Topic: Bill Cosby - Guilty | |
---|---| The above article pretty much sums it up. ![]() ![]() ![]() FROM THE ARTICLE... A man who wishes to have sex with a woman does not ply her with prescription sedatives, date rape drugs or excess alcohol to get her to say yes. A man like that uses substances to prevent her from saying no, because he doesn’t care if she says yes. A man like that wants a woman incapacitated in order to rape her, not in order to have sex with her - and such men admit as much to researchers. Agreed. If he wanted to get sexed, he could have payed a hooker. I see a serial rapist. In dire need to control. Wonder, if he was investigated deeper, there might also be corpses laying around somewhere. Perhaps, some of the unsolved could be tested for his choice of drug. ------------------------------------------------------- http://https// Exactly what I am thinking... if this has been going on since the 1960's (that we know of, & he admits to), surely his sick sh@t, must of ESCALATED by now. 30-40 LIVING white women, 17-35 years old, MAY be the tip of the iceberg. Your fascination with race and tendency to make exaggerated statements has really tainted an otherwise decent thread. Bill Cosby has actual degrees and accomplishments. He's just extremely perverted. My only problem is that the victims waited too long to finally speak out about this. The likelihood of him going to prison is slim to none now. This creep will only end up settling this out of court! ------------------------ Welcome how many alters do you have? ![]() If you did your Cosby homework or even read the thread, you would see what the world sees with Cosby. A PREDATOR OF WHITE WOMEN, that is his M.O.. If that disturbs you, oh well... it should. The truth is the truth. ![]() Most crimes are committed, black on black, most rapes are comited black on black. But, you know that already ![]() If your buddy Cosby has a sick & twisted Snow White/ Sleeping Beauty fantasy... it is what is. And he is the sick, son of a b@tch he is. My own history.... if you paid attention... I will call a spade a spade. I don't care what they look like or who they think they are or what there accomishments are or their honorary degrees... any more than he (Cobsy),or ANY perp / criminal cares about his/ their victims. Just because the liberal media isn't calling Cosby what he truly is: A Raciest Serial Rapist, doesn't mean I won't. And; t doesn't mean the world doesn't see it or think it. Well... I will let you get back to your MSNBC ![]() oh come now, this is gonna be about race? what if its because the white women were more likely to be drawn to that successful black man and his influence? actually, there are several accusers who are black,,, but yes, the bulk are white women who went with this married man and shared drinks or accepted drugs,,etc,,,,,maybe at that time Black women just werent as free to travel in those circles? Hmmm.. over my career I have had scores drinks with women while discussing business, industry trends or career moves. While Married, which they knew I was. Many times in hotels because we all were staying there for trade shows, business meetings.. whatever. Did they do something wrong by meeting and talking to me? Was that a sign from them that they wanted to be taken advantage of? Do you know what we did?????.... we had a few drinks, dinner and discussed business and small talk like normal people do. The thought of slipping a drug into their drink and raping them never entered my mind... why.. because I am not a serial rapist. I don't recall any of these meetings ending with the woman upset that she was not taken to my room and made to do things she didn't want to. They ended with a " see you soon, have a great tradeshow or best of luck" Cosby is a rapist.. and he used his position to draw his victims in, slip them knock out drugs and then while they were defenseless.. he raped them. And he now is not saying a word... not since the deposition was opened... not one word. Sure he did before the deposition was opened.. when he thought it was sealed and his sworn testimony would never be heard.. sure he called them liars then. But not since that " oh s**t" moment in the Cosby household.. when he learned that the deposition was in fact NOT sealed. ;) more about your culture, perhaps in my culture, there isnt reason to be meeting someone ALONE in any hotel room, for 'business',,especially not over drinks,,, business happens in public maybe that is why the 'white' women were more likely 'victims' because perhaps in their culture it was more acceptable to do this,, ,,, not because the male was SEEKING white women specifically,, but because they may have been more 'likely' to be in that situation in the first place,,, excuse me MS but some of the people who I had drinks with were blacks are in most every industry.we met ( as do many in many industries) to talk.. to network. Like normal people in business do. And some were also men. because no one was thinking of raping anyone. You see, we don't have that criminal mind. I know of no one who carried around strong drugs to get to gatherings like