Topic: Missouri- Protests Over Transgender Issue | |
I am not necessarily talking about this particular person. I don't know enough about him/her. I am trying to explain the strange phenomenon known as Gender Dysforic Syndrome, or Gender Idendity Disorder. The ramifications of this syndrome are quite similar to hermafroditism and Agenesis, since they all 3 have the same cause: a dysforism between the gender of the brain and that of the body. I am trying to explain that more knowledge about these disorders and others, would prevent much hardship for everybody. The more you know about something, the better you are able to tell whether it is worth while to get all worked up about, or whether you simply are bashing a kid that's already cursed by being born with a very unpleasant disorder... Right? It's easy to scream: yeah, they're all freaks! But that solve anything, really. Babies can get born with four arms and four legs, or with one body and two heads. Nature CAN go wrong... it does happen. However, everybody can see there is something wrong with those babies: but that is only because the disorder is VISIBLE. Sometimes they are not; they are real nonetheless. the rest of the people are mere "freaks" or comedians. I personally dont use the word freak but the difference with the aforementioned things going 'wrong' isnt just that they are visible, but because they are not fully FUNCTIONING, and in the case of two heads causes death fairly early on in life,,,,,if there is truly only one body to support them |
I know you didn't use the word freak, mrs. Harmony. (I think I mistook you for Mrs Tulip, a while back, sorry).
But saying people with GID or GDS are to stay as they are, simply because what they are born with doesn't kill them, is saying that all people born with something that makes their life hell, but doesn't kill them, should suck it up in order to not bother other people! Tell that to parents of children born with a split upper lip, or polydactylia (too many finger and toes), or any other disfiguring or at the least very unpleasant innate disorder, who are suffering either physically or mentally because of it! Should they simply stay the way they are instead of trying to remedy their problem, for no other reason that actually doing something about it is disturbing to others (especially when the disturbing is being caused by sheer ignorance, rather than real harm)? Being born with six fingers on one or both hands used to cause a baby girl to be killed instantly after birth in ancient China, because the people firmly believed it was a terrible omen. Now having six finges doesn't kill you, unless you happened to be born in that time over there: it wasn't your extra finger, but the fact that you "disturbed" your fellow men at such an extend they killed you for it. It's an example of how people can make a mountain out of a moleheap, and how they can make people who already are stuck with some problem cause it to get a million times worse, due to ignorance. It doesn't matter what disorder it is, or wheter it on itself causes you harm: this is about how others make your life unnecessarily miserable because of it. Jean-Paul Sartre, a great French philosopher, said it so correctly: "l'Enfer, c'est les autres". (Hell, that's the others). People don't need an actual Hell to make life hell to each other, they can do that very well without any help from Satan. Al they need is intolerance and ignorance. |
again,, these things don't involve HEALTHY and FUNCTIONING anatomy
and people seeking mental health professionals are almost always 'dealing with something that makes their life hell',,,and they should seek help,, not mutilation,,, their anatomy isn't the problem,, whatever is happening in their head is,,,thats the cause of misery, the anatomy is just a quick distraction to blame it on,, |
I expected California to be one of the first... This School Is Switching to Gender-Neutral Bathrooms for All Students Out of 365 students, about six to eight kids at Miraloma Elementary don’t adhere to the traditional gender binary—and that makes potty time fraught with anxiety-inducing decisions. In order to make using the restroom a carefree process for every student, the San Francisco school has started getting rid of gendered bathrooms, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. So far, the single-stall bathrooms for kindergartners and first graders—which are located within the classroom—are gender neutral. The school plans to phase in bathrooms used by older students over the next few years, including restrooms with multiple stalls. California is one of just 14 states with laws barring discrimination against students based on sexual orientation or gender identity, according to Human Rights Campaign. The state’s 2013 School Success and Opportunity Act grants students the right to use bathrooms and play in gender-segregated sports that match their gender identity. While many schools offer one gender-neutral bathroom for students on the gender spectrum along with traditional boys’ and girls’ rooms, Miraloma’s principal, Sam Bass, wanted to do more. “We are the first elementary school in the district to say that’s not good enough,” Bass wrote on the school website. “All of our students should have full, equal, safe, comfortable access to facilities.” Bathrooms have become something of a battleground for transgender rights. A federal judge ruled Friday that a transgender teen could not use the boys’ room at his Virginia high school. More than 100 students at a Missouri high school walked out in protest of a transgender girl being allowed to use the girls’ bathroom and locker room. In both schools, the students have used gender-neutral bathrooms while their peers use the boys’ and girls’ room. Both students have said such segregation unfairly singles them out. At Miraloma, no student will feel othered when they need a bathroom break because all students use the same facilities. “I think most people don’t think about how difficult it can be, going to the bathroom for someone like my son,” Jae, the mom of a first grader at Miraloma, told the Chronicle. (Out of concern for her son’s safety, she only gave her first name.) Choosing a bathroom is difficult for Jae’s child, who was born male and identifies as a boy, but prefers to keep his hair long and wear traditionally feminine clothing. At summer camp, he wet himself rather than face a gendered bathroom. Such conflicts are common for kids who don’t fit the gender binary. Older students will also avoid using the bathroom for an entire school day, which can lead to urinary tract infections and chronic constipation. That’s why the U.S. Department of Labor cited restroom access as matter of “health and safety” in new guidelines for companies looking to integrate transgender employees. The school will continue working with parents and faculty to create restrooms that make all of the students feel comfortable as they get older. But so far, the parents at Miraloma are pleased with the changes. "There are absolutely parents with questions, more about the logistics than anything else,” Ellen Schatz, the school’s PTA president, told ABC News. “I haven’t heard a single parent say they didn’t like this or thought it was unnecessary." |
expected,, and just the tip of whats to come,, no doubt
prepare for the homogenous usa, where everyone can feel 'the same' as everyone else,,,and the pursuit of letting everyone just 'be themselves' will instead be let everyone be 'only human' with no other differences being significant or permissable to acknowledge,,, |
Edited by
Sun 09/06/15 02:12 PM
again,, these things don't involve HEALTHY and FUNCTIONING anatomy and people seeking mental health professionals are almost always 'dealing with something that makes their life hell',and they should seek help,, not mutilation,,, their anatomy isn't the problem,, whatever is happening in their head is,,,thats the cause of misery, the anatomy is just a quick distraction to blame it on,, Gender dysforism syndrome is easily explained, but unfortunately uninformed people seem to discard this explation without any research, in favor of their own mistaken conviction. You make that mistake, and you're not the only one: that is exactly the problem. I have explained everything but you have simply read over it. Otherwise, you wouldn't write: "their anatomy isn't the problem, whatever is happening in their head is". You can't say that, you have no clue, with all due respect! It is actually the exact opposite of what you say: their mind isn't the problem, it's the anatomy that is. But apparently you seem to refuse to accept that. How would you cure a genetic disorder with mental health therapy? That's like trying to make a dentist cure a patient who has leukemia: it isn't going to do any good. But hey, you haven't read all my explanations; for some reason, you don't want to. You'd really rather stick with the witch hunt, in case of an epileptic, even if the scientific proof of the contrary was hitting you in the face? Mutilation, for crying out loud... ![]() |
Edited by
Sun 09/06/15 02:14 PM
how is it a problem if it is designed and functioning the way it was INTENDED TO?
