gonna go now? Hope they're not going to be knocking on our doors. |
it does seem suspicious a citizen of Israel has $1 trillion USA dollars to spend in Syria and he's doing a fine job as Isis is equipped with USA military weapons . and same Israeli citizen has spent some $6-7 trillion in middle east. wondering why he can even cut the checks??? every thread so far you mention Israel... why is that? |
that's stretching it a little only on 3 political ones Hitler pretty hard not to. USA Israel same thing same law makers. this about Syria correct yes USA Israel should take in all the refugee we are Hugh contributors in their suffering.
that's stretching it a little only on 3 political ones Hitler pretty hard not to. USA Israel same thing same law makers. this about Syria correct yes USA Israel should take in all the refugee we are Hugh contributors in their suffering. just keep trying to spread your hate, but no one is listening anyway.. |
what hate mighty moe??? seriously. why is that hateful USA n Israel have been major players. why are we not taking in the refugees. we supply half the weapons in the battle. Israel has done some bombing there. the USA wants Assad to die. if its the USA that wants the leader dead we supply the weapons we should take in the refugees why are we burdening the other countries. no hate take responsilbilty if ur actions.
really what part did the Saudis play in this mess. why is it their burden? usa-israel has spent $1 trillion to make sure this conflicts ends with Assad death. Russian warned usa-israel not to send more arms into Syria. Russia has legal contracts with Syria doing legal business. did we not know Russia would protect their interest. if Assad was a murderer take him to icc . if usa-israel can send $1 trillion so they can kill each other then spend a $1 trillion to help the innocent.
they have hard time in Saudi they are Christians Syria is a christian nation
A lot of loose facts flowing through this thread.
I'll label women children n elderly as innocent yes good description
that's stretching it a little only on 3 political ones Hitler pretty hard not to. USA Israel same thing same law makers. this about Syria correct yes USA Israel should take in all the refugee we are Hugh contributors in their suffering. Well... When you're not posting your pro-rape propaganda, you do bash Jews and Israel every chance you get. |
I guess on the bright side once the entire third world is living in Europe and the US there will be some prime real estate available pretty cheap...
A lot of loose facts flowing through this thread. really, maybe the loose thread is in the head. ![]() |
lol what pro rape u guys cracking me up
that's exactly what Obama promised per election no one took him serious lol
that's stretching it a little only on 3 political ones Hitler pretty hard not to. USA Israel same thing same law makers. this about Syria correct yes USA Israel should take in all the refugee we are Hugh contributors in their suffering. just keep trying to spread your hate, but no one is listening anyway.. |
that's stretching it a little only on 3 political ones Hitler pretty hard not to. USA Israel same thing same law makers. this about Syria correct yes USA Israel should take in all the refugee we are Hugh contributors in their suffering. just keep trying to spread your hate, but no one is listening anyway.. if it wasn't hate inspired, you would say those same things without the words "Israel" or "Jews" every chance you get... |