that. There would be only one reason to have those drugs with you when you were going to meet someone... because you planned to used them. Like he has admitted doing. pre meditated.. calculating... evil That is why he had the drugs in the first .. to disable women and rape them. And it appears he was good at it. And it also appears that he is no longer calling them liars...neither is his wife.. are they. Very strange.... don't you think? Maybe that is acceptable in YOUR culture.. because it seems perfectly acceptable in your words. Or is it because he is black?. Is that the reason for your stanch support...because whether you realize it or not.... it does appear that way.... to many people. As it does with most all your other posts where a black person or action is being discussed. I.E.... your agenda how long does one have to REPEAT themselves? do we continue to address all the america haters everyday, and everytime they address america disparingly/ NO its understood already, he has and still does deny ever doing anything without CONSENT from the other partner,,,period.. drugs were and are very often traded in celebrity circles we see the elaborate REHABS they constantly are in and out of he ran in a circle with those using drugs and so he provided drugs,, thats all he has admitted to ,, thats it In my culture, middle to lower class african american, its not 'acceptable' to be meeting a married man in a hotel or bedroom for Drinks for ANY reason,,, however in the CELEBRITY culture, drugs are very acceptable and normal part of socializing,,,and infidelity/trading off partners is just as 'normal' its understood already, he has and still does deny ever doing anything without CONSENT from the other partner,,,period __________________________________________________________________ Sorry... no he does not. He has not personally said ONE word about it after the deposition was opened.. NOT ONE WORD. He has denied nothing since then... period And how many times do I have to say this: Because HE CAN'T... he has NO DEFENSE. If he did.. he would have used it. He would be talking.. defending.. counter suing... as ANY INNOCENT person would. he already said he didn't do it, BEFORE the deposition,, as to the rape allegations he hadn''t denied the drugs, and the deposition is where the drug part came out on his part he owes noone a constant REPEITITION that he didnt do it,, once was enough , quite frankly, it has little to do with not having a defense, and more to do with refusing to be socially blackmailed into constantly REPEATING his defense,,, to countersue something that cant be proven or disproven is fruitless |
| The above article pretty much sums it up. ![]() ![]() ![]() FROM THE ARTICLE... A man who wishes to have sex with a woman does not ply her with prescription sedatives, date rape drugs or excess alcohol to get her to say yes. A man like that uses substances to prevent her from saying no, because he doesn’t care if she says yes. A man like that wants a woman incapacitated in order to rape her, not in order to have sex with her - and such men admit as much to researchers. Agreed. If he wanted to get sexed, he could have payed a hooker. I see a serial rapist. In dire need to control. Wonder, if he was investigated deeper, there might also be corpses laying around somewhere. Perhaps, some of the unsolved could be tested for his choice of drug. ------------------------------------------------------- http://https// Exactly what I am thinking... if this has been going on since the 1960's (that we know of, & he admits to), surely his sick sh@t, must of ESCALATED by now. 30-40 LIVING white women, 17-35 years old, MAY be the tip of the iceberg. Your fascination with race and tendency to make exaggerated statements has really tainted an otherwise decent thread. Bill Cosby has actual degrees and accomplishments. He's just extremely perverted. My only problem is that the victims waited too long to finally speak out about this. The likelihood of him going to prison is slim to none now. This creep will only end up settling this out of court! ------------------------ Welcome how many alters do you have? ![]() If you did your Cosby homework or even read the thread, you would see what the world sees with Cosby. A PREDATOR OF WHITE WOMEN, that is his M.O.. If that disturbs you, oh well... it should. The truth is the truth. ![]() Most crimes are committed, black on black, most rapes are comited black on black. But, you know that already ![]() If your buddy Cosby has a sick & twisted Snow White/ Sleeping Beauty fantasy... it is what is. And he is the sick, son of a b@tch he is. My own history.... if you paid attention... I will call a spade a spade. I don't care what they look like or who they think they are or what there accomishments are or their honorary degrees... any more than he (Cobsy),or ANY perp / criminal cares about his/ their victims. Just because the liberal media isn't calling Cosby what he truly is: A Raciest Serial Rapist, doesn't mean I won't. And; t doesn't mean the world doesn't see it or think it. Well... I will let you get back to your MSNBC ![]() oh come