Topic: Missouri- Protests Over Transgender Issue | |
If it were my child. I would speak to school officials and ask if there was a private staff bathroom that could be used. I would want my child to not only feel comfortable but most importantly, feel safe. I would then explain to my child that his/her comfort is important but so is the comfort of others. Creating a special bathroom would only facilitate hatred as it would become a target. This issue will get out of control and eventually lead to a death. Tulip you and I are in agreement with on how to handle this situation. I honestly think it is just one more thing to fight about... |
Politically correct bullchit say's this will becoming to a town near you soon, and he/she/it, will be sharing a bathroom with your kids.
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honestly there is really only two solutions to this 'problem', either a third bathroom but it seems that that's not what they want, n
or you go the other way and have only ONE co-ed bathroom, I honestly think a coed bathroom would be safer, strength in numbers etc.... or we set a precedence of you use the bathroom that matches the equipment you were born with....but with gender reassignment surgery that may be difficult to uphold..... |
honestly there is really only two solutions to this 'problem', either a third bathroom but it seems that that's not what they want, n or you go the other way and have only ONE co-ed bathroom, I honestly think a coed bathroom would be safer, strength in numbers etc.... or we set a precedence of you use the bathroom that matches the equipment you were born with....but with gender reassignment surgery that may be difficult to uphold..... id support equipment based bathrooms,,, |
id support equipment based bathrooms,,, but currently 'equipment' can be removed or added depending. ... so how do you determine then? if the equipment is altered, first you'd have to be told by them that it has been, because if not you may just assume that's how they were born |
id support equipment based bathrooms,,, but currently 'equipment' can be removed or added depending. ... so how do you determine then? if the equipment is altered, first you'd have to be told by them that it has been, because if not you may just assume that's how they were born I dont care really, how they got it, when it comes to that if they are gonna pee through a vagina, whether it was given by nature or a doctor,,,,Im fine with them having my experience and therefore sharing the womens bathroom |
times they are a changing
I had to wait until 9th grade to get my ears pierced now kids are pierced, gaged and tatted up in high school parents are taking their kids in and allowing them to under go plastic surgery such as breast augmentation and nose jobs in order to alter their appearances we have somehow along the line decided our teenagers are capable of making long term permanent choices at a very young age that will impact the rest of their lives |
If this issue is forced on children, who are minors, you may have 1 in million true transgenders; but now you've opened up a Pandora's box of abusers. A completely idiotic child will think it funny to go to the other bathroom for kicks and giggles, then end up in court as a sex offender. I'm sure they won't take it lightly, to make an example, and prosecute as an adult.
Parents and law makers really need to think things through. |
they arent freaks they have mental conditions that wont let them accept the FULLY FUNCTIONAL anatomy they were born with but that doesnt mean that those of us who can should ignore what anatomy they were born with,,, I believe there should be a trans bathroom. for those who have some other issue that doesnt 'coincide' with their anatomy maybe have individual stalls inside that have both the urinal and the traditional toilet if a 'socially identified' female isn't comfortable in a bathroom with penises(men's room) why should a natural anatomical female be forced to feel as if they should be(penises in the women's room)? if you arent comfortable amongst those with your UROLOGICAL anatomy, share the toilet with others who arent comfortable either,,,,isntead of disrupting everyone else,,, Yeah... they're freaks. |
I can see a neutral bathroom being a 'have to' for every school in the future
I would like to see kids no longer forced to attend school after they hit puberty (as determined by blood tests measuring hormone levels). I can see online schools becoming more popular so this stupidity can be avoided. I can see a lot more pork being funneled into schools and away from education, and especially away from teachers, just so people feel coddled in the presence of others. I can see the desire to not feel segregated leading to greater isolation. e.g. port a potty's and individual locker room "pods." I can see schools cancelling other classes and programs in order to start new, or expand, "LGBT, women, minority, multilingual, and immigrant awareness and sensitivity training classes." honestly there is really only two solutions to this 'problem'
IME there's usually 4. 1. The practical solution. 2. The emotional solution. 3. The personal solution. 4. The government solution. #1 usually means no one feels they win or coddled, offers negative consequences although less than the problem , and doesn't increase anybody's control or wealth, so it's usually ignored. |
children already have option of home schooling
of course someone has to be in the home to school them but online education especially at the high school level is growing by leaps and bounds right now and has been for the past ten years or so.. |
I don't want to see kids any more under educated than they are
but I would like work/life balance to be something that is held at as much a priority as profit/bottom line more out of school opportunities for kids to keep their minds and bodies active and better wages and hours for parents to balance the financial support part of their parental role with the nurturing/guiding/communicating/supporting/,,parts of their parental role as well I would like to see society stress a BALANCE as opposed to being all about jobs and income,,, |
Online school works great. My daughter wanted to do it and I fully supported her. You have periodic phone calls with the instructors to discuss progress or issues. She actually graduated HS early.
