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Topic: 4 Marines killed in military attacks in Tenn.
germanchoclate1981's photo
Sun 07/19/15 03:15 PM

terrorist isil wannabe can buy them too. That, neighbors, Americans, is the point

That same terrorist can go to Mexico and buy whatever they want.

It is a brilliant idea to limit the targets capacity to fight back by limiting their options.

Looks like you want flintlocks for the targets and fully auto assault rifles from Mexico for the jihadists..

Great plan.

No, our police and military have theirs and the Chattanooga PD proved their efficiency. This was a moving hostile target firing on them and they limited the number of casualties ending THIS threat. Great job Chattanooga PD. Look at what a static Major Nadal did with a handgun13 dead and 32 wounded. This proves that you don't need a 100 round drum if you are proficient with your weapon. This guy wasn't accustomed to placing his shots or target selection or there would have been more casualties. 4 dead one wounded is no where near the hit miss ratio Nadal did. This is bad but it could have been much worse.
My plan makes too much sense, it'll never work.

I see your point and respectfully disagree. You are not taking into consideration the fact that the market is already flooded with high capacity magazines and semi-auto assault rifles. This means, that a ban on these will merely create a black market for them. It may HELP deter Joe Blow from buying these weapons, but often times these antagonists are not Joe Blow. At the same rate, you are now making a few previously innocent people criminals, and you are making career criminals wealthier. Banning high cap magazines, for instance, would make purchasing them similar to buying a few ounces of marijuana on the street corner. Again, honest people would not have them, but dishonest ones would. It would waste time, resources and manpower enforcing this. This manpower would be better spent elsewhere.

Heck, on the flip side, I can't help but wonder if this assailant were an amateur, and had a full auto weapon, lives may actually have been saved as he would burn through his ammo faster, and his shots would be less precise.

All too often I find the public crying for more rules and regs thereby relieving themselves of responsibility. But, Perhaps the government should have stepped in. Rather that take responsibility away from people, maybe we shouldn't give mass shooters infamy by pasting their pictures all over the media, giving them infamy. Perhaps if we hadn't show the world that we were weak, and ISIS were strong, they would have less lone-wolf followers.

I understand the disparity in which we want to keep OUR guns. I get what you are thinking about rate of fire and capacity. The error is the difference between rate of fire and cyclic rate. Sure if a gun can spit out 50 rounds in 12.5 seconds (rough estimate) that's about 4 per second. 10 of them might hit A target(s) and 40 would miss. That's 20% efficient. The same weapon with 4 30 round mags is CAPABLE of firing at the same cyclic rate but it takes time to drop a mag, access another, orient load and seat the mag and charge if necessary and possibly resight. Pros obviously are much better at this but even if they take 1.5 seconds between the last shot from the first mag and the first shot from the second, that's 1.5 seconds and 20 less shots before an opportunity to physically take down, distract, find cover, lay flat, is any of this sounding familiar? Split seconds can mean life or death which was tragically proven in the Fort Hood shooting in 09. If you heard the numbers of shots fired and number of wounded and dead you would assume it was a high cap assault rifle mag drum or box or there had to be more than one shooter. I did, sick, shocked hurt and was even more sick when one of my doctors and the only civilian victim died. So this **** is personal to me. Hassan was extremely skilled with one pistol. Imagine if that level of skill accuracy was 100 rounds instead of 20 per mag. When you're in a place so overwhelmingly crowded and you don't care which blob you blow a hole in you don't have to be accurate, all you have to do is keep pulling the trigger and control the weapon.

Even if you stay engaged on the rear sight never blink and don't fumble the mag the empty has to clear the well and the full mag has to replace it. That takes time, a second, 3 seconds maybe 5 if the shooter is nervous or drops it, it could be the difference of life or deaths.

That church... Should stay where they are and RESPECT THE DEAD.

I am sorry to hear about your doctor.

Agreed. Takes time to reload leaving openings for retaliation. This is why I wondered if we'd been better off had the assailant been using a full auto rifle instead of a semi-auto (again utilizing the same logic) .

The plan of banning high cap magazines may seem effective at first, but this is under the assumption that criminals can no longer get their hands of them. Problem is, as I explained earlier, that even when made illegal, they will be relatively easy to obtain on a black market since there are so many in distribution now. I also worry about "blowback" when it becomes more profitable for illegal sales.

In fact, I know a police officer who deliberately bought 10 AR-15's when the government was pushing to ban assault rifles. He was banking on the idea that when illegal, he could make his money back several fold. This occurred nation wide with high cap magazines, ammunition, and accessories which were brought into question.

If A police officer is buying weaponS that he assumed would become illegal with the INTENTION of selling them ILLEGALLY he IS a CRIMINAL. Any proposed bill or law didn't or wouldn't turn him into a criminal, he committed the act, and it was premeditated. That's conspiracy to traffic, posession with intent to distribute, and distribution which are 3 crimes he chose to commit for personal gain. If any other crimes trace back to his acquisition he could face accessory to awdw attempted murder, murder, manslaughter...

The 'officer you know' should purchase an ornate display case with a very good lock and make any necessary changes to his home insurance policy.

If you, your brother, father, had to charge a shooter, would you rather they had a high capacity mag or a normal one? Semi-auto or fully automatic? Picture it. Same ammo same rate of fire.

The bullet least likely to hit a fleshy target is the one that's not being fired.
M1-Garand - wait for the ping
Most older revolvers - count six shots then move
ANY belt-fed box or drum mag machine gun - get flat low behind something hard or dead call reinforcements (or 911) don't move breathe make any sound and pray there isn't a second one.

When military doctrine completly changes based on 1 weapon, and it did with the introduction of the
Gatlin gun, and it evolves into something that can be carried and operated by 1 person, the public or police shouldn't have it PERIOD. When you put 50-200 rounds in ^ that police officers sold Ar--15 in a crowd at a mall, theatre, military base, in your town, where your family friends coworkers are, do you still think anybody should make or sell them? These are real people dying.

Yeah they're gonna pop up here and there on the black market but if they start handing out life sentences for illegal SALE and stop making them they're going to be seen much less. Any crime involving one being used automatic death penalty.

Why do you think we don't have many crimes involving actual c4 or dynamite?

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