now, this is gonna be about race? what if its because the white women were more likely to be drawn to that successful black man and his influence? actually, there are several accusers who are black,,, but yes, the bulk are white women who went with this married man and shared drinks or accepted drugs,,etc,,,,,maybe at that time Black women just werent as free to travel in those circles? Hmmm.. over my career I have had scores drinks with women while discussing business, industry trends or career moves. While Married, which they knew I was. Many times in hotels because we all were staying there for trade shows, business meetings.. whatever. Did they do something wrong by meeting and talking to me? Was that a sign from them that they wanted to be taken advantage of? Do you know what we did?????.... we had a few drinks, dinner and discussed business and small talk like normal people do. The thought of slipping a drug into their drink and raping them never entered my mind... why.. because I am not a serial rapist. I don't recall any of these meetings ending with the woman upset that she was not taken to my room and made to do things she didn't want to. They ended with a " see you soon, have a great tradeshow or best of luck" Cosby is a rapist.. and he used his position to draw his victims in, slip them knock out drugs and then while they were defenseless.. he raped them. And he now is not saying a word... not since the deposition was opened... not one word. Sure he did before the deposition was opened.. when he thought it was sealed and his sworn testimony would never be heard.. sure he called them liars then. But not since that " oh s**t" moment in the Cosby household.. when he learned that the deposition was in fact NOT sealed. ;) more about your culture, perhaps in my culture, there isnt reason to be meeting someone ALONE in any hotel room, for 'business',,especially not over drinks,,, business happens in public maybe that is why the 'white' women were more likely 'victims' because perhaps in their culture it was more acceptable to do this,, ,,, not because the male was SEEKING white women specifically,, but because they may have been more 'likely' to be in that situation in the first place,,, excuse me MS but some of the people who I had drinks with were blacks are in most every industry.we met ( as do many in many industries) to talk.. to network. Like normal people in business do. And some were also men. because no one was thinking of raping anyone. You see, we don't have that criminal mind. I know of no one who carried around strong drugs to get to gatherings like that. There would be only one reason to have those drugs with you when you were going to meet someone... because you planned to used them. Like he has admitted doing. pre meditated.. calculating... evil That is why he had the drugs in the first .. to disable women and rape them. And it appears he was good at it. And it also appears that he is no longer calling them liars...neither is his wife.. are they. Very strange.... don't you think? Maybe that is acceptable in YOUR culture.. because it seems perfectly acceptable in your words. Or is it because he is black?. Is that the reason for your stanch support...because whether you realize it or not.... it does appear that way.... to many people. As it does with most all your other posts where a black person or action is being discussed. I.E.... your agenda how long does one have to REPEAT themselves? do we continue to address all the america haters everyday, and everytime they address america disparingly/ NO its understood already, he has and still does deny ever doing anything without CONSENT from the other partner,,,period.. drugs were and are very often traded in celebrity circles we see the elaborate REHABS they constantly are in and out of he ran in a circle with those using drugs and so he provided drugs,, thats all he has admitted to ,, thats it In my culture, middle to lower class african american, its not 'acceptable' to be meeting a married man in a hotel or bedroom for Drinks for ANY reason,,, however in the CELEBRITY culture, drugs are very acceptable and normal part of socializing,,,and infidelity/trading off partners is just as 'normal' its understood already, he has and still does deny ever doing anything without CONSENT from the other partner,,,period __________________________________________________________________ Sorry... no he does not. He has not personally said ONE word about it after the deposition was opened.. NOT ONE WORD. He has denied nothing since then... period And how many times do I have to say this: Because HE CAN'T... he has NO DEFENSE. If he did.. he would have used it. He would be talking.. defending.. counter suing... as ANY INNOCENT person would. he already said he didn't do it, BEFORE the deposition,, as to the rape allegations he hadn''t denied the drugs, and the deposition is where the drug part came out on his part he owes noone a constant REPEITITION that he didnt do it,, once was enough , quite frankly, it has little to do with not having a defense, and more to do with refusing to be socially blackmailed into