Topic: How old is the earth? | |
its nearly 6000 yrs old , i say we are living at 5,997 or 5,998 or 5999 yrs period
If the scientist's calculations are reliable the dinosaurs died out about 60 million years ago. I think we need to take another look at Genesis. I would like to know more about the Greek translation. If Greek is a "synthetic" language, is it easily misinterpreted? Genesis is originally in Hebrew. That is what I understand also. It was later translated into Greek. The Greek is what I wonder about. I haven't figured out exactly what "synthetic language" means. Have you done any study on that subject? |
its nearly 6000 yrs old , i say we are living at 5,997 or 5,998 or 5999 yrs period It might be 6,000 yrs since the Garden of Eden, but I think the earth is a lot older than that. Satan was in the Garden of Eden. Did he change from Lucifer to Satan overnight. I doubt it. He was created an Archangel, beautiful and in charge of the other angels. His vanity did him in and he wanted to be like God, he rebelled and so on. That is not something that would happen overnight. 1. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Job 38 38 Then the LORD spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: 2 “Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? 3 Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. 4 “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. 5 Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? 6 On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone— 7 while the morning stars sang together and all the angels[a] shouted for joy? |
Edited by
Fri 09/04/15 06:48 PM
Genesis is originally in Hebrew. That is what I understand also. It was later translated into Greek. The Greek is what I wonder about. I haven't figured out exactly what "synthetic language" means. Have you done any study on that subject? Greek as a 'synthetic language' has something to do with inflections rather than word order to express grammatical structure. (At Least That's What My Electronic Dictionary Says) ********************************* Hebrew can still be translated straight-over into any language One wants though. |
Genesis is originally in Hebrew. That is what I understand also. It was later translated into Greek. The Greek is what I wonder about. I haven't figured out exactly what "synthetic language" means. Have you done any study on that subject? Greek as a 'synthetic language' has something to do with inflections rather than word order to express grammatical structure. (At Least That's What My Electronic Dictionary Says) ********************************* Hebrew can still be translated straight-over into any language One wants though. There are a couple of things in the Bible that don't add up to me. I would like to know more about translating from Greek. |
What are some for-instances ?
I honestly have not read the bible in a very long time. Sorry if this seems disrespectful but I tend to lean on science more then faith.
I am open minded to see were the two connect in order to perhaps answer the question on how old the earth is. I am also hopeful that such a discussing would not lead into further confrontation :) |
No Confrontation !
How do You expect us to lovingly remain focused on the subject ? |
No Confrontation ! How do You expect us to lovingly remain focused on the subject ? This is a discussion on how old the earth is. People can have different points of view and still be respected. |
Let the tempest pass it's a chat let respect everyone's views
Let the tempest pass it's a chat let respect everyone's views |
Edited by
Sat 09/05/15 10:25 AM
This is one of those areas where I simultaneously maintain several separate lines of thought.
In one of those lines, the actual age of the solid form of what we now call the Earth, is intriguing to try to understand. That line of thinking is mitigated by arbitrary decisions required, such as whether one considers Earth's "birthday" to be when it's form finally changed from primarily liquid or gaseous to primarily solid, or when the atoms and subatomic particles which eventually came to be what we call "rocks" and so on. This is really just an academic exercise to me, a sort of entertaining amusement or pass-time. In another line, I recognize that the actual age of the Earth doesn't matter even a little, no matter how young or old it is. It is whatever it is, and knowing how old it is, wont have any effect on how I conduct my life. A third recognition, is that arguments/discussions such as that between Biblical adherents and non-Biblical scientists really isn't over the age of the Earth at all, they are really arguments over who gets to have a say. It is one small part of a very long and very important debate of everyone's lives, which has gone on for a very long time, and wont be resolved as long as humans continue to feel it is important for one to be more in charge than another. Another line, is personal interest in how people work things out. I do not know how in detail the 4,000 or so year old calculation was made, but I find that it is intriguing to explore and learn about people, via what they think constitutes logical or factual and why. |
Yes, what IgorFranksteen said... !
****************************** SM8 and Rattydx are waiting for the tempest to pass. (Is My Sarcasm That Difficult To Understand ?) |
What are some for-instances ? The age of the earth. What is God? What is man? God is immortal spirit. Man is mortal flesh and blood, with the potential to be sons of God. I see it as a two stage process. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. 45 So it is written: “The first man Adam became a living being”[f]; the last Adam, a life-giving spirit. 46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the dust of the earth; the second man is of heaven. 48 As was the earthly man, so are those who are of the earth; and as is the heavenly man, so also are those who are of heaven. 49 And just as we have borne the image of the earthly man, so shall we[g] bear the image of the heavenly man. 1 Corinthians 15:52 in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:51 Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— We have to be changed to look like God. That means we do not look like god now. Genesis 1:27 So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Could this also be translated "is creating" ? So God is creating mankind in his own image, |
Yes, what IgorFranksteen said... ! ****************************** SM8 and Rattydx are waiting for the tempest to pass. (Is My Sarcasm That Difficult To Understand ?) Um ok moving on |
Edited by
Sat 09/05/15 03:36 PM
Yes Cheechako, it seems that God chooses to make himself and a whole other realm of activity vaguely perceivable to us.
