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Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:41 PM
Oh, Oh, gypsy is gone again!!!:cry: :cry: :cry:

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:42 PM
dEAR DIARY........quit crying fanta!!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:42 PM
And I thought already she doesn't like stalkerslaugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:44 PM
Fanta plus Gypsy sittin in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g.....
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:45 PM
laugh laugh laugh
An American Maple!!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:46 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:48 PM
Yep, she'll have to sing the Star-spangled Banner ten times and start wearing Carolina Hurricane jersey's to sleep in!!!laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:50 PM
noway noway noway


Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:51 PM
What.....laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:51 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:54 PM
Im so shy!!!blushing blushing blushing

Y'all are making me blush!!!!blushing blushing blushing

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:56 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

And who believes YOUsmokin smokin

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:56 PM
laugh Shy my ars.....! Don't seem so shy to me!!LOL

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 02:57 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

Really, I am!!!laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:10 PM
50 minutes and my work day is through!! YIPEE!!

Fanta46's photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:13 PM
Has she died for the day already?laugh laugh

MissBehaving's photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:16 PM


45 minutes then the shackles are released :tongue:
A movie? George Clooney time love

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:18 PM
I'm gonna watch Walk the Line.....you seen it?

MissBehaving's photo
Tue 10/16/07 03:19 PM

No, but I've heard good things about it - good choice
Reese Witherspoon and ???


no photo
Tue 10/16/07 10:08 PM
Dear uh, diary.....

I am bored as hell and have nothing to do and I think it's your fault.

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