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Topic: Arguing for or against marijuana...
RustyKitty's photo
Thu 09/24/15 09:22 PM
Well, here is a different take on the topic of cannabis.
I am 60 and had smoked cigarettes from the age of 14 - until I was 30. I quit smoking cigarettes by having a puff of a joint whenever the urge to have a cigarette hit me..
Today - 30 years later, I smoke it everyday - morning, afternoon, night..
I don't know what people think it does to you, but I have run a successful business, had children, planned community events, maintained a household, gathered all the toys a 'guy' could want .. smoking did not make me a dunce in the corner spazing out.
My husband had dimensia (alzheimers) and I made the canna-oil, then baked cookies .. it was a life-saver in our lives..
Marijuana is not just to be smoked. He benefitted from EDIBLE mj., where you are getting CBD, not THC, which you get from smoking..
It helped keep him calm and relaxed and helped with sleep.(INDICA)
For me, I smoke it - it helps me with any anxiety - and helps me to be creative (SATIVA)
so much info on the internet about cannabinoids and how your body has receptors read, read, read.. Don't let them medicate you with the pharmaceuticals that destroy your internal organs..

Rock's photo
Thu 09/24/15 09:56 PM

Laws banning weed, were brought about by William Randolph Hurst... of Hurst Publications... Notably known as Patty Hurst's daddy... (yeah, that patty hurst).

Hurst Publications, owner of the San Francisco Chronical, hounded the government, to outlaw marijuana, at the behest of Hurst's advertisers.
The alcohol industry.

Pot was cheaper than booze, and legal.
Booze makers/distributors didn't like that...

The only reason pot was outlawed, was fear of competition... reefer madness, and racism were the tools of the day, to accomplish the booze maker's goals.

The rest is history...
Google it.

that is history you are mentioning.

it is irrelevant how and why history outlawed marijuana use in the matter of answering the question i posed.

the issue remains, that although marijuana is recognized for its potential and proven benefits for medical purposes, how stringent or loose will its prescription be balanced against its known or yet to be discovered harmful effects? as well as the implications, both proven and yet to be seen in the long term if legalization of it as a recreational drug of choice is to be made?

what you are saying is similar to txsgal's point of using one substance in lieu of another, except that your defense is due to pricing, availability and corporate competition --- which actually opens another question...the relation of economic and social stability in corporation-driven marketing and use of multiple recreational vices/substances.....money talks, but who benefits and who is harmed??

History, is indeed very relevant to the arguments of, for or against.
History, conditioned many people to feel the way they do. Regardless, if they're for or against.

I've read both sides of history, and much of the current scientific documentation that's available to the public... and I'm neither for, nor against.

I have no use for weed, and simply have no desire to be around stoned people.

However, if weed is legalized throughout the U.S., I know to buy stock in snack food manufacturers.

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