Topic: 4 Marines killed in military attacks in Tenn.
no photo
Fri 07/17/15 07:03 PM
Clip mag box drum, everyone here seems to
know exactly what I meant and aside from belt
fed machine guns and revolvers the word clip
is recognized as something to carry preloaded
bullets in. AR15 or Ak47 style weapon... has no clip. If you were as familiar with firearms as you want to seem to be, it would be natural for you to use the correct terminology...which would be "magazine"....unless you think the Chatannooga shooter used an M1Garand.

Asinine? Recruiters offices are all OFF POST.
Who would they recruit on post? Army vs
I shouldve clarified...a recruiters "post" is his recruiting office. And is asinine, in this day and time, for that office to be a soft target.

All that is besides what should be the point
here archer. I don't care what gun or how
much ammo YOU have. If it's legal and that
floats your boat buy it. But if you can buy it
the next misledeextremist terrorist isil
wannabe can buy them too. That, neighbors,
Americans, is the point.
So your point is to limit law abiding citizens freedom because of one azzhat? Got it.....sounds like the drug war....outlaw drugs and drug use will cease.....


Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 07:05 PM

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 07:44 PM

terrorist isil wannabe can buy them too. That, neighbors, Americans, is the point

That same terrorist can go to Mexico and buy whatever they want.

It is a brilliant idea to limit the targets capacity to fight back by limiting their options.

Looks like you want flintlocks for the targets and fully auto assault rifles from Mexico for the jihadists..

Great plan.

No, our police and military have theirs and the Chattanooga PD proved their efficiency. This was a moving hostile target firing on them and they limited the number of casualties ending THIS threat. Great job Chattanooga PD. Look at what a static Major Nadal did with a handgun13 dead and 32 wounded. This proves that you don't need a 100 round drum if you are proficient with your weapon. This guy wasn't accustomed to placing his shots or target selection or there would have been more casualties. 4 dead one wounded is no where near the hit miss ratio Nadal did. This is bad but it could have been much worse.
My plan makes too much sense, it'll never work.

Dodo_David's photo
Fri 07/17/15 07:51 PM

My plan makes too much sense, it'll never work.

Here is a better plan.
Hire the Lone Ranger to shoot the guns out of criminals' hands.
After all, it worked in his TV show.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:02 PM

Clip mag box drum, everyone here seems to
know exactly what I meant and aside from belt
fed machine guns and revolvers the word clip
is recognized as something to carry preloaded
bullets in. AR15 or Ak47 style weapon... has no clip. If you were as familiar with firearms as you want to seem to be, it would be natural for you to use the correct terminology...which would be "magazine"....unless you think the Chatannooga shooter used an M1Garand.

Asinine? Recruiters offices are all OFF POST.
Who would they recruit on post? Army vs
I shouldve clarified...a recruiters "post" is his recruiting office. And is asinine, in this day and time, for that office to be a soft target.

All that is besides what should be the point
here archer. I don't care what gun or how
much ammo YOU have. If it's legal and that
floats your boat buy it. But if you can buy it
the next misledeextremist terrorist isil
wannabe can buy them too. That, neighbors,
Americans, is the point.
So your point is to limit law abiding citizens freedom because of one azzhat? Got it.....sounds like the drug war....outlaw drugs and drug use will cease.....


So in your opinion what if any weapon, mag capacity, weapons system(s) should be available for people in America to buy on the open market? Is there a cutoff, m249, m60, 50 cal mg , Bradley, Abrams, Apache, A10 Warthog?

no photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:23 PM
So in your opinion what if any weapon, mag capacity, weapons system(s) should be available for people in America to buy on the open market? Is there a cutoff, m249, m60, 50 cal mg , Bradley, Abrams, Apache, A10 Warthog?
My personal opinion? Ill stick with a literal interpretation of the right to bear arms...."arms" meaning if you can carry it, you should be able to own it.
Ill compromise to this though....if any branch of law enforcement utilizes it, it should be available to the law abiding public. If law enforcement sees a need for a particular weapons system, why shouldnt I, a private, law abiding citizen, be afforded the same level of protection they have?
No matter...this could all be in another thread.
Marines at home have been murdered by a coward.. . Ill just say "Semper Fi" and good night.

germanchoclate1981's photo
Fri 07/17/15 08:52 PM
Like I said if it's legal and it makes you happy buy it. Think about this though, until this guy pulled up to the recruiters office he was law abiding. I'm not crazy about law enforcement having more firepower than the populace (not all citizens), I don't think they should stop AMERICANS from buying guns or carrying them. The only reasonable solution is moderation. Middle ground 100% accountability and stiffer penalties for non law abiding sellers buyers and criminals.