Online school works great. My daughter wanted to do it and I fully supported her. You have periodic phone calls with the instructors to discuss progress or issues. She actually graduated HS early. I would consider it if I were home myself. I also would like her to interact with other kids though and not be a homebody kid. It would be between the homeschooling with outside activities and a private/christian school, with extracurricular activities. |
I know we are kind of going in different direction but I am going to chime in
you can check with your school district on rules they have regarding participating in school sports if you take classes online. I have worked in public and hopefully will work in them again when I am finished with school. I chose a private high school for my son for various reasons..common core being one of my concerns. |
Edited by
Tue 09/01/15 08:37 PM
| Aug 31, 2015 By Dan Greenwald, ( – More than 150 students walked out of Hillsboro High School over a dispute about the use of the girl’s locker room by a transgender student. The walkout lasted for about two hours. Roughly 30-40 people showed support for senior Lila Perry, who wants to use the girls’ locker room during gym class. Perry was born a male but said she has identified as a female since 13. “There’s a lot of ignorance, they are claiming that they’re uncomfortable. I don’t believe for a second that they are. I think this is pure and simple bigotry,” said Perry. A short distance away, a counter protest was being held by people claiming they have relatives at the high school. “Boys needs to have their own locker room. Girls need to have their own locker room and if somebody has mixed feelings where they are, they need to have their own also,” said protester Jeff Childs. Perry told News 4 school officials have been accommodating, understanding, and compliant with Title IX. The school offered her a private gender-neutral restroom, which she turned down. “I wasn’t hurting anyone and I didn’t want to feel segregated out. I didn’t want to be in the gender neutral bathroom. I am girl, I shouldn’t be pushed off to another bathroom,” said Perry. Some parents have asked if it is an act by Perry to get into the girls’ bathroom. A veteran gender therapist says it is not a ruse. “That’s really important for many people to know and parents to know, that a person does not choose this, they really don’t. They know it very early on and are in a great deal of pain,” said Patricia Berne. Out of concern for own safety, Perry dropped out of gym class. She plans to continue to use the girl’s restroom. Excuse me Mingle2 Munchkins... while I tare this sh@t up. ![]() 1- This says ' Transgender'. But every indication is this is a boy dressed like a girl. Therefore, just like Bruce Jenner, he is technically a 'Transvestite', being referred to as Transgender, by the media. 2- This article is very bias. A- 150 students walked out (this means nothing, & does not say for or against). ![]() B- 50 students supported. ( humm... we're they 50 REAL girls who would have to be in the locker room with him, a few times a week? ![]() C- Other protestors, " claiming to be relatives" ( claiming? Like they may be lying ? How many were there? Where are their quotes & photos? ![]() D- " Identifies As A girl, since 13" ( Not before? Where was he before this? When was he enrolled? Was he wearing a dress/ girls clothes at 13, or before? Where is the background/ proof of this? Where are his parents statements? If he is indeed, under 18... doesn't look it, did his parents consent to this interview?) E- The statement from the so called professional. (Means nothing... History of professional? Was the statement in regard to this case? Does not appear to be. 3- He doesn't want to be singled out & is afraid for his safety. ( Yea.. right, so he refuses a separate bathroom , is involved in the walkout... & gives interviews & has photos taken). Wait.... Missouri.... sound familiar? Blacks upset Hispanics/ Illegal Aliens upset Now... White Teenages /Transgender upset. ![]() |
I have watched a few video clips. Some completely enraged by at a breaking point enraged. People that disagree or are uncomfortable are being labeled as bigots. I think this is pushing things too far for many people. There does come a point when enough is enough.