constantly REPEATING his defense,,, to countersue something that cant be proven or disproven is fruitless So now it is social blackmail? So now he is actually being a crusader for justice. Staring the world down.. refusing to give up his principles... is that about it MS.... Really?.. what a man!!! Lol And he could sue for defamation of character.. and he would have a rock solid case. The 40 or so women ruined him. Stripped him of everything.. and will continue to do so. He attempted to sue one of them to get the $100k back for talking about the deposition.. so, he knows how to sue. He has lost his reputation, his honor, his respect, social standing, friends, ect, ect , ect. He has had ALL of his booked engagements cancelled, leading to millions in lost income and NO future income on the horizon.. at all. Totally ruin... A rock solid case. But yet, he doesn't.. he stays quiet and takes the pounding...every day.. constant pounding in the press.. why?...could it be because if he does sue ( or even talk) he will actually be opening up a huge Pandora's box.... HUGE... yeah.. that is why he is quiet since the deposition was opened and HIS words spoken. MS.. no other all.. he is hiding like a coward... and the world knows it ;) |
Edited by
Sat 08/22/15 10:08 PM
nah, its not about crusading, its about having the right to say F YOU to people who try to mandate how often you have to invest time or energy to repeat yourself,or answer the same question, once should be enough
and defamation isnt as SIMPLE as if someones statement ruined you, it has to be proven FALSE< which is just as impossible in this case as proving it TRUE the deposition case has teeth because its a WRITTEN contractual agreement between two parties that was broken, thats a PROVABLE case yes, he has been ruined socially but cant prove the statements are false anymore than these women will ever prove their allegations are true,,, but their resolve is impressive in trying to get the tables turned so that 'proof' only has to mean its been repeated dozens of times by different people,,,, more than fifty have claimed to see extraterrestrials, or aliens, or spacechips more than fifty have claimed to have experienced police bias more than fifty have claimed to have experienced alien abductions but guess what? plenty of people refuse to believe them because there has been no 'proof' to speak of to validate what all these people claim to have experienced in common,,, |
![]() Texas lie detector. |
yep, guilty by reason of how many people say so,,, sounds like a great system,,,cant wait till it comes to a closet of skeletons near you,,,
nah, its not about crusading, its about having the right to say F YOU to people who try to mandate how often you have to invest time or energy to repeat yourself,or answer the same question, once should be enough and defamation isnt as SIMPLE as if someones statement ruined you, it has to be proven FALSE< which is just as impossible in this case as proving it TRUE the deposition case has teeth because its a WRITTEN contractual agreement between two parties that was broken, thats a PROVABLE case yes, he has been ruined socially but cant prove the statements are false anymore than these women will ever prove their allegations are true,,, but their resolve is impressive in trying to get the tables turned so that 'proof' only has to mean its been repeated dozens of times by different people,,,, more than fifty have claimed to see extraterrestrials, or aliens, or spacechips more than fifty have claimed to have experienced police bias more than fifty have claimed to have experienced alien abductions but guess what? plenty of people refuse to believe them because there has been no 'proof' to speak of to validate what all these people claim to have experienced in common,,, Wow.. your really reaching now Lol.. Aliens... abductions.. and you even got to mention your favorite..police bias.. good job...;) But those alien seeing folks don't have to strain their eyes into the skies to see the monster anymore.. He is right here on earth.. in PA.... he's quiet right now... you know.. cornered and cowering. And he will go down in history as the most prolific rapists of all time. Look on the bright side MS.. you are seeing history in the making .. sorry it had to be " your guy" :) |
yep, guilty by reason of how many people say so,,, sounds like a great system,,,cant wait till it comes to a closet of skeletons near you,,, This would be too good for him. Better to walk the earth for as long as possible... in shame.. much better. That is the ultimate punishment for him. hope he has good sneakers. |
I will take a cue from cosby and not waste my energy responding to the same nonsense over and over,,,,
believe what you choose,,,,, |
I will take a cue from cosby and not waste my energy responding to the same nonsense over and over,,,, believe what you choose,,,,, We Will.. bye - bye |
Looks like Cosby found a new "rat pack" to below to. And it appears he is the leader... by a long shot!!!! |
He attempted to sue one of them to get the $100k back for talking about the deposition.. so, he knows how to sue.