Semper Fidelis.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/18/15 01:26 AM
Edited by Lpdon on Sat 07/18/15 01:38 AM

This terrorist was unlucky, he got killed before police could take him to Burger King like the last terrorist Dylan Roof.

Some terrorists have all the luck.

A bullet to the head would have been better.
a bullet is aimed at the center of mass.

One terrorist got burger king, the other wasn't so lucky.

whoa I don't remember reading that he got Burger King, but if he did so what? Law Enforcement needed information and they needed it fast. They didn't know if he was acting alone, part of a terrorist plot or if it was the beginning of a spree or what.

The first key to any interview is building rapport with someone, that's not just law enforcement that's common sense. I interview people on a regular basis, I have interviewed people and got admission on an internal theft a few years back where I got the person stealing a bottle of liquor and by the time the interview was over got an admission for over $10,000 in merchandise and cash over a period of three years. The first thing I was taught when I went through my training is that is the very first thing you do, build rapport with the person. If they make a reasonable request, I make it happen.

Here's just a small portion of how I do an interview and this is who I am certified through.

Before you slam it, it was developed by a former FBI Agent and Director of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It is used not only by the private sector but by many Law Enforcement Agencies world wide.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/18/15 02:11 AM

There should be at least one handgun in each facility that is able to be worn by weapons qualified personnel.

Not all military members are qualified and those that aren't either get qualified or they don't carry. There should always be at least one qualified person on the premises when the facility is open.

This dirka dirka never got out of his car, so I am not so sure they would have had much of chance anyway.

But even a small chance is better than what they have now which is none.

NEVER under estimate a Marine and his weapon.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/18/15 02:16 AM

Lpdon, on Nadal, when someone calls 911 the call gets routed to civilian police before anyone else. Unless someone knows the number to the military police, can dial that number while someone is actively firing a high capacity pistol whose round is very close to a 5.56mm (FN five7 5.7mm) in rapid succession while 20+ people are wounded screaming dying or trying to take down the shooter (later 32 wounded survivors and 13 dead) the civilian police would be the first with the knowledge that this was happening. Which number would you attempt to dial ASSUMING you knew the military police number?

Not all bases. Some bases it goes right into the MP station, actually most bases because they have on board Police, Fire, EMT and some even Hospitals. Even if that were the case the dispatcher would contact the MP's and let them know. The MP's would also hear the gunfire and should be able to track it down fairly quickly, quicker then a beat cop coming in from five miles away.

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/18/15 02:16 AM

sure glad I haven't had my Dinner yet!sick

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/18/15 02:19 AM

Lpdon, on Nadal, when someone calls 911 the call gets routed to civilian police before anyone else. Unless someone knows the number to the military police, can dial that number while someone is actively firing a high capacity pistol whose round is very close to a 5.56mm (FN five7 5.7mm) in rapid succession while 20+ people are wounded screaming dying or trying to take down the shooter (later 32 wounded survivors and 13 dead) the civilian police would be the first with the knowledge that this was happening. Which number would you attempt to dial ASSUMING you knew the military police number?

BTW, just call me Don.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 07/18/15 02:25 AM

No one has a need for
a 50-100 round clip for any weapon outside
our armed forces.
No one has a "need" for a Ferrari neither, but they sure are fun.
Btw, who are you to tell me....a law abiding citizen....what I may, or may not need?

have NO REASON to store or issue weapons
because recruiters are effectively civilians in
uniform Recruiters are active duty military personnel working in a civilian environment...and are.....judging from this last terrorist attack...targets w/o a way of defending themselves.

If you can't aim well enough to
place a kill shot on large game in 10 rounds
or less you shouldnt have a gun in the first
*Insert every gotdamn mingle2 laughing emote available*
Let me say this slowly....
The. 2nd. Amendment. Doesnt. Have. One. Damn. Thing. To. Do. With. Hunting.

Been off the grid for two days and am just now catching up on this attack.....To the fallen Marines and their families: Semper Fi.

For your reading enjoyment.....

"" CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. — The 24-
year-old gunman who killed four
Marines in an attack on two
military sites here traveled to
Jordan last year for about seven
months, a senior intelligence
official said Friday.
The official said that investigators
were combing through the
computer, cellphone and social
media contacts of the gunman,
identified as Mohammod Youssuf
Abdulazeez, to determine whether
he was in touch with any
extremist groups in Jordan before
or during this trip.

