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Topic: Dear Diary , the second edition
no photo
Tue 10/16/07 12:56 PM
That is just way 2 much pressure on a girl.....LMAO
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 12:57 PM

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:00 PM
gotta watch out for high blood pressure lmaolaugh laugh laugh

s1owhand's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:00 PM
cueing Michael Jackson - "Beat It"

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:00 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:01 PM
Hello!! I am an accountant not a doctor.....please don't leave your heart in my hands.....laugh laugh laugh

lilwabbit's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:03 PM
i thought hearts beat to keep you alive

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:05 PM
That's what I thought two lol......laugh

lilwabbit's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:07 PM
dear diary,

how do you remove a looser magnet??huh huh

MissBehaving's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:10 PM


Anyone else dipping into the trick or treat-ers stash yet... So does a dozen of thos mini_Mars bars = 1 whole one :tongue: bigsmile

*big cookie monster grin*

kidatheart70's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:18 PM
laugh It has to be pretty close! A mini bar this way or that won't make much difference.:wink:

Hi Miss Bflowerforyou happy

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:20 PM
Dear diary.........o m g the power of the shower!!!bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

Im on my 3rd bag of candy....oh henry, peanut butter cups, caramilk!!!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:21 PM
Dear diary.....I just looked on my calendar and I dont have an dentist appoint this thursday its actually next wednesdaygrumble grumble grumble

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:22 PM
All I have is a big box of twinkies. I don't even like twinkies that much.

MissBehaving's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:23 PM

*tackles Gypsy*

Hand over the choloate and noone gets hurt

CAT FIGHT IN DEAR DIARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:tongue:

lilwabbit's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:23 PM
i dont go to the dentistindifferent

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:24 PM
Wabbit, you need to go or your TEEEEEF will fall out!!!

lilwabbit's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:24 PM
i dont like twinkies.indifferent

no photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:25 PM
heheheeeeeeeeeee Miss B........I also have australian shortbread cookies with macadamia nuts!!!devil devil devil devil devil

Who knew there could be so much love in a box of cookies!!!laugh laugh

lilwabbit's photo
Tue 10/16/07 01:26 PM
<<<<is keeping her teeth thank you:tongue:

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