I wonder how much he has pocketed from all those "good guy" awards, statues and honorary gifts he's received over the years, someone really should be recuperating those funds back and It's really strange how Bill browbeat and patronized the black community over and over and some still view his philanthropic years as more than a hefty tax deduction for him. October 9th, tick tock mofo ![]() ![]() |
I will take a cue from cosby and not waste my energy responding to the same nonsense over and over,,,, believe what you choose,,,,, ![]() Ok, Guilty. |
Wonder what his daughters think of their Dad now?. How do you even face your kids.. or your grandkids?. The ones you let down the most.
Welcome aboard Lisa :)... your feeling of disgust is due to the fact that he is... disgusting.. quite disgusting. |
| Abuse Scandal Posted on Aug 24, 2015 Bill Cosby is claiming that he’s the victim of racism and a witch hunt after scores of women came forward claiming the disgraced comedian secretly plied them with drugs and raped them. has learned that Cosby, 78, and his handlers mapped out a media plan during an intense strategy session, which his spokespeople and Washington, D.C. attorney, Monique Pressley, now plan to execute. Cosby’s team will insist he’s been targeted because he’s black and famous. They are also determined to use terms like “lynching,” “witch hunt” and “persecution” in their public relations campaign to salvage what’s left of the actor’s image, a Cosby insider reveals to Radar. Cosby’s team hopes the strategy will help their famous client gain the support of African-Americans, including black journalists, who Cosby has said should be “neutral” in their coverage of the scandal. “Look, it’s not rocket science and it’s not hard to understand, particularly if you’re African-American, that no matter if an individual has fame and fortune, if he supposedly drugged and raped a white woman, he’s very much susceptible to swift and harsh punishment,” the insider said. “So, what [the team] wants to do and will do on Mr. Cosby’s behalf is simply put to the public a scenario that everyone knows makes sense,” continues the insider. “Nearly all of these women are white and most of them said that this happened in the 1960s and 1970s. I don’t care if you’re Bill Cosby or any other black celebrity, you can’t tell me that a white woman’s claim of being assaulted in any way by a black man would be ignored.” “What cannot happen in the United States is that 40 years later there is a persecution tantamount to a witch hunt…” Cosby’s attorney has already noted of the scandal. “Bill Cosby was a black man in America. If we look back on our own history and see what was happening during those times, he would have been target No. 1 in those days,” Pressley also noted. “I’m saying, based on what I know of our country and our country’s history, and when we look back on the kinds of things that were being done to African-American males, I find it incredulous that no one would have believed [his white accusers] enough to check their story,” she added. The insider, who has regular access to Cosby’s team, said Camille Cosby, thestar’s wife, has agreed to go with the new plan. |
AS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ANOTHER WEIRD BILL COSBY STORY About Bill Cosby Posted�August 25, 2015 By Doug Elfman Las Vegas Review-Journal �As if all the horrible claims about Bill Cosby being a serial rapist weren't enough, here's an incredibly bizarre story about Cosby from comedian Joe Rogan. Rogan (who performs Sept. 4 at the MGM) did stand-up at a casino in New York state not long ago, and he says staffers told him this: "He asked the security guard to tuck him in at night, and everybody was really weirded out by it," Rogan said. "Obviously this is second hand, or third hand," Rogan told me. "But it's pretty obvious there is something seriously wrong with that dude." |