Even the earliest stages of creation are seemingly stretched-out over an indefinite period of time. We seem to be obliged to look at mind-numbingly gradual processes mixed-in with ones that are seemingly instantaneous. ******************************************************* Here's an example... Often I see signs of sedimentary rock all over the place. They are often in elevations without any recent memory of water sluicing and depositing this stone. They are much easier to explain than the Granite rocks that are filled with all kinds of streaks and well-ribboned crystal formations. I've got an elder brother who's a geologist and even he's at a loss to explain them. We know what the text-books say on the subject, but they're woefully incomprehensive. I majored in metallurgy in my senior years of schooling and my only conclusion is they came into existence in the blinking of an eye. Yes, much is left to faith. |
as a believer in God, I believe God inspired word
there is no mention of age of the earth and calculations made by man, to me, make too many assumptions such as that all time is accounted for in the bible and that Gods abilities would be confined to mortal limitations,,,, it is interesting to ponder, that's all |
Yes Cheechako, it seems that God chooses to make himself and a whole other realm of activity vaguely perceivable to us. Even the earliest stages of creation are seemingly stretched-out over an indefinite period of time. We seem to be obliged to look at mind-numbingly gradual processes mixed-in with ones that are seemingly instantaneous. ******************************************************* Here's an example... Often I see signs of sedimentary rock all over the place. They are often in elevations without any recent memory of water sluicing and depositing this stone. They are much easier to explain than the Granite rocks that are filled with all kinds of streaks and well-ribboned crystal formations. I've got an elder brother who's a geologist and even he's at a loss to explain them. We know what the text-books say on the subject, but they're woefully incomprehensive. I majored in metallurgy in my senior years of schooling and my only conclusion is they came into existence in the blinking of an eye. Yes, much is left to faith. your brother is a geologist and he can't explain that? very easily explained with a simple internet search... how do you think mountains are formed? sometimes the land raises and lowers in millions of years with pressure buildup below.... the Grand Canyon is a great example of it.... |
Yes Cheechako, it seems that God chooses to make himself and a whole other realm of activity vaguely perceivable to us. Even the earliest stages of creation are seemingly stretched-out over an indefinite period of time. We seem to be obliged to look at mind-numbingly gradual processes mixed-in with ones that are seemingly instantaneous. ******************************************************* Here's an example... Often I see signs of sedimentary rock all over the place. They are often in elevations without any recent memory of water sluicing and depositing this stone. They are much easier to explain than the Granite rocks that are filled with all kinds of streaks and well-ribboned crystal formations. I've got an elder brother who's a geologist and even he's at a loss to explain them. We know what the text-books say on the subject, but they're woefully incomprehensive. I majored in metallurgy in my senior years of schooling and my only conclusion is they came into existence in the blinking of an eye. Yes, much is left to faith. your brother is a geologist and he can't explain that? very easily explained with a simple internet search... how do you think mountains are formed? sometimes the land raises and lowers in millions of years with pressure buildup below.... the Grand Canyon is a great example of it.... It would take a lot more than an internet search to understand the geology of the earth. I worked in mining exploration as a teen and have been prospecting ever since. Geology is based on theories and the theories are constantly revised and updated. |
Yes Cheechako, it seems that God chooses to make himself and a whole other realm of activity vaguely perceivable to us. Even the earliest stages of creation are seemingly stretched-out over an indefinite period of time. We seem to be obliged to look at mind-numbingly gradual processes mixed-in with ones that are seemingly instantaneous. ******************************************************* Here's an example... Often I see signs of sedimentary rock all over the place. They are often in elevations without any recent memory of water sluicing and depositing this stone. They are much easier to explain than the Granite rocks that are filled with all kinds of streaks and well-ribboned crystal formations. I've got an elder brother who's a geologist and even he's at a loss to explain them. We know what the text-books say on the subject, but they're woefully incomprehensive. I majored in metallurgy in my senior years of schooling and my only conclusion is they came into existence in the blinking of an eye. Yes, much is left to faith. your brother is a geologist and he can't explain that? very easily explained with a simple internet search... how do you think mountains are formed? sometimes the land raises and lowers in millions of years with pressure buildup below.... the Grand Canyon is a great example of it.... It would take a lot more than an internet search to understand the geology of the earth. I worked in mining exploration as a teen and have been prospecting ever since. Geology is based on theories and the theories are constantly revised and updated. all science is that way.. the more they learn, the more revised it gets... but it is all based on studies, calculations, and repetitious finds... |