Listen to the minor children. Most are very uncomfortable with it. What are we doing to our children if we don't fight to protect and preserve their own innocence. And where are the parents of this transgender child, as you stated sassy? Why are they silent? Very troubling for all. |
no, I beg to differ tourette is about uncontrollable BEHAVIOR, your anatomy is your anatomy, it's not under anyones control, it just IS Sorry, miss Tulip, Tourette and GDS are both about behavior. They have a lot in common: both are innate, uncontrollable (by the patient), and very disturbing for uninformed others. So are all dysfunctions that make a person behave in a way people don't expect others to behave, mainly "contradictory to their appearance". and if I would not like to go to a very private area to do a very private thing with someone who has to pull their dick out, excuse the french, I should not be shamed or guilted into feeling like I am somehow bigoted about a 'medical condition'
I am not the one who used the word bigoted. But what you would not like to do can be to have to undress in the company of someone with a penis, but it can be just as well to have to be called all sorts of weird and unpleasant things in a very loud manner by a Tourette patient. So there too, there is no difference. Whatever you don't like depends on you, not on the patient you are facing. Some people aren't even accepting to allow people who are handicapped in some way; it all depends on their level of tolerance towards handicaps and disorders, and their level of knowledge about different handicaps and disorders. I dont care how one is behaving, if they have a PENIS, they are not a female, and I am, and we dont need to do our most private disrobed business in the same room, I just above mentioned the phenomenon of hermaphroditism: that is, as I explained, a baby born with both a penis, testicles, a vagina, a uterus and ovaries. All on one baby. Now, do I ask you, would you say that is a girl or a boy? Is that baby two babies, inside one body? No, that is only one baby, with one gender. The other set is a Natural mistake. Only, which one? Nobody can tell, except the baby, who is too young. That is the proof that babies can be born with the wrong genitals. Sometimes the opposite happens: babies with agenesis are babies born with no genitals at all. Are those genderless babies? NO, they are either boys or girls, only, from the outside no one can see which. The only one who does know is the baby itself, and it will tell you after it's old enough to speak. Another proof that a penis, a uterus, all that stuff is just secondary, contrary to the center in the brain called BED Nucleus of the Stria Terminalus, a little part of the brain inside the Hypotalamus, which determines the actual gender of the baby. Usually, kids get genital organs that correlate with that gender, which is finished looooong before the body only starts developing (during pregnancy). When something goes wrong, causing a mutation or a genetic mistake, a child who's brain is female gets male organs, or the opposite. The brain can't be changed: the gender of the child is the very first thing that gets determined, at the second of its conception, depending on the spermcell of the father. You do know that, don't you? Well, that means whatever goes wrong afterwards is a mistake, and shouldn't be considered the only thing on which to determine the REAL gender of the child, as you do. (and most other people). Hermafrodite children, Agenese children and transgender children are all in the same position: they have been conceived as belonging to one gender or the other, and their body has decided to create the wrong genital organs (either two contradictory sets, or none at all, or the opposite type). All this happens before the child is born and therefor one can hardly blame the child.
A female , produces the half of us called the EGG and carries life through something called a UTERUS
Really, you don't say? Well, what I just explained above prooves it isn't all that simple, unfortunately...
A male, produces the other half of us, called the sperm, and impregnates females through a delivery venue called a PENIS all this 'gender identity' doesnt change that
Bathrooms are built based upon SEX, not upon GENDER This only tells me that you don't really grasp the meaning of the term "gender", since gender and sex are actually synonymous. There is only one gender: the one in the brain. Whatever is visible on the body is only secondary, and whether you have the correct set is rather a genetical Russian roulette: it can be either wrong or right. But it says NOTHING about your gender. you dont go to the toilet with your feelings, but with your anatomy
a transgender girl is a MALE that has emotions that dont 'match' their anatomy (talk about deciding what feelings one should have based upon their anatomy, huh?_ a transgefer male is a girl that has emotions that dont 'match' their anatomy in essence, like most all other types of humans, a person who isnt COMFORTABLE with what the skin they are in. This again prooves you need information about the problem, just as anybody else, apparently. Feelings or emotions have absolutely nothing to do with this problem: it is genetic, not mental, and certainly not "emotional". The problem with most people is that they focus too much on the exterior. "What you see is what you get" is an idiom that is not to be applied to the phenomenon of GDS. Not anymore than to Hermafroditism or Agenesis. The problem lies exactly in the fact, that you DON'T see what you get, but the opposite! So, miss Tulip, a penis does not make a man, a uterus does not make a woman. Your gender is in your brain, not between your legs, and neither are anybody's. Life is not that simple. |
There are "special needs" teachers at most schools who can handle this.
Schools have clinics with a bathroom in them as well as in the office that they can use. A note from a Doc will do. They should have an alternative to gym class where they don't have to change at all. |
penis does not make a man, IS that simple. We're not talking about a hermaphrodite in this particular situation....we're talking about a guy...with a dlck....and probably a wig wanting to use the girls locker room and being a dlck about it when he didnt get his way....and he was even offered a private room and turned it down.
a uterus does not make a woman. Your gender is in your brain, not between your legs, and neither are anybody's. Life is not that simple. On second thought, maybe youre right....he is a woman...a big 'ol attention whore of a woman |