AS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ANOTHER WEIRD BILL COSBY STORY About Bill Cosby Posted�August 25, 2015 By Doug Elfman Las Vegas Review-Journal �As if all the horrible claims about Bill Cosby being a serial rapist weren't enough, here's an incredibly bizarre story about Cosby from comedian Joe Rogan. Rogan (who performs Sept. 4 at the MGM) did stand-up at a casino in New York state not long ago, and he says staffers told him this: "He asked the security guard to tuck him in at night, and everybody was really weirded out by it," Rogan said. "Obviously this is second hand, or third hand," Rogan told me. "But it's pretty obvious there is something seriously wrong with that dude." |
| Abuse Scandal Posted on Aug 24, 2015 Bill Cosby is claiming that he’s the victim of racism and a witch hunt after scores of women came forward claiming the disgraced comedian secretly plied them with drugs and raped them. has learned that Cosby, 78, and his handlers mapped out a media plan during an intense strategy session, which his spokespeople and Washington, D.C. attorney, Monique Pressley, now plan to execute. Cosby’s team will insist he’s been targeted because he’s black and famous. They are also determined to use terms like “lynching,” “witch hunt” and “persecution” in their public relations campaign to salvage what’s left of the actor’s image, a Cosby insider reveals to Radar. Cosby’s team hopes the strategy will help their famous client gain the support of African-Americans, including black journalists, who Cosby has said should be “neutral” in their coverage of the scandal. “Look, it’s not rocket science and it’s not hard to understand, particularly if you’re African-American, that no matter if an individual has fame and fortune, if he supposedly drugged and raped a white woman, he’s very much susceptible to swift and harsh punishment,” the insider said. “So, what [the team] wants to do and will do on Mr. Cosby’s behalf is simply put to the public a scenario that everyone knows makes sense,” continues the insider. “Nearly all of these women are white and most of them said that this happened in the 1960s and 1970s. I don’t care if you’re Bill Cosby or any other black celebrity, you can’t tell me that a white woman’s claim of being assaulted in any way by a black man would be ignored.” “What cannot happen in the United States is that 40 years later there is a persecution tantamount to a witch hunt…” Cosby’s attorney has already noted of the scandal. “Bill Cosby was a black man in America. If we look back on our own history and see what was happening during those times, he would have been target No. 1 in those days,” Pressley also noted. “I’m saying, based on what I know of our country and our country’s history, and when we look back on the kinds of things that were being done to African-American males, I find it incredulous that no one would have believed [his white accusers] enough to check their story,” she added. The insider, who has regular access to Cosby’s team, said Camille Cosby, thestar’s wife, has agreed to go with the new plan. This is the last resort for him. His strategy team basically said " we got nuttin", so when all else fails pull the race card out Lol He never uttered those words when he was telling the black community how to act. But now he is begging for their support.. comical A pathetic move for a pathetic man. |
AS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL ANOTHER WEIRD BILL COSBY STORY About Bill Cosby Posted�August 25, 2015 By Doug Elfman Las Vegas Review-Journal �As if all the horrible claims about Bill Cosby being a serial rapist weren't enough, here's an incredibly bizarre story about Cosby from comedian Joe Rogan. Rogan (who performs Sept. 4 at the MGM) did stand-up at a casino in New York state not long ago, and he says staffers told him this: "He asked the security guard to tuck him in at night, and everybody was really weirded out by it," Rogan said. "Obviously this is second hand, or third hand," Rogan told me. "But it's pretty obvious there is something seriously wrong with that dude." What's stranger is that he insisted the security guard look like fat Albert |