the male of the species fertilizes, the female becomes fertilized if something else is happening that doesnt fit other recently defined 'traits' of male and female,, like hormonal levels or whatever else,,,than they are not in line with the functioning ANATOMY that person has and THOSE Things are the problem, not the anatomy that is healthy and FUNCTIONING AS DESIGNED there is not 'scientific' proof, there are theories and the psychological community giving their sign off for everyone else to ignore what have been scientific 'facts' up until some political event insisted they be altered and expanded,,, |
again,, these things don't involve HEALTHY and FUNCTIONING anatomy and people seeking mental health professionals are almost always 'dealing with something that makes their life hell',and they should seek help,, not mutilation,,, their anatomy isn't the problem,, whatever is happening in their head is,,,thats the cause of misery, the anatomy is just a quick distraction to blame it on,, Gender dysforism syndrome is easily explained, but unfortunately uninformed people seem to discard this explation without any research, in favor of their own mistaken conviction. You make that mistake, and you're not the only one: that is exactly the problem. I have explained everything but you have simply read over it. Otherwise, you wouldn't write: "their anatomy isn't the problem, whatever is happening in their head is". You can't say that, you have no clue, with all due respect! It is actually the exact opposite of what you say: their mind isn't the problem, it's the anatomy that is. But apparently you seem to refuse to accept that. How would you cure a genetic disorder with mental health therapy? That's like trying to make a dentist cure a patient who has leukemia: it isn't going to do any good. But hey, you haven't read all my explanations; for some reason, you don't want to. You'd really rather stick with the witch hunt, in case of an epileptic, even if the scientific proof of the contrary was hitting you in the face? Mutilation, for crying out loud... ![]() what "scientific" proof are you referring to? the same "scientific" proof that animals are gay? ... sorry, but watching a dog hump a cat is not science... |
when validating something we attribute some type of 'science'
when invalidating something we attribute it to some 'religion' age old debate reality |
can you imagine the backlag of coronor ids
since race is only social and now, apparently, so is gender,,lol technically, just cause that corpse on the table has a penis,, doesnt mean they were a male or a man,, could have been a 'transgendered' female,,,, |
I've explained everthing over and over. You've all read over it and refused to accept it. As I said: you woudl'nt see proof if it hit you in the face.
And no, it has nothing to do with dogs humping cats ![]() |
there is no proof
if you can carry and give birth to a child, its not a DEFORMITY , its the function of your healthy ANATOMY as a female if you can impregnate someone that gives birth to a child, its not a DEFORMITY,its the function of your healthy ANATOMY as a male |
I've explained everthing over and over. You've all read over it and refused to accept it. As I said: you woudl'nt see proof if it hit you in the face. And no, it has nothing to do with dogs humping cats ![]() your the one not listening... shes right in what she says, it's a mental thing, nothing else... |
I agree with one of the comments from the original topic
'she' can use the women's restroom when 'she' has 'her' first period. ..until then nope we are all humans why can't we all pee together. |
we are all humans why can't we all pee together. Hey, you overlooked us Melmacians. ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/15 01:29 PM
we are all humans why can't we all pee together. Hey, you overlooked us Melmacians. ![]() ![]() ![]() he will say what to do! |
we are all humans why can't we all pee
Because we dont want some perv in the mall, who found some dumbazz liberal loophole in the law that allows him to dress up as a girl and then say he is one. jerking it in the stall next to our daughters.
together. |
we are all humans why can't we all pee
Because we dont want some perv in the mall, who found some dumbazz liberal loophole in the law that allows him to dress up as a girl and then say he is one. jerking it in the stall next to our daughters.
together. libtards don't get that.. they think only their opinion matters on everything |
we are all humans why can't we all pee
Because we dont want some perv in the mall, who found some dumbazz liberal loophole in the law that allows him to dress up as a girl and then say he is one. jerking it in the stall next to our daughters.
together. libtards don't get that.. they think only their opinion matters on everything ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/21/15 04:00 PM
I thought Melmacian's were hermaphrodites?
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