Although counterterrorism officials
had not been investigating Mr.
Abdulazeez before Thursday’s
shooting, federal officials familiar
with the inquiry said that his
father had been investigated years
ago for giving money to an
organization with possible ties to

The recruiters were defenseless, but this is not the fault of their command for not arming them. It IS the fault of the shooter. As is the fault of every shooter who pulls a trigger when pointing the barrel towards another person. Nobody says 'it was Jimmy's fault for being in the path of a moving bullet and not having a bullet proof skull' SHAME ON YOU JIMMY. Next time you get shot don't die so nobody will have to break a sweat digging a hole for you, and nobody will go to prison for missing the guy standing next to you.
Fine, the second amendment doesn't say anything about hunting, I know it's about self defense.

In a self defense situation, aside from a SWAT team or Fed's or a swarm of police cars
IF you have nothing to hide
The maelstrom of gunfire would alert neighbors in most cases SOMEBODY would call the police upon hearing screaming and volleys of counterfire. I live in the woods neighbors have guns and shoot often. It's completly different from say a gang or drug cartel driving up in multiple vehicles (in which case you may have something to hide) and piling out like clown cars and shooting up somebody's house cars etc.

So if we are going to arm the recruiters shouldnt we then also arm potential victims of driveby shootings or shootings in general like the defenseless 7 year old son of the convicted and released gang member in Chicago? Perhaps they should give the father a gun from the evidence room and check the coroners availability status.

I'm not against guns but a 50-100-200 round drum is made for one purpose. Killing lots of people.
How many bullets did muskets hold again? Flintlock pistols? In 1776?

Potential targets of gang members don't wear uniforms when there are active terrorists just looking to kill US Service members, who are highly trained with the weapon they would be carrying.

Unfortunately if your a member of the military you have a target on your back. We say it here in my town Carson City, NV right up the street from my house actually. A anti military nut job went in and started shooting and killing soldiers in uniform at an IHOP and only the soldiers.

Ras427's photo
Sat 07/18/15 05:44 AM

This terrorist was unlucky, he got killed before police could take him to Burger King like the last terrorist Dylan Roof.

Some terrorists have all the luck.

A bullet to the head would have been better.
a bullet is aimed at the center of mass.

One terrorist got burger king, the other wasn't so lucky.

whoa I don't remember reading that he got Burger King, but if he did so what? Law Enforcement needed information and they needed it fast. They didn't know if he was acting alone, part of a terrorist plot or if it was the beginning of a spree or what.

The first key to any interview is building rapport with someone, that's not just law enforcement that's common sense. I interview people on a regular basis, I have interviewed people and got admission on an internal theft a few years back where I got the person stealing a bottle of liquor and by the time the interview was over got an admission for over $10,000 in merchandise and cash over a period of three years. The first thing I was taught when I went through my training is that is the very first thing you do, build rapport with the person. If they make a reasonable request, I make it happen.

Here's just a small portion of how I do an interview and this is who I am certified through.

Before you slam it, it was developed by a former FBI Agent and Director of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It is used not only by the private sector but by many Law Enforcement Agencies world wide.
Bullcrap, he got burger king because there are plenty of law enforcement officials who adhere to the same philosophy of Dylann Roof. Many of the white supremacist terrorists groups constitute law enforcement officials, many are from all walks of life, especially in the south.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 07/18/15 05:50 AM

This terrorist was unlucky, he got killed before police could take him to Burger King like the last terrorist Dylan Roof.

Some terrorists have all the luck.

A bullet to the head would have been better.
a bullet is aimed at the center of mass.

One terrorist got burger king, the other wasn't so lucky.

whoa I don't remember reading that he got Burger King, but if he did so what? Law Enforcement needed information and they needed it fast. They didn't know if he was acting alone, part of a terrorist plot or if it was the beginning of a spree or what.

The first key to any interview is building rapport with someone, that's not just law enforcement that's common sense. I interview people on a regular basis, I have interviewed people and got admission on an internal theft a few years back where I got the person stealing a bottle of liquor and by the time the interview was over got an admission for over $10,000 in merchandise and cash over a period of three years. The first thing I was taught when I went through my training is that is the very first thing you do, build rapport with the person. If they make a reasonable request, I make it happen.

Here's just a small portion of how I do an interview and this is who I am certified through.

Before you slam it, it was developed by a former FBI Agent and Director of the Behavioral Analysis Unit. It is used not only by the private sector but by many Law Enforcement Agencies world wide.
Bullcrap, he got burger king because there are plenty of law enforcement officials who adhere to the same philosophy of Dylann Roof. Many of the white supremacist terrorists groups constitute law enforcement officials, many are from all walks of life, especially in the south.

Nothing racists

no photo
Sat 07/18/15 06:20 AM
Death toll now 5....

"" A sailor who was shot in the Chattanooga,
Tenn., gun rampage died Saturday, becoming
the fifth fatal victim, the U.S. Navy said.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith
died two days after a gunman opened fire at
two military outposts in Tennessee, his step-
grandmother Darlene Proxmire told
NewsChannel 15.
The U.S. Navy confirmed a sailor succumbed
to his wounds at 2:17 a.m. but did not
release his name.
The 24-year-old hero from Ohio had been shot
in the back, stomach and arm while working at
the Navy Operational Support Center, his
family told the Salina Journal. The U.S. Navy
logistics specialist suffered extensive damage
to his liver and colon.
Smith, a husband and father of three young
daughters, wanted to reassure his family after
undergoing multiple surgeries
“When he came out he finally responded to
them and he gave his wife a thumbs up,”
Proxmire said.
He was soon placed on a ventilator and taken
into the trauma intensive care unit.""

InvictusV's photo
Sat 07/18/15 07:54 AM

Death toll now 5....

"" A sailor who was shot in the Chattanooga,
Tenn., gun rampage died Saturday, becoming
the fifth fatal victim, the U.S. Navy said.
Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith
died two days after a gunman opened fire at
two military outposts in Tennessee, his step-
grandmother Darlene Proxmire told
NewsChannel 15.
The U.S. Navy confirmed a sailor succumbed
to his wounds at 2:17 a.m. but did not
release his name.
The 24-year-old hero from Ohio had been shot
in the back, stomach and arm while working at
the Navy Operational Support Center, his
family told the Salina Journal. The U.S. Navy
logistics specialist suffered extensive damage
to his liver and colon.
Smith, a husband and father of three young
daughters, wanted to reassure his family after
undergoing multiple surgeries
“When he came out he finally responded to
them and he gave his wife a thumbs up,”
Proxmire said.
He was soon placed on a ventilator and taken
into the trauma intensive care unit.""

The tipping point is coming...

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 07/18/15 09:21 AM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sat 07/18/15 09:23 AM

Former FBI assistant director on Mohammad Abdulazeez: "We don't know that it's a Muslim name"noway

Cranium so far up their Sphincter,it ain't pretty!

no photo
Sat 07/18/15 10:48 AM

Former FBI assistant director on Mohammad Abdulazeez: "We don't know that it's a Muslim name"noway

Cranium so far up their Sphincter,it ain't pretty!

rant I am so feed up!
The shooter, his history, his father's history, the trips, the 'naturalize' & ''domestic' LIES.
How f@cking stupid do they think people are? frustrated

Drivinmenutz's photo
Sat 07/18/15 11:31 AM

terrorist isil wannabe can buy them too. That, neighbors, Americans, is the point

That same terrorist can go to Mexico and buy whatever they want.

It is a brilliant idea to limit the targets capacity to fight back by limiting their options.

Looks like you want flintlocks for the targets and fully auto assault rifles from Mexico for the jihadists..

Great plan.

No, our police and military have theirs and the Chattanooga PD proved their efficiency. This was a moving hostile target firing on them and they limited the number of casualties ending THIS threat. Great job Chattanooga PD. Look at what a static Major Nadal did with a handgun13 dead and 32 wounded. This proves that you don't need a 100 round drum if you are proficient with your weapon. This guy wasn't accustomed to placing his shots or target selection or there would have been more casualties. 4 dead one wounded is no where near the hit miss ratio Nadal did. This is bad but it could have been much worse.
My plan makes too much sense, it'll never work.

I see your point and respectfully disagree. You are not taking into consideration the fact that the market is already flooded with high capacity magazines and semi-auto assault rifles. This means, that a ban on these will merely create a black market for them. It may HELP deter Joe Blow from buying these weapons, but often times these antagonists are not Joe Blow. At the same rate, you are now making a few previously innocent people criminals, and you are making career criminals wealthier. Banning high cap magazines, for instance, would make purchasing them similar to buying a few ounces of marijuana on the street corner. Again, honest people would not have them, but dishonest ones would. It would waste time, resources and manpower enforcing this. This manpower would be better spent elsewhere.

Heck, on the flip side, I can't help but wonder if this assailant were an amateur, and had a full auto weapon, lives may actually have been saved as he would burn through his ammo faster, and his shots would be less precise.

All too often I find the public crying for more rules and regs thereby relieving themselves of responsibility. But, Perhaps the government should have stepped in. Rather that take responsibility away from people, maybe we shouldn't give mass shooters infamy by pasting their pictures all over the media, giving them infamy. Perhaps if we hadn't show the world that we were weak, and ISIS were strong, they would have less lone